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The DØ Calorimeter Upgrade
4/17/ :41 PM The DØ Calorimeter Upgrade Leslie Groer Columbia University New York September 25, 2000 DØ Offline Calorimeter Workshop Paris, France September 25-29, 2000
Outline Run I D0 detector Upgrades to the Tevatron
4/17/ :41 PM Outline Run I D0 detector Some measurements Upgrades to the Tevatron New beam structure Upgrades to the D0 detector Overview Upgrades to the Calorimeter Electronics Systems Signals Noise Calibration scheme Energy scale optimization Control + Monitoring LAr Monitoring
Tevatron Run I (1992-96) Very successful Run I
p-pbar collisions at √s = 1.8 TeV (highest in the world since 1980’s) ò L dt ~ 120 pb-1 delivered to DØ and CDF Peak luminosity ~ 1.6 x 1031 cm-2 s-1 Many exciting studies, including Top discovery Mt = 5.2 (stat.) 4.9 (syst.) GeV/c2 tt = 5.9 1.7 pb (DØ combined) W mass measurement MW = ± GeV (DØ combined) Limits on anomolous gauge couplings Limits on SUSY, LQ, compositeness, other exotica Tests of QCD b-quark physics 100+ published papers 60+ PhD theses
DØ Run I Particle Detection
Muon Tracks Charged Particle Tracks Energy Tracking Chambers Calorimeter (dense) Interaction Point EM hadronic Absorber Material electron B photon Wire Chambers jet muon neutrino -- or any non-interacting particle missing transverse momentum We know x,y starting momenta is zero, but along the z axis it is not, so many of our measurements are in the xy plane, or transverse
The Run I DØ Detector q Central tracking (no magnetic field)
U/LAr Calorimeters Muon Chambers (toroid) (x,y): transverse plane j : azimuthal angle z y x j q q : polar angle Pseudorapidity:
Energy Resolution (e,)
Test Beam e and : 2 GeV < Ebeam< 150 GeV Fractional resolution: E / E Electrons: E / E = 15% /E % Pions: E / E = 45% /E %
Linearity E (GeV) = a + b EADC
Use e and p beams to find relationship : Charge Voltage (ADC counts) Deviation from linearity Particle Energy Electron : Dl < 2% above 2 GeV Pion : Dl < 5% above 2 GeV E (GeV) = a + b EADC
EM Calorimeter performance
W mass measurement (We) Fit mT mW = GeV DØ & CDF combined
Hadronic Calorimeter Performance
Examines how well we now the proton structure (PDFs) Is NLO (3) QCD sufficient? Are quarks composite? Comparison with JETRAD/CTEQ3M show no significant deviations from QCD at highest ET Good agreement with theory over 7 orders of magnitude Central Inclusive Jet Cross Section central 0.0 0.5 JETRAD Uncertainties (%) Jet Energy scale DØ Run 1B Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2451 (1999) Comparison to theory
Fermilab Accelerator Upgrade
Two new machines at FNAL for Run II: Main Injector 150 GeV proton accelerator Supports luminosity upgrade for the collider, future 120 GeV fixed-target program, and neutrino production for NUMI Recycler 8 GeV (monoenergetic) permanent magnet storage ring Permits antiproton recycling from the collider Main Injector (new) Tevatron DØ CDF Chicago p source Booster
Tevatron Status and Schedule
DØ and CDF roll in – January 2001 Run II start – March 2001 Center of Mass Energy 1.8 Tev 2 TeV Goal: ò L dt = 2 fb by 2003 15 fb-1+ by 2006? Very first p-pbar collisions seen (August 2000)
Run II Parameters 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 396 ns 132 ns
4/17/ :41 PM Run II Parameters 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 396 ns 132 ns Run II Bunch Spacing # of Ints. / Crossing % Crossings
