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Process Two Manufacturing Solutions
Using process engineering
John Hayter Industry background
Tool fitter and mechanical engineer/design. 38 years experience in the manufacturing industry in Australia, South America, Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and North America. Process engineer / Manager Supplier quality Assurance engineer Product development engineer Production Engineer Project manager.
Greg Vincent Industry background
Fitter and turner, tool maker, and production technician. 35 years of experience in the manufacturing industry in Australia, South Africa, Asia Pacific, Japan and Thailand. Tool maker/maintenance fitter Engine plant and machining Production supervision Apprentice master (training) Production management Manufacturing manager for Asia Pacific Manufacturing engineering manager for Asia Pacific and South Africa.
Objectives of session This course is designed to increase awareness and develop practical skills for process engineering and will include: Process controls and auditing documents Testing and inspection Process improvements.
Topics to be covered Part one: Process controls Testing and inspection
Auditing documents Flow charts Issue control Process control plan SOP Testing and inspection Destructive/non-destructive Patrol inspections Machine set up data Part two: Process improvements Takt time vs cycle time Process mapping Plant layout PFMEA.
Process controls 6
Objectives Process control is a method for controlling the output of a specific process. Documents used in the manufacturing process: Process control flow chart Process control plan (PCP) Standard operating procedures (SOP) Machine set up data Non Destructive / Destructive testing Inspection records.
Auditing documents Documentation is used for following the history of a production process and assists with: Traceability Conforms to quality assurance (QA) standards Provides evidence through recording data Protects staff.
Auditing documents The following documents are used for the life of the project: Process control flow chart Process control plan Patrol inspection records Standard operating procedures (SOP) Test records 5S records.
What is a flow chart? A flowchart is a visual diagram of a process.
They are used for presentations to help people easily understand the content or to find flaws in the process.
Process control flow chart
A legend helps you identify the different parts of the production process. It identifies the shapes used in the flow chart and describes what each shape represents. Legend Material description Raw material Part Welding One operation several stages Robotic operations Inspection Packaging Transport
Process control flow chart
Each step in the flow chart is represented in the diagram. Process steps include: Raw materials Process operations Robotic operations Number of parts to be produced Packaging Transport.
Process control flow chart
Important information found on the process control flow chart includes: Customer name Item/part description Your company item/part number Customer part number Estimated annual volume (EAV) Engineering responsibility and name Date List of all assemblies made by the same robot/process.
Flow chart issue control
Description of change QA-Eng Authority Date A Change of bin size G.V. 3/02/07 B Packaging added P.R. 5/06/07 C Extra notes added to assembly J.H. 14/7/07 . This assists with: Tracking the history of the production process Identifies who has authority to make the change Date of change.
Process control plan Definition
A process control plan PCP is the detailed planning of manufacturing processes, required to convert raw materials into finished product before commencing an operation.
Process control plan Important information in the PCP header:
Part name Part number Customer name Customer product number Type of process Number of operations involved in production Number of pages in document Next operation instructions.
Process control plan A labelled photograph of the part is included in the PCP Each number represents an item number in the production sequence.
Process control plan Production sequence instructions are divided into: Special notes Item numbers Characteristics/features of each item number Tolerance required.
Process control plan Production sequence instructions are divided into: Assure/monitor Method (ie. Visual check or measure specific gauge) Assured by whom? Frequency of quality checks (ie. 1/shift – last off). Comments Packaging Quantity Prepared by Responsible engineer / product designer.
Process control plan This sample PCP demonstrates:
NB FOA required on every set-up. Tolerance Assure/monitor Item No. Characteristics/features Method Qty/freq 1 Ensure 100%, P-101 (weld nut) is present Not specified Visual 1/shift-last off 2 Check thread conformance of P-101 Must go Gauge 3 Ensure 5 spot welds are present. Compare to FOA/master sample This sample PCP demonstrates: the production instructions given to machine operators in a PCP document.
Process control plan NB FOA required on every set-up. Tolerance Assure/monitor Item No. Characteristics/features Method Qty/freq 1 Ensure 100%, P-101 (weld nut) is present Not specified Visual 1/shift-last off 2 Check thread conformance of P-101 Must go Gauge 3 Ensure 5 spot welds are present. Compare to FOA/master sample In this example the operator is required to compare the first and last piece manufactured in a shift, to the FOA.
