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Nicosia 14 June 2017 Jan Theliander, Pro-Vice-Chanceller.

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Presentation on theme: "Nicosia 14 June 2017 Jan Theliander, Pro-Vice-Chanceller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nicosia 14 June 2017 Jan Theliander, Pro-Vice-Chanceller

2 SGN Restad Gård

3 Collaboration for Inclusion
A mutual agreement between Support Group, SGN, and University West, UW The overall purpose of the agreement is that SGN and UW together shall contribute to sustainable social development.

4 University West Founded in 1990 students

5 Education and Research in:
Economics Engineering science Health science ICT Social and Behavioral studies Teacher Education

6 According to Swedish Higher education act HEI shall:
Educate Research And when doing so Collaborate With relevance for the society (Higher education act section 2)

7 Relevance means to promote:
sustainable development to assure for present and future generations a sound and healthy environment, economic and social welfare, and justice. equality between women and men understanding of other countries and of international circumstances. and widen recruitment to higher education (Higher education act section 5)

8 Bologna Process “In keeping with the values of democratic and equitable societies, public authorities should ensure that higher education institutions, while exercising their autonomy, can meet society´s expectations…”

9 EHEA, ministerial conference communique, Yerevan 2015
“We will support higher education institutions in enhancing their efforts to promote intercultural understanding, critical thinking, political and religious tolerance, gender equality, and democratic and civic values, in order to strengthen European and global citizenship and lay the foundations for inclusive societies”

10 2015 High and increasing number of refugees came to Sweden

11 We had to act both voluntarily and institutionally
We decided to: Promote the voluntary work done by UW employees Open up UW resources Develop special activities for/with the refugees

12 resources Open lectures Library Information about HEI in Sweden
Student activities Recognition of qualifications

13 Some examples of special activities
The Global health course (public health) was perfect for asylum seekers doctors, and nurses to participate in seminars, teach or just be contact persons for students In other courses seminars was open for the asylum seekers and new comers Internship in collaboration with the National Employment Agency.. Student course project and thesis conducted at Restad gård Research formed as collaborative knowledge production

14 Other We are a part of the Scholars at risk network
And a partner in a West Sweden initiativ to better the situation for new comers that have academic positions (PhD) or have started a PhD education

15 Making our education better
Refugees knowledge and experience help us to develop the education for professionals as migration administrators, teachers, social workers and employment agency staff

16 The SGN-UW agreement Are a very beneficial and profitable agreement for UW and SGN and for the overall purpose of it: - The sustainable social development

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