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Taming of the Shrew.

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1 Taming of the Shrew

2 Shakespeare Videos Ted: Shakespeare is everywhere: Biography

3 Journal Entry 02/16/2016 Define Shrew
What images do you get from the word taming? What can you assume this play will be about?

4 Journal 02/17/16 Do you think men and women are equal? Write a paragraph explaining your answer and what influences your opinion.

5 Journal Entry 02/18/16 Men should take the lead in pursuing women. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer. Write a paragraph

6 Journal Entry 02/19/16 It is better to marry for love than to marry for money. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer in a paragraph.

7 Journal Entry 02/22/16 Women and men should be equals in marriage.
Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer in at least a paragraph.

8 02/22/16 What did you learn about act 1 specifically involving the PLOT and characters. Include one quote to support your answer.

9 Journal Entry 02/23/16 It is good to change yourself for the person that you love. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.

10 Journal 02/23/16 What is an Allusion?
Allusions are a specific kind of reference: to well-known characters, events, or themes that come from classical works of literature, such as Greek and Roman mythology or the Bible. Any reference to something else is considered an Allusion. Bianca was related to Minerva in Act 1, explain what this does to improve your understanding of the text? Why did Shakespeare use this literary device?

11 Journal Entry 02/24/16 Being sisters means being best friends. Family members always have their members best interest in mind. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.

12 Journal 02/24 Summarize ACT II
How did the first interaction of Petruchio and Kate go? Do you think Kate and Petruchio will actually get married on Sunday? What happened? Who did Baptista decide will be the best suitor for Bianca? How did he make that decision? What is a Similie? How were they used in Act II?

13 Journal Entry 02/25/16 When faced with peer, society, or school pressure to conform, how do you react? Write a paragraph When you finish, please sign up for a part in Act III

14 Opening Activity 03/01/16 Shakespeare writes about things that we all experience: love, jealousy, death, anger, revenge, passion, misunderstandings, etc. Write a paragraph about one big emotion in the play that you’ve also experienced in your life. Write one line from the play to support your answer

15 As we read Look for evidence of literary devices that we have reviewed (metaphor, simile, and allusion) Write the line that you find (textual evidence) and explain what it does for the reader

16 Journal Entry 03/02/16 Complete honesty is important in engagement and in marriage. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.

17 Journal Entry 03/03/16 How is power used or abused in the following relationships in the play? Master/servant Father/child Husband/wife Nobility/lower class Do you see power being misused in your world today? Explain and give examples.

18 Journal Entry 03/04/16 Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.

19 Journal Entry Money can buy love.
Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.

20 Journal Entry Women are wild creatures that can be tamed by their husbands. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.

21 Do you know someone who tries to get someone’s attention by doing things like teasing, pretending to steal things from them, or just hanging around a lot? Write a six-line argument between Katherine and Petruchio using modern-day insults. Remember to keep it playful and fun—these characters really like each other.

22 The difficulty with this play for a 21st-century audience is mainly that the play’s title and the action of the plot appear to state that a woman’s place is to be subservient to a man, and that any woman who does not conform to this behavior pattern is to be put down. An example of this is that, throughout the course of the play, Katherine is likened to a shrew. A shrew is a small mammal, about the size of mouse, known for its particularly aggressive behavior; some species are actually venomous. Although Katherine’s actions are clearly aggressive at times, so are Petruchio’s. Unfortunately, the comparison between an unconventional, opinionated woman and a vicious animal still comes all too easily, even today.

23 Shakesbook or Twitter Choose a character from the play and create a written Facebook or Twitter account with it. It should include 5 posts that you create based on what you know about the characters. It should include 1 actual quote from the text. Have fun!

24 Shakespeare Newspapers- choose 3 for Taming of the Shrew
Advice column Opinion editorial Persuasive column How to….. Breaking News Biography/personality profile

25 Taming of the Shrew Exit Slip
On your provided note card write what your last feelings were about what we read. What surprised you?

26 Persuasive Column--Friday
Write a persuasive column explaining why someone should read The Taming of the Shrew Include evidence of Ethos: Based on character credibility. Pathos: Does it make you feel a strong emotion? Logos: Does it make you use your sense of reason? Facts, statistics, scientific

27 Advice Column

28 Opinion Editorial

29 How to…article

30 Breaking News

31 Biography

32 Obituaries

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