The DØ Upgrade Build on existing strengths (calorimeter and muon detectors) to detect electrons, photons, jets and missing ET Driven by high-pT physics program (top, heavy gauge bosons, QCD, new phenomena) but add enhancements for triggering on low pT Retain the excellent performance of the Run I detector, especially the calorimetry
The DØ Upgrade Add magnetic tracking and b-tagging capabilities
New solenoid New central tracker and silicon detector Strengthen the muon system New forward chambers (mini-drift tubes) New shielding around beamline New muon trigger scintillator Accommodate higher luminosity and shorter bunch spacing New readout electronics; pipelined High rate trigger and DAQ system Radiation hardened elements Strengthen triggering on low-pT leptons new muon scintillator for 1.5 GeV dimuon threshold preshower detectors for low-pT electron triggers . . . and operate at ten times the luminosity of Run I
Run II DØ Upgrade Forward Scintillator (muon trigger)
4/17/ :41 PM Run II DØ Upgrade Forward Scintillator (muon trigger) + New Electronics, Trig, DAQ Central Scintillator (muon trigger) New Solenoid, Tracking System SMT, SciFi, Preshowers Forward Mini-Drift Tubes Pseudorapidity = —ln tan (/2) Shielding
Inner Detectors Silicon Microstrip Tracker Fiber Tracker Intercryostat
4/17/ :41 PM Inner Detectors Silicon Microstrip Tracker Fiber Tracker Intercryostat Detector Forward Preshower Solenoid 1.4 m Central Preshower Superconducting solenoid (2T) 840k channel silicon vertex detector 77k channel scintillating fiber tracker Scintillating strip preshower in central and forward regions. (6k and 16k channels) Intercryostat detector (scintillator tiles)
Preshower Detectors Central mounted on solenoid (|h| < 1.2)
4/17/ :41 PM Preshower Detectors Central mounted on solenoid (|h| < 1.2) Forward on calorimeter endcaps (1.4 < |h| < 2.5) Extruded triangular scintillator strips with embedded WLS fibers and Pb absorber Trigger on low-pT EM showers Reduce overall electron trigger rate by x3-5 VLPC and SVX II readout
Central Preshower Specifications provide e trig (L1) & e-ID off-line
2X0 preradiator (solenoid + lead) & triangular strips (axial + 20o stereo u-v) with VLPC readout light: 20 p.e./layer for min. ionizing measured Central preshower, h<1.3 reduce e trig by 3-5 rad dose: 18 krad - ok 70cm 7680 Axial + stereo fibers in extruded triangular strip 7 mm base strips position resolution (weighted) for mu - (<1.4mm for 10GeV e)
Forward Preshower provide e trigger in 1.4 < |h| < 2.5
uses same technology as central preshower (5mm strip base) provides 2-4 rejection in e trig 2 x 8kch, 2 sets of azimuthal u-v scintillator strips with lead in between side view
Intercryostat Detector (ICD)
4/17/ :41 PM Intercryostat Detector (ICD) FPS Objectives Maintain ICD performance in presence of a magnetic field and additional material from solenoid Improve coverage for the region < || < 1.4 Design A scintillator based Intercryostat Detector (ICD) with phototube readout similar to Run I design Expected Physics output Provides improvement to jet energies and missing energy in the region between the central and end cryostats ICD LaTech UT, Arlington
Intercryostat Detector Design
16 supertile modules per cryostat with a total of 384 scintillator tiles WLS fiber readout of scintillator tiles Clear fiber light piping to region of low field. Expect 40-50% signal loss over 5-6m fiber. Re-use existing PMT’s (Hamamatsu R647). Readout/calibration scheme for electronics same as for L. Ar. Calorimeter but with adapted electronics and pulser shapes LED pulsers used for PMT calibration Relative yields measured > 20 p.e./m.i.p.