Process control plan NB FOA required on every set-up. Tolerance Assure/monitor Item No. Characteristics/features Method Qty/freq 1 Ensure 100%, P-101 (weld nut) is present Not specified Visual 1/shift-last off 2 Check thread conformance of P-101 Must go Gauge 3 Ensure 5 spot welds are present. Compare to FOA/master sample The number of quality inspections are determined by: quality characteristics of the product the severity associated with not detecting a deviation from the approved design.
Process control plan NB FOA required on every set-up. Tolerance Assure/monitor Item No. Characteristics/features Method Qty/freq 18 Weld destructive test is carried out as per appropriate weld penetration document. Not specified Destructive / Peel test Refer weld document 19 Pry bar test is carried out as per appropriate weld penetration document. Refer to SOP369 20 Ensure 100% machine is set up as per machine set-up data sheet. MC-P401 1/shift-last off Instructions for testing and set-up are provided in: Destructive spot weld peel test Standard operating procedures (SOP) Machine set-up data
Product testing Product testing and inspection is performed many times throughout the production process. This includes: Visual inspection Measured/gauged inspection Non Destructive testing Destructive testing Capability Analysis.
Product testing Recording test information allows you to refer to the history of manufacturing for a product. Record keeping documents for testing include: Spot weld peel test (destructive) record Non- destructive test records Patrol inspection record sheet. Lineal Dimensional tests Strength tests Shrinkage Tests Visual Tests.
Destructive spot weld peel test
Frequency of testing (daily/monthly etc) Labelled image of part Table to fill in test data Action required Document prepared by Date. Test information for spot welding a part includes: Type of test Part number Part name Operation number Machine/cell number Calibration details Weld specification
Destructive spot weld peel test
The SOP for a destructive spot weld peel test specifies the: procedures to follow the tools to be used results for a passed part results for a failed part the action to be followed for a passed part the action to be followed for a failed part.
Destructive spot weld peel test
Weld no. D (mm) d (mm) Average (D+d)/2 Min nugget dia. mm Pass Y/N Day one 01 4.0mm 3.8mm 3.9mm 3.0mm Yes 02 4.2mm 3.2mm 3.7mm 03 2.5mm 2.75mm No In this example, three parts per shift have the weld nugget tested/measured and results recorded in the table. D (mm) = diameter of fused nugget. d (mm) = diameter of fused nugget at right angle to D. The minimum average diameter of the weld nugget needs to be 3.0mm.
Destructive spot weld peel test
Weld no. D (mm) d (mm) Average (D+d)/2 Min nugget dia. mm Pass Y/N Day one 01 4.0mm 3.8mm 3.9mm 3.0mm Yes 02 4.2mm 3.2mm 3.7mm 03 2.5mm 2.75mm No To calculate the average results of the weld nugget diameter: (D + d) = the average Using weld number 03 as the example: (3.0mm + 2.5mm) mm = = 2.75mm average
Destructive spot weld peel test
Weld no. D (mm) d (mm) Average (D+d)/2 Min nugget dia. mm Pass Y/N Day one 01 4.0mm 3.8mm 3.9mm 3.0mm Yes 02 4.2mm 3.2mm 3.7mm 03 2.5mm 2.75mm No After testing A passed part will have distorted metal from the testing, carefully hammered back to its original position. If the manufactured part fails testing, refer back to the Patrol inspection record which will show historical performance. A failed part will have failed spot welds and can be scrapped or reworked as appropriate.
Standard operating procedures
Every operation has a specific Standard operating procedure (SOP) that must be followed which include diagrams and written instructions. The SOP document will include: SOP number Part Description Purpose Special notes Instructions Result expected Action to be taken for a passed part Action to be taken for a failed part Revision and update details.
Standard operating procedures
Standard operating procedures are developed to implement best practice manufacturing systems, that support: safe work environments quality products traceability. SOP’s are located near the operator for easy reference.
Patrol inspection record
The Patrol Inspection Record (PIR) sheet is to record the data and measurements of specified part, over time. Used to identify that a part is manufactured within specified limits. The frequency of data recording is referenced from the related PCP. Used for auditing purposes.
Patrol inspection record
Part No. P401 Part name: Parking break base FOA SIGN OFF Setter Breakpoint Machine No. OP No. 10 of 50 P. Brown Concession RC01 Page No.1 of 3 Operation number and total number of operations in process Page number and number of pages in document. The header of the Patrol inspection record requires specific part and machine information from the Process control plan (PCP). Part number and name Setter name Machine number
Patrol inspection record
Part No. P401 Part name: Parking break base FOA SIGN OFF Setter Breakpoint Machine No. OP No. 10 of 50 P. Brown Concession RC01 Page No.1 of 3 Concession A ‘once off’ only change to a process or part which requires approval by the customer.
