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Presented By: David Harmon The Pas Kinsmen

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1 Presented By: David Harmon The Pas Kinsmen
D2 SOCIAL MEDIA TIPS Presented By: David Harmon The Pas Kinsmen

2 Why being Social Matters
Facebook has 1.19 billion active monthly users with 728 million using it daily 89% of year olds are on a social network 92% of consumers trust peer recommendations Social media is where the conversation starts, websites are where they get deeper Relationships are started on social media

3 Picking Your Channels In a recent survey of business leaders, being on social media was universally brought up as an important part of the companies plans. Beside is a chart of what social media channels that they thought were important to have a presence on.

4 Picking Your Channels Facebook Twitter
Consumer-focused, tends to be used to engage with people on personal level Has high engagement, uses multimedia, easy to go viral People do not want to be sold to Twitter Microblog, news heavy Short bursts of info, hashtags make finding similar stories easy Hard to connect to people, but great at driving to website Making connection

5 Picking Your Channels Instagram YouTube Snapchat
Picture based network, only from smartphones not computer Hard to be consistent, hashtag driven Younger demographic, like to connect with friends YouTube The world’s #2 search engine (after Google, #3 is Facebook) People follow and are very loyal Snapchat Newest chat based platform, snaps erase every 24 hours The #1 network with under 24 Very useful if you have someone that does it regularly

6 Picking Your Channels Google Plus LinkedIn Pinterest
Very similar to Facebook, not as many users Big help with Google searches, automatic account with gmail LinkedIn Business to business network, professional Easy to gain market intelligence People tend to be on or off, not consistently engaged Pinterest Virtual Pin board, idea generation Drives traffic, female heavy, visually engaging Not a place for self promotion or selling

7 Facebook Page vs Facebook Group
Pages are like a person but instead of ‘friending’, them you ‘like’ them and have their information occasionally appear in your news feed. This gives someone the ability to get information Pros: - Much easier to update - Easier to engage your audience - More options for posting (photos, events, links) - The content all comes from ‘owner’ - More personalized profile Cons: - Harder to get started and build at first - Need to be monitored more

8 Facebook Page vs Facebook Group
Groups are a place for like-minded individuals to share ideas and communicate. Pros: - Easy to communicate with chat, messages, and wall posts - ‘Living’ so you see a groups personality - Easier for people to connect with one another Cons: - Can not create an event or advertising - No insights or data to say how you are doing - No vanity URL to promote - much narrower audience - can be hard to find, if you don’t know someone in group

9 What do you want to post? Tell your story
Set a schedule that shows your community what your club does What is important to your club? What do people want (winners) Do you want to see a reaction? (i.e. another club event you may want to try) Sample Schedule Monday – Upcoming Meeting Tuesday – Did You Know (Club Info) Wednesday – CF Facts Thursday – Upcoming Events Friday – 400 Club Winners Saturday – Kin Canada Info These are 7:30 a.m. posts I then post at 5:00 p.m. - Pics of donation presentations Goal for CF results More event reminders or ticket sales Other Club events

10 Features of Pages Scheduling
One of the best features of Pages is the ability to schedule posts in the future. Once you have written your post, select down arrow beside publish on desktop, then a box will open allowing you to pick time and date. On Mobile phone, it asks you every post you make in Pages App. Time of day is difficult, you need to know your audience. I use 7:30 a.m. for the Pas Kinsmen as a lot of our guys check before work and it is easy for them to like and share.

11 Features of Pages Events
A great feature of pages is being able to Create Events and invite people to them. This makes them aware of the event and reminds them as the event approaches This also makes the event from your club and not a single person. Having the event come from a single person can sometimes be intimidating to people that don’t know the person

12 Inviting Friends to Page
Features of Pages Inviting Friends to Page Anyone that likes the page has an option under # of likes to ‘Invite’ friends to like the page This is better than group pages because on the group page you actually put your friend in the group and then they could be annoyed and leave the group. With having a page, everyone that likes your page is there because they want to get info. This is a great way for all club members to reach out to friends, family and interested public for info on what your club does.

13 Features of Pages Notifications
Members can set notifications on the page so that they are reminded each time a post is made. This will make it easier for them to like and share and get the word out.

14 Features of Pages Page Settings
This is where you can change things up. Most important and used will be under ‘Page Roles’. You will set up who can be Admin. Admin can add more people to page roles (Editors can not do this). Be sure to have 2 admins for security if someone leaves, gets sick, etc. You don’t want too many admins because if you are an admin, you can only ‘like’ and ‘share’ as your page on your mobile device. You cannot do things as yourself.

15 Features of Pages Insights Here you can see how your page is doing. You can see how many people see a post, click to your website, engage with a post, etc. This makes for great feedback of what things people are connecting with in your community. At the bottom of insights, you can follow pages and keep an eye on what is working for them. This will make D2 competitive as we all see how we are doing

16 Maximizing Exposure ‘Tricking’ Facebook
Facebook takes every post you make and put it approximately 10% of your followers feeds. (low exposure) However, if you get a whole bunch of likes and shares quickly after posting, Facebook says ‘hey this is popular, we better send it to more people.’ (Why scheduling and notifications are important) This is how you can have 3,000 likes but reach 37,000 people. (I have done this a couple times for Trappers,Festival in The Pas, we would love to see that beat)

17 Creating Interesting Graphics
Now my trade secret. Facebook posts ALWAYS draw attention with graphics and pictures. Now, some of the clubs have people that use Adobe very well. For those who don’t have graphic artists in your club … is my secret, It is a free poster and graphic making program and it lets you do perfect dimensions that show well on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Not only does it give you great graphics, you can then print them off as posters and put them up around town.

18 Tracking Bulletins Moving beyond social media…
This is an -specific website I found for our bulletin. It creates a readable format that opens right on the screen instead of as an attachment. It is very easy to do a layout and add content and media. It also tracks who has opened the and how much time they spend with it open. This is great feature to make your bulletin is being effective. It has a free trial period of 90 days. Constant Contact has expressed that they may have a very special deal if a few clubs want to use it. It is another tool to play with, and it also gives us great future uses to promote events.

19 THANK YOU This is something I am passionate about and I love bringing my skills to my Kin family. I am 100% available for tech support David Harmon on Facebook Please follow my company page and share my page with friends and family that need social media help. I have very reasonable rates and my aim is for other people to be successful in their ventures

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