DØ Calorimeters (1) _ q j p y p x Liquid argon sampling
4/17/ :41 PM DØ Calorimeters (1) p _ y p L. Ar in gap 2.3 mm q j x Z Ur absorber 3, 4 or 6 mm Cu pad readout on 4.6 mm G10 with resistive coat epoxy Liquid argon sampling Stable, uniform response, rad. hard, fine spatial seg. LAr purity important Uranium absorber (Cu or Steel for coarse hadronic) Compensating e/ 1, dense compact Uniform, hermetic with full coverage |h| < 4.2 ( 2o), l int > 7.2 (total) Energy Resolution e: sE / E = 15% /ÖE + 0.3% (e.g. 20 GeV) p: sE / E = 45% /ÖE + 4% (e.g. 14% @ 20 GeV)
Massless Gap (no absorber)
4/17/ :41 PM DØ Calorimeters (2) Arranged in semi-projective towers Readout cells ganged in layers Readout segmented into h, for charge detection Transverse segmentation Dh x D = 0.1 x 0.1 At shower max. (EM3) Dh x D = 0.05 x 0.05 +2.5 kV (E = 11 kV/cm) gives drift time ~ 450 ns Layer CC EC EM1,2,3,4 XO : 2,2,7,10 3mm Ur XO : (0.3),3,8,9 (1.4mm Fe) 4mm Ur FH1,2,3,(4) O : 1.3,1.0,0.9 6mm Ur O : 1.3,1.2,1.2,1.2 CH1,(2,3) O : 3.0 46.5mm Cu O : 3.0, (3.0, 3.0) 46.5mm Fe Massless Gap (no absorber) Intercryostat Detector (ICD) Scintillator with photo-tube readout Improve Ejet and ET measurement in this region / CH OH FH MH EM EM IH
Timing Bunch structure Run I 6x6 Run II 36x36
gap used to form trigger and sample baselines 3.56us Run I 6x6 superbunch gap 4.36us 2.64us 396ns Run II 36x36 this gap is too small to form trigger and sample baseline Design all the electronics, triggers and DAQ to handle bunch structure with a minimum of 132ns between bunches and higher luminosity Maintain detector performance
Calorimeter Readout Electronics
4/17/ :41 PM Calorimeter Readout Electronics Objectives Accommodate reduced minimum bunch spacing from 3.5 s to 396 ns or 132 ns and L~ 2 x 1032 cm-2 s-1 Storage of analog signal for 4 s for L1 trigger formation Generate trigger signals for calorimeter L1 trigger Maintain present level of noise performance and pile-up performance Methods Replace preamplifiers, shapers Add analog storage Replace calibration system Replace timing and control system Keep Run I ADCs, crates and most cabling to minimize cost and time Total cost ~ US$4M LAr det. preamp shaper + BLS ADC analog buffer storage L1+L2 trigger
Calorimeter Personnel
4/17/ :41 PM Calorimeter Personnel Physicists, Engineers, Students... Institution Name Position Columbia Michael Tuts (Project Leader) Physicist Leslie Groer Mingcheng Gao Student Shaohua Fu Al Teho Engineer SUNY, Dean Schamberger Stony Brook Robert McCarthy Mrinmoy Bhattacharjee Moustapha Thioye Vito Manzella (Rochester) Florencia Canelli LPNHE, Paris Ursula Bassler Gregorio Bernardi Frederic Machefert Bob Olivier Herve Lebbolo Alain Vallereau Jean-Francois Huppert Phillipe Bailly LAL, Orsay Pierre Petroff Melissa Riedel Christophe de la Taille Yves Jacquier Gisele Martin-Chassard Pierre Imbert Patrick Cornebise Technician Michigan State Reiner Hauser ISN, Grenoble Gerard Sajot Angste Besson Mainz, Christian Zeitnitz Germany Karl Jakobson FNAL David Huffman Lynn Bagby Patrick Liston Mike Cherry Belinda Jimerson Contract Tech. Preamps BLS,T&C,db Columbia - preamps, motherboards Stony Brook - shapers, BLS, T&C, calibration database Fermilab - SCA testing, preamps, motherboards, power supplies Paris/Orsay - Pulser, calibration software, Examines Mainz – L. Ar. Purity monitoring Calibration Trigger L. Ar PS,etc.
