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Presentation on theme: "LO AND BEHOLD BLESSINGS"— Presentation transcript:

Interludes: Thomas Ken's DOXOLOGY (Public Domain, CCLI # ) ©2016 DianaDee Osborne; permission granted for Worshiping our LORD God

2 Put my feet on the floor. And Praise God from Whom all
This morning, I woke up. Put my feet on the floor. And LO AND BEHOLD, my legs held me up! Praise God from Whom all blessings Flow! LORD, help me recognize Your blessings to me!

3 I had enough food & clothes.
This morning, I found that I had enough food & clothes. And fresh, safe water, some shoes, and a coat!

4 Praise God from Whom all Help me ALWAYS THANK You
CHORUS Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! LORD – Help me ALWAYS THANK You for blessings to me!

5 LO AND BEHOLD, This morning, I reached out.
Put my hands on my stuff. And LO AND BEHOLD, I could feel all I touched! Praise God from Whom all blessings Flow! LORD, help me recognize Your blessings to me!

6 I had a strong voice to speak.
This morning, I found that I had a strong voice to speak. And my ears could hear every Word, and all the birds!

7 Praise God from Whom all Help me ALWAYS THANK You
CHORUS Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! LORD – Help me ALWAYS THANK You for blessings to me!

8 This morning, I looked up. Turned my eyes to the World.
And LO AND BEHOLD, I could see all that was there! Praise God from Whom all blessings Flow! LORD, help me recognize Your blessings to me!

9 I had God's Own Word for me-- Bible wisdom to bless me,
This morning, I found that I had God's Own Word for me-- And Bible wisdom to bless me, and Jesus SAVIOR here with me!

10 Praise God from Whom all Help me ALWAYS THANK You
CHORUS Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! LORD – Help me ALWAYS THANK You for blessings to me!

11 “And all these blessings shall come upon you
and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the LORD your God...” - Deuteronomy 28: 2


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