Patrol inspection record
Part No. P401 Part name: Parking break base FOA SIGN OFF Setter Breakpoint Machine No. OP No. 10 of 50 P. Brown Concession RC01 Page No.1 of 3 Breakpoint When a design change is required in either process or product a breakpoint is made, it identifies when the new part or process starts on the production line. assists with traceability of new products prevents incorrect shipment to the client.
Patrol inspection record
Specific information for gauges, tools and visual checks are included in the note section of the patrol inspection record. For example: Operator to use gauge number Item numbers for gauges Operator to visually check item number.
Patrol inspection record
Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pass/ Rej Setter initial OP No. Time check vis 8/7mm 4/5mm 30/7/07 OK 8mm 5mm Pass PB FOA data 7.30am The machine operator enters measurements or comments into the table of the Patrol inspection record (PIR). This includes: Date and time of inspection Gauged measurement of part Comment for visual checks ie. Ok Pass or reject Setter initial Operation number.
Patrol inspection record
Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pass/ Rej Setter initial OP No. Time check vis 8/7mm 4/5mm 30/7/07 OK 8mm 5mm Pass PB FOA data 7.30am Checks and inspections There are two types of data required: Attributed data ie. A visual inspection Variable data ie. A required tolerance.
Patrol inspection record
Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pass/ Rej Setter initial OP No. Time check vis 8/7mm 4/5mm 30/7/07 OK 8mm 5mm Pass PB FOA data 7.30am Each number at the top of the table refers to an item number in the Process control plan (PCP). If there are more than 10 items in the process sequence, add more pages to fully document the process. The data entered into the table first relates to the First of approval (FOA) data.
Patrol inspection record
Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pass/ Rej Setter initial OP No. Time check vis 8/7mm 4/5mm 30/7/07 OK 8mm 5mm Pass PB FOA data 7.30am 1/8/07 8.05 mm Fail 7.89 mm 3.45pm Often the operator is required to inspect the ‘first off’ part at the beginning of the shift and the ‘last off’ part produced at the end of the shift for QA purposes. The Process control plan (PCP) specifies the frequency of inspections.
Patrol inspection record
Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pass/ Rej Setter initial OP No. Time check vis Vis 8/7mm 4/5mm 30/7/07 OK 8mm 5mm Pass PB FOA data 7.30am 1/8/07 8.05mm Fail 7.99 mm 3.45pm If the measurements are within the specified tolerance for a part it will be passed. Variations in measurements can occur as result of: tooling wearing out materials.
Patrol inspection record
Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pass/ Rej Setter initial OP No. Time check vis 8/7mm 4/5mm 30/7/07 OK 8mm 5mm Pass PB FOA data 7.30am 12/8/07 8.05 mm 7.25am 6.9 mm 7mm 5 mm Reject 3.50pm Product batch that needs to be quarantined and audited. Operator and operation number. When a part fails inspection the PIR identifies: Which part of the operation sequence is failing to meet the customers specifications. Time of day part failed.
Machine set-up data Machine set-up data are pre-programmed instructions and specifications for a machine to manufacture a specific part. Machine set-up data links to: Part number Machine number Tool part numbers.
Machine set-up data The operator must follow the parameters given in the Machine set-up data. They are designed and engineered to meet required manufacturing targets. It is critical that the machine data set-up information is correctly entered. If the manufactured part fails testing, it is recommended that the machine set-up data is checked and re-entered if incorrect. Only the relevant team leader/manager or nominee may alter the machine or any machine setting.
Machine set-up data Important information in the Machine set-up data includes: Part number Machine number Part description Labelled diagrams of machine set-up Settings for each element of manufacturing Important notes.
Spot weld settings for RC01 – P41
Machine set-up data Spot weld settings for RC01 – P41 Item Settings PLC job no. P401 RC01 Machine type Mechelonic 100Kva Pedestal weld no. 2 Piston air pressure - top 6.0 bar Piston air pressure - bottom 2.5 bar Initial squeeze CO11 Squeeze C60 Target current 10.2 First weld cycle C12%58ADY Forge enable L00T000.0FY This example is part of the machine set-up data for spot welding a specific part. The part number also refers to a program number, used to instruct the machine to manufacture a specific part. There are different/ unique instructions for each part manufactured.
Summary Documentation provides: A history of the manufacturing process
Identifies break points in production Identifies concessions in production Traceability for auditing information Conforms to QA standards Provides evidence through recording data Protects staff Improves manufacturing performance.