Calorimeter Electronics Upgrade
4/17/ :41 PM Calorimeter Electronics Upgrade new calibrated pulse injection SCA analog storage >4msec, alternate new low noise preamp & driver Trig. sum Bank 0 BLS Card SCA (48 deep) SCA (48 deep) Filter/ Shaper x1 Preamp/ Driver Output Buffer BLS SCA Detc. x8 SCA (48 deep) SCA (48 deep) Bank 1 Additional buffering for L2 & L3 Replace cables for impedence match Shorter shaping ~400ns Analog delay required to pipeline signal until trigger is formed Shorter shaping time required to reduce pile-up 400ns matches drift time in the Lar and initial beam crossing time Replace cables to match those in cryostat prevent reflections lengths matched to minimize error in signal timing (around inches total) 55K readout channels Replace signal cables from cryostat to preamps (110 30 for impedance match) Replacement of preamps, shapers, baseline subtraction circuitry (BLS) Addition of analog storage (48-element deep Switched Capacitor Array (SCA)) New Timing and Control New calibration pulser + current cables
Preamplifier Preamplifier similar to Run 1 version except
4/17/ :41 PM Preamplifier Preamplifier similar to Run 1 version except Dual FET frontend Compensation for detector capacitance Faster recovery time New output driver for terminated signal transmission out in New calorimeter preamp Hybrid on ceramic 48 preamps on a motherboard New low-noise switching power supplies in steel box preamp driver Charge integrating preamplifier high DC open-loop gain; High DC input impedance; Low input bias current; Low noise; High linearity Additional requirements Increased noise therefore use two input jFETs Sensitive to reflections at BLS input therefore preamp output terminated and back-terminated Driver stages added for gain to compensate for termination, current drive capability and differential output capability Sensitive to RC time constant introduced by detector capacitance and cable impedance cancel the effect with appropriate peaking circuit in preamp first stage Sensitive to reflections at preamp input tune preamp open loop gain to maintain 30ohm impedance Motherboard 8-layer printed circuit board: noise and cross-talk minimized with Ground or power planes of solid copper separating buried signal planes Grounded copper pour around signal traces RC filter on power lines with ¼ ohm resistors and three caps. (150uF,4.7uF and 0.1uF) to attenuate high and low frequency ripple (high frequency caps. On both ends of the board) All components surface-mounted to prevent high freq. Radiation and pick up from lead ends Capacitance of all calibration pulser signal traces equalized Dual-row of pins on preamp connectors for better mechanical stability Keying pins to ensure preamps are correctly mounted Preamp power dissipation 80mW (Run 1) 280 mW (Run II) More efficient switching supplies to be used, noise performance good Require magnetic shielding 2” FET
Preamp Species 14+1 (ICD) species of preamp
4/17/ :41 PM Preamp Species Preamp species Avg. Detector cap. (nF) Layer readout Feedback cap (pF) RC (ns) Total preamps A EM1,2, HAD 5 13376 B HAD 26 2240 C 53 11008 D 109 8912 E CC EM3 10 9920 F EC EM3,4 14 7712 G CC EM4, EC EM3,4 32 3232 Ha-Hg 2- 4 47-110 896 I — ICD 22 384 55680 14+1 (ICD) species of preamp Feedback provide compensation for RC from detector capacitance and cable impedance Readout in towers of up to 12 layers 0:EM1, 1:EM2, 2-5:EM3, 6:EM4, 7-10:FH, 11:CH 4 towers per preamp motherboard provides trigger tower (EM+ HAD) of Dh x D = 0.2 x 0.2 Equal compensation The integrating feedback cap is replaced with an RC circuit, which partially differentiates the output. This counteracts the partial integration performed by the detector RC network (det. cap. plus cable impedance), giving the desired output of the original charge deposited in the detector. Different caps in different parts of detector, hence different RC. The open loop gain adjusting RC circuit helps pull out charge from det faster than the RC det network would otherwise allow
Trigger pickoff/summers
