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Lecture (4):Solid waste reduction

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1 Lecture (4):Solid waste reduction

2 Lecture (4):Solid waste reduction
Lecture (4): Lecture objectives: By the end of this lecture students should be able to: To know the methods of reducing waste. To know the integrated waste management. To know the roads conservation.

3 Topic No (1): Methods of reducing waste.
Individual consumers can substantially reduce solid waste by following these basic principles: Reduce the amount : Reduce the amount of unnecessary packaging. Adopt practices that reduce waste toxicity. Reuse containers and products: Consider reusable products. Maintain and repair durable products. Reuse bags, containers, and other items. Borrow, rent, or share items used infrequently. Sell or donate goods instead of throwing them out.

4 Recycle - use recycled materials, and compost.
Choose recyclable products and containers and recycle them. Select products made from recycled materials. Compost yard trimmings and some food scraps.

5 Reduction , control of generation and minimization
methods for reduction and control of waste generation and minimization at source are: Segregation of Wastes. Improve Housekeeping. Product Modification and Redesign Packaging. Product Design and Reformulation.

6 5) Product Substitution.
6) Changing Input Material (Raw Material Modification). 7) Changing Process Technology. 8) Equipment Modification. 9) On-Site Recycle/Reuse.

7 Topic No (2): Integrated waste management.
the solid waste management solutions an accepted hierarchy, or order of solution approaches are: Source reduction. In-process recycling. On-site recycling. Off-site recycling. Waste treatment to render the waste less hazardous. Secure disposal. Direct release to the environment.

8 Topic No (3): Roads conservation.
The simplest conventional form of street cleansing is the road sweeper with a street orderly barrow. It is true to say that there has been a shift away from the manual emphasis of street cleansing towards mechanical systems in the last decade.

9 Pedestrian-controlled electric vehicles.
Mechanical/suction sweeping machines.







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