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Unit 3 Use legislation relating to the health and safety of children

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1 Unit 3 Use legislation relating to the health and safety of children
CACHE Level 2 Unit 3 Use legislation relating to the health and safety of children

2 Understand legislation and guidelines for health and safety
List current legislation and guidelines relating to the health can safety of children Understand policies and procedures for health and safety Identify policies and procedures relating to the health and safety of children Explain how policies and procedures relating to the health and safety inform day to day practice with children Describe roles and responsibilities when keeping children safe. Learning Outcomes:

3 Legislation connected to Health and Safety
Health and safety at work act 1974 Health and safety (first aid) Regulations 1981 Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) 2004 Reporting of injuries, diseases, and dangerous occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)1995 Childcare Act 2006 Legislation connected to Health and Safety

4 Independent research and poster design……
Task 1


6 Think about a time when you or someone you know has had an accident…..

7 Task 2 Classroom Discussion Why did the accident happen?
Could it have been avoided? How was the child or children/person dealt with? Were you involved in helping with the children or staff/or person involved? What have you learnt about your settings first aid policies? How confident do you feel about dealing with an accident? Task 2







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