4/17/ :41 PM BLS Card BLS motherboard v2.2 BLS daughterboard L1 SCAs (2+2) L2 SCA Array of 48 capacitors to pipeline calorimeter signals ~ 1 inch Output circuit Shapers (12) shaper Trigger pickoff/summers Use 2 L1 SCA chips for each x1/x8 gain alternate read/write for each superbunch Readout time ~ 6 s (< length SCA buffer) L2 SCA buffers readout for transfer to ADC after L2 trigger decision No dead time for 10KHz L1 trigger rate Trigger tower formation (0.2 x 0.2) for L1 Rework existing power supplies New T&C signals to handle SCA requirements and interface to L1/L2 trigger system( use FPGAs and FIFOs) Shaping – symmetric unipolar signal 12-bit accuracy, 15-bit dynamic range needed SCA only 12 bit (1/4000) hence need 2 pipelines (high + low gain) To minimize deadtime and have a long enough pipe, use 2-dual pipeline SCAs
SCA Designed by LBL, FNAL, SUNY Stony Brook (25k in system)
write address decoder/control read address decoder/control ..x48.. ref reset out input cap ref 1” 12 channels 48 deep Designed by LBL, FNAL, SUNY Stony Brook (25k in system) Not designed for simultaneous read and write operations two SCA banks alternate reading and writing 12 bit dynamic range (1/4000) low and high gain path for each readout channel (X8/X1) maintain 15 bit dynamic range packaged
Timing and Control System
VME backplane (power,ground, communication with BLS and outside world, coordination with other boards) Connectors for communication with ADC (start digitization, BLS sector to digitize) FPGA 64x36 clocked FIFO from port A to B Field Programable Gate Array (FPGA) : 5v logic, 84 pins 10,000 gates FIFO
Timing & Control prototype
4/17/ :41 PM ADC Systems Reusing all Run I ADCs so no changes necessary apart from few control signals and cables ADC does sparse readout with 12-bit accuracy Detector divided into 12 “quadrants” with 4608 channels per quadrant Timing & Control prototype In MCH3 ADC crate
DØ Calorimeters ECN Preamp boxes Cables ICD BLS racks
4/17/ :41 PM DØ Calorimeters Preamp boxes Cables ECN ICD BLS racks
4/17/ :41 PM Preamp signal shape Preamp output is integral of detector signal rise time > 430ns recovery time 15s To minimize the effects of pileup, only use 2/3 of the charge in the detector Shaped signal sampled every seven RF buckets (132ns) peak at about 300ns Detector signal return to zero by about 1.2s Sample at 320ns Mostly insensitive to 396 ns or 132 ns running BLS-Finite time difference is measured Uses three samples earlier Pile-up Signal from preamp Because the signal is faster, we need to adjust the sampling relative to the beam to a much higher precision. Because the peak value will also be used as the baseline for a different bunch, signals uncorrelated to the accelerator clock average exactly to zero. Energy which is uncorrelated to the trigger, but in synch with the beam will approximately average to zero. Except for the first few in each superbunch. As the recovery time of the shaped signal is about 1.2s, the bunches in the beginning of each superbunch will be slightly different from later bunches. This effect is essentially independent of 396ns or 132ns running because the shaping time chosen. Following the L1 decision, the reading with appropriate gain factor and relevant baseline subtracted is passed to L2 SCA (also analog) Full scale Energy (not E_t) per cell approx 100 GeV except of EM 3-4 where it is approx 200 GeV same as run 1….but Linearity First look is hopeful, but may still require more than the three numbers/channel used in run 1 amplitude After shaper 320 ns 400 800 1200 ns
Noise Contributions Design for Re-optimized three contributions
4/17/ :41 PM Noise Contributions Design for 400ns shaping lower noise – 2 FET input luminosity of 2x1032 cm–2 s-1 Re-optimized three contributions Electronics noise: x 1.6 shaping time (2s 400ns) (~ t) lower noise preamp (2 FET) (~ 1/ 2) Uranium noise: x 2.3 shorter shaping time (~ t) Pile-up noise: x 1.3 luminosity (~ L) shorter shaping times (~ t) Comparable noise performance at 1032 with new electronics as with old electronics at 1031 Simulations of the W mass “bench-mark” confirm that pile-up will not limit our W mass at Run II. Run 1 Electronic noise (rms): 4 MeV EM, 36 MeV FH Ur noise: 7 MeV EM, 62 MeV FH Elec. + Ur noise (rms): 8 MeV EM, 72 MeV FH