Process TAKT vs CYCLE
Objectives Satisfy the customer schedules Maintain company reputation
Improve productivity Apply lean initiatives Reduce manufacturing costs Improve house keeping Meet OHS requirements Reduce WIP Better utilisation of machinery Improved QA
Balancing the sequence
Balancing the manufacturing sequence allows production to flow smoothly and improves manufacturing performance. Balancing the manufacturing sequence reduces: the amount of work in progress (WIP) storage of parts time wasting QA issues OHS.
Sequencing Based on the TAKT time calculations we need to produce 60 cars per hour. To achieve a specified rate of production the sequencing for machine and man time needs to be balanced across all process steps.
Process flow Units per hour 45 90 40 The flow of work from one machine operation to the next affects production quantities. In this example: OP10 is producing 15 units more per hour OP20 is not producing at the same rate as OP10 Note there is no inspection requirement on a roughing operation.
Capacity The capacity of: OP10 is 60 units per hour
45 The capacity of: OP10 is 60 units per hour OP20 is 45 units per hour Total production is reduced to 45 units per hour. Work in progress is increasing by 15 units per hour. 1 day = 120 units WIP 5 days = 600 units WIP xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
Assessing the process Units per hour 45 Balance is achieved by identifying and assessing the sequence of process steps, to meet the demand of the TAKT time. Improvements to the sequence can include: modifying process steps moving process steps redistributing process steps to other machines.
Assessing change to process
Changes and modifications need to be assessed to identify how the manufacturing process may be affected. Cost, availability or time can effect the final solution. For example: A fixtures ability to take extra load Operator time PFMEA/QA risk through changes Costs.
Process sequence Units per hour 45 90 One solution for balancing this manufacturing sequence is to move some sequence steps from OP20 to OP30.
Modifying the sequence
Units per hour 60 60 One step is moved from OP20 to OP30 = 20 seconds. Now each of the three operations are balanced to operate in 60 second cycles.
Process cycle times The capacity of:
Units per hour 60 60 40 The capacity of: OP10 is 60 units per hour – cycle time 60 secs OP20 is 60 units per hour – cycle time 60 secs OP30 is 60 units per hour – cycle time 60 secs OP40 is 40 units per hour – cycle time 90 secs
Introduce new OP Units per hour 60 60 60 60 30 seconds of the sequence is moved from OP40 to the newly created OP50. A manual machine will incur time penalties ie. 50 seconds. OP50 is placed beside OP10 operator due to available operator idle time.
Summary TAKT time calculations to meet customer needs.
Identify equipment that cannot achieve TAKT time. Identify the equipment sequence and activity. Relocate equipment to meet TAKT time. Use PFMEA to assess risk. Introduced new OP. Outcome achieved by balancing line. Manufacturing supports customer needs.
Production PFMEA
What is a PFMEA? Potential failure mode and effect analysis (PFMEA)
Definition Used to assess the production process and potential effects of process failure. It outlines actions that can be taken to eliminate or reduce the potential causes leading to process failures. Using a PFMEA ensures that the manufactured products meet the engineered product specifications.
PFMEA process flow REQ Potential failure mode Potential effects of failure SEV CLASS Potential causes OCC Current process controls DET RPN Recom. action Responsibilities and target completion date Action results Action taken Ask mark to animate this as in diagram with a process flow diagram
Why use a PFMEA? PFMEA assists project managers with: time constraints
provides an in-depth analysis of the manufacturing process lowers product development and design times lowers cost improves design for programs.
What is the PFMEA process?
Creating a PFMEA is a process evaluating failures that can occur in the manufacturing process and finding solutions. PFMEA starts with: reviewing the process brainstorming potential failure modes listing their possible effects Allocating risk priority numbers Developing an action plan.
Reviewing process Identifying items
Each part of the manufacturing sequence that requires a review is listed as an item, for example: Operator load part/fixture.
Reviewing process Listing functions
Each item is broken down into specific functions: Operator will collect hoist Clamp fixture Tap holes.
Reviewing process Identifying potential failures
Each function is assessed and all the potential reasons for failures are listed. Example Operator will collect hoist: Hoist not working Operator not present at station Hoist not accessible to operator Operator cannot find parts.
Reviewing process Potential failure mode Potential effect of failure
Hoist not working Takt time not reached Operator not present at station No parts loaded/assembled Hoist not accessible to operator Operator cannot find parts Identifying potential effects of failure The effects of the potential failures are listed against each potential failure mode.
Effects of failure on customer
Potential effect of failure Takt time not reached No parts loaded/assembled No parts loaded/assembled.