Estimates of Noise Contributions
4/17/ :41 PM Estimates of Noise Contributions Cell Capacitance Electronic noise Total 3.5 MeV U noise EM3 layer per cell nF GeV GeV GeV
Electronics Calibration
Goals Calibrate electronics to better than 1% Measure pedestals due to electronics and Ur noise Determine zero suppression limits Determine gains (x1,x8) from pulsed channels Study channel-to-channel response; linearity Commissioning Bad channels Trigger verification Check channel mapping Monitoring tool Oracle Database for storage Database used to download pedestals and zero-suppression limits to ADC boards
Electronics Calibration System
6 commands (3x2) 96 currents PIB Pulser Interface Board: VME interface automated calibration procedure 2 Fanouts (2x3x16 switches) switch Preamp Box Pulser LPNHE-Paris LAL-Orsay Power Supply Trigger Pulser: DC current and command generator: DC current set by 18-bit DAC 96 enable registers 6-programmable 8-bit delays for command signals with 2ns step size Active Fanout with Switches: pulse shaping and distribution Open switch when receive command signal
Calibration Pulser Response
Single channel (ADC vs. DAC) linear response for DAC pulse height (0-65k) Fully saturate ADC (at DAC= 90k) mean Deviation from linearity better than 0.2% Linearity of calibration and calorimeter electronics better than 0.2% (for DAC < 65k) Cross-talk in neighboring channels < 1.5% Uniformity of pulser modules better than 1% No significant noise added from the calibration system Correction factors need to be determined
Pulser Signal Shapes Calorimeter Signal at Preamp Input Calorimeter Signal after Preamp and Shaper 400ns 400ns Calibration Signal at Preamp Input Calibration Signal after Preamp and Shaper Signal reflection Response of calorimeter signal w.r.t. calibration signal < 1% at max. signal for variation of different parameters (cable length, Zpreamp, Zcable,…) No test beam running absolute energy scale will have to be established from the data Maximum response time for EM and hadronic channels differ due to different preamp types. Use delays and modeling to accommodate these Correct pulser response for different timings and shape Use initial “guess” based on Monte-Carlo sampling weights and Spice models of the electronics. 400ns 400ns
Parts Counts & Status ~14 systems/cards types; ~170,000 boards
Quant. In hand Preamp Cables 2,400 Hybrid 60,000 Motherboard 1,250 Power supply 24 Shapers (BLS) SCA 25,000 27,000 Shaper Hybrid Daughtercard 5,000 550 Trigger sum 10,000 1* Trig driver 2,500 Backplane 80 150 36 6 Calibration Passive fanout 72 Plug ins 1150 144 96 Pulser 13 15 3 Interface 1 Timing & Fanouts 2* *= prototype; red italics indicates critical path Green = production, red = preproduction
Determining EM/Jet Energy Scale
EM Scale Z ee (100k) sets the absolute EM scale Check with 0, J/ or (1S) ee Use W e sample (1.6M) to check symmetry in Jet Energy Scale + jet data possibly also Z + jet, (Z ee/) very low backgrounds and harder Et spectrum but low statistics We have E/p this time! Z ee ee J/ ee
Effect of added material
4/17/ :41 PM Effect of added material X0 forward central New solenoid and preshower detectors increased the radiation length Degrades both energy response and resolution Introduces non-uniformity in response in Run II, the introduction of the solenoid and preshower detectors degrades both energy responses and resolutions, as well as introduces non-uniformity in response with pseudorapidity different layers require different sampling weights to obtain the expected layer energies correlations between different layers can be utilized to further improve the calorimeter responses • in Run II, the introduction of the solenoid and preshower detectors degrades both energy responses and resolutions, as well as introduces non-uniformity in response with pseudorapidity 50 GeV electron
Optimization of Calorimeter Response
4/17/ :41 PM Optimization of Calorimeter Response Minimize (Etrue - aiEi)2 ai = layer weighting Ei = layer Energy Utilizing these energy correlations improves energy uniformity and resolution by ~10% 50 GeV 50 GeV e E/E weights for the EM layers and preshower detectors are calculated using 50 GeV single electrons Monte Carlo samples (mixture geometry) weights for other layers are calculated using 50 GeV single pions Monte Carlo samples (with weights for the EM layers and preshower detectors fixed at the values calculated from electrons) For 50 GeV electrons: Unoptimized sigma/sqrt(E) ~ 0.42 Opt. (calor. Only) ~ 0.28 Opt. Calor + preshower ~ 0.18 the layer weights obtained from the optimization improve the uniformity and resolution of the calorimeter responses to electrons and pions in Run II, the optimization recovers the calorimeter response characteristics that was achieved in Run I by utilizing the energy correlations between the different calorimeter layers and preshower detectors
Controls and Monitoring
EPICS** control via python scripts and GUI (Tkinter) Downloads (pedestals, gains etc.) to crates via VME Controls via VME and MIL-1553 bus and EPICS Front-end VME control boards PowerPC and Motorola 6800 running VxWorks. Communicate via ethernet and TCP/IP ** Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System – supported by Argonne, Los Alamos, LBL, CEBAF…
Liquid Argon Monitoring
4/17/ :41 PM Liquid Argon Monitoring Each cryostat has four cells 241Am sources – 5 MeV , 0.1Ci gives about 4 fC in Lar gap with 500Hz trigger rate Check LAr response (constant to < 0.5% in Run I) 106Ru (< 3.5 MeV , 1yr half-life) one stronger source (~10-10 Ci) should give about 0.3Hz triggers (about 2 fC) Check LAr purity (< 1% in Run I) Mainz group design (based on ATLAS) Separate HV, preamplifier and trigger system Preamplifier and differential driver give gain of about 50 gives signals of about 0.1V Shaping and ADC on receiver boards (FPGA) On board collection and storage of histogram information Extract data over CAN-bus Americium Ruthenium
Conclusions top Higgs SUSY B-mixing Dzero is upgrading its detector
4/17/ :41 PM Conclusions Dzero is upgrading its detector L.Argon calorimeter untouched Harder machine conditions and new environment (solenoid) New Calorimeter Electronics Improved ICD New Central and Forward Preshower Similar performance with 20x more data Run II start in 6 months watch this space!!! All systems are designed to run at high luminosity (2*1032) and reduced bunch spacing (132ns) Higgs top B-mixing SUSY
4/17/ :41 PM New Physics Reach
Physics Goals for Run II
4/17/ :41 PM Physics Goals for Run II Top quark studies: Measure mtop to ± 3GeV; single top production: width, dVtb»0.1 unique; rare top decays B(t®cg)< B(t®cZ) < B(t®H+b)<15% W/Z bosons: W mass to < 50 MeV; WWg,WWZ,ZZg and ZZg couplings at 0.1 level (large mass scales) ; W and Z forward backward charge asymmetries Light Higgs: production WH , H®bb ( need lum !! ) New Phenomena: SUSY: mass extended by a factor 1.5 over Run I, leptoquarks, many topics B physics: Bs mixing (xs»20); study of heavy b quark mesons (Bc,Bs,Lb), CP violation in Bd®J/yKs; Rare B decays ( Bd®mm, Bd®Kmm etc) QCD physics: probe largest Et with jets, production of W/Z,g, b-quarks
Top Mass
Muon System Bottom B/C Scint A-f Scint PDTs Forward Trigger Scint
Tracker (MDTs) Shielding
Pulser and Fanout Pulser: FanOut: DC current set by 18-bit DAC
96 enable registers 6 programmable 8-bit delays for command signals with 2ns step size FanOut: switches are opened when receiving a command signal switches generated pulse
Fit of slopes vs. DAC setting for all channels
Pulser Uniformity Cross-talk seen in neighboring channels < 1.5% Uniformity of pulser modules better than 1% In-situ measurements of pulser components (including cables, backplanes) give uniformity better than 1% and linearity better than 0.5% 1 pulser: used for ICD Fit of slopes vs. DAC setting for all channels Dispersion of slopes - below 0.2% Slope/DAC - below 0.1% Single pulser all pulsers
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