Reviewing process Identifying causes for potential failures
Potential failure mode Potential effect of failure Potential causes Hoist not working Takt time not reached Electrical mechanical problem Operator not present at station No parts loaded/assembled Personal break Hoist not accessible to operator Physical obstruction Operator cannot find parts Parts not delivered Identifying causes for potential failures The causes of potential failures are listed against the potential effects of failure.
Reviewing process Identifying current process controls
Potential failure mode Potential effect of failure Potential causes Current process controls Hoist not working Takt time not reached Electrical mechanical problem Preventative maintenance Operator not present at station No parts loaded/assembled Personal break Operator informs team leader Hoist not accessible to operator Physical obstruction House keeping Operator cannot find parts Parts not delivered Identifying current process controls These are methods being used now, for controlling the manufacturing work flow in the work place.
Risk priority Risk Priority Numbers (RPN) are linked to potential failures in the manufacturing process. A number rating system is used against: Each potential effect of failure Potential causes of failure Current process controls.
Risk priority areas An RPN calculation is based on three independent scales, used to calculate how bad a manufacturing problem could become. The independent scales are: Severity How bad is the failure? Occurrence How often is the failure likely to happen? Detection How difficult is it to identify the problem?
Risk priority numbers 9 6 1 Severity
Effect Customer effect Manufacturing/assembly effect Ranking Hazardous without warning Very high severity ranking when a potential failure mode affects safe operation and/or involves non-compliance with government regulation without warning. Or may endanger operator (machine or assembly) without warning 9 Moderate Item operable but comfort/convenience inoperable. Customer dissatisfied. Or a portion (less than 100%) of the product may have to be scrapped with no sorting, or item repaired in repair department with a repair time less than 30 mins. 6 None No discernable effect. Or slight inconvenience to operation or operator, or no effect 1 Severity There are set criteria for ranking the severity of effects.
Risk priority numbers 10 5 2 Occurrence
Probability of failure Likely failure rate Ranking Very high: Persistent failures 100 per thousand pieces 10 Moderate: Occasional failures 2 per thousand pieces 5 Low: Relatively few failures 0.1 per thousand pieces 2 Occurrence There are set criteria for ranking the occurrence of failures during the manufacturing process.
Risk priority numbers 10 6 1 Detection
Criteria A B C Suggested range of detection methods Ranking Almost impossible Absolute certainty of non-detection x Cannot detect or is not checked. 10 Low Controls may detect Control is achieved with charting methods, such as SPC (Statistical process control. 6 Very High Controls certain to detect Discrepant parts cannot be made because item has been error proofed by process/product design. 1 Inspection types: A = Error proofed B = Gauging C = manual inspection Detection There are set criteria for ranking the capability to detect failures during the manufacturing process.
Risk priority numbers in context
Potential failure mode Potential effect of failure SEV Potential causes OCC Current process controls DET RPN Hoist not working Takt time not reached 7 Electrical mechanical problem 1 Preventative maintenance 3 21 Operator not present at station No parts loaded/assembled 8 Personal break Operator informs team leader 2 48 Hoist not accessible to operator 6 Physical obstruction House keeping 36 Operator cannot find parts Parts not delivered 4 56 A high RPN number requires immediate action/solution. occurrence x detection x severity = risk priority
Second stage of PFMEA Information collected in the review process is assessed and followed up with: Recommended actions Responsibility and target completion dates Actions taken.
Recalculating the RPN Review RPN Recommended actions Responsibility and target completion date Action results Action taken SEV OCC DET R P N 21 Spare hoist 3/6/2007 One spare hoist common to all hoists 4 1 3 12 48 Visual indicator, button or alarm 4/6/2007 8 24 36 5S implemented Ongoing audits 6 56 Control WIP (Work in progress) Stock control 7 2 28 The RPN’s are recalculated to identify improvements in the manufacturing process.
RPN actions The assessment of an RPN can vary subject to the customers expectations. Vehicle manufacturers generally consider 300 and below as non-critical and considered low priority. Aircraft industry anything above 20 is considered of a critical nature and requires correction.
Summary A PFMEA is a live document Information is continually being monitored, reviewed and assessed to improve the manufactured product. Used to identify potential effects of process failure for the manufacturing process. Lists actions that can be taken to eliminate/reduce potential causes leading to process failures. Ensures that the manufactured products meet the engineered product specifications for the client. Reduces costs. Improves productivity.
Class activity Obtain company SOP
Identify risks of each process step (HML) Based on that assessment prepare a PFMEA
Thank you for taking part in today's session.
End Thank you for taking part in today's session.
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