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Event Planning Estates & Development Directorate -Service departments – Conference and Events Accommodation services Reception services Catering and Retail.

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Presentation on theme: "Event Planning Estates & Development Directorate -Service departments – Conference and Events Accommodation services Reception services Catering and Retail."— Presentation transcript:

1 Event Planning Estates & Development Directorate -Service departments – Conference and Events Accommodation services Reception services Catering and Retail Sports centre Estates and grounds Security Pools rooms and booking Term time- timetable Vacation time – conference team Commercial space- Keele Hall and Keele Management Centre Conference office Telephone

2 High Level Planning: 4-6 Months Ahead of Event *
Establish event goals and objectives Select date Identify venue and negotiate details Get cost estimates (e.g., room rental, food & beverages, equipment, travel, etc.) and create a budget Recruit event committee, event manager *start your planning as early as possible.

3 3-4 Months Ahead of Event Book third party /entertainer liaison: e.g.: band, games provider. Ensure they have appropriate insurance and H&S procedures in place Venue/logistics planning, e.g.: Investigate need for any special permits, licenses, insurance, etc. Determine and arrange all details re menus, drinks, A/V equipment, operational input( estates/grounds) parking, signage, etc. Review security needs for the event Publicity: Develop and produce invitations, programs, posters, tickets, etc. Create a Facebook event page Develop a promo video and post on YouTube and your Facebook page Register your event on a variety of online event calendars Create some buzz on your blog or social media sites

4 2 months prior to event Send reminders to contact list re registration/participation Confirm venue and third party arrangements  1 week-10 days ahead Have all committee meet and confirm all– and ensure back-up plans are developed for any situation Brief any/all hosts, greeters, volunteers about their event duties and timelines Final seating plan, place cards, handouts etc if required. Provide final numbers to caterer

5 Event day Prepare the venue for the event
Event day Prepare the venue for the event Greet any third party suppliers, ensure they have appropriate documentation and set up correctly Ensure signage/decoration in place Immediately following event Financial status: gather all receipts, documentation, final numbers etc. and update budget Send thank-you’s and acknowledgements if required Post-event publicity Conduct an evaluation- was it a success/profitable

6 Catering External Caterers
The University policy requests that the University caterers are used for any events and catering needs. Should external caterers be required, they must satisfy the following and documentation must be provided and forwarded to the conference team to liaise with the Head of catering to ensure that you are providing a safe service. Please do not enter into a contract with external caterers until they have been approved. Copies of Employees Liability Certification to cover the company working & providing catering services at our venue( Minimum £10 million) Copies of Public Liability Certification to cover company the working & providing catering services at our venue( minimum £10 million) Risk Assessments for external catering working Details of the Levels of indemnity Food Hygiene certification & Policy ( minimum rating of 3)

7 On campus logistics Grounds and estates Banners/signage Security
Room access – pool rooms/general areas Conference and Events Commercial space Catering requirements Licences Health and Safety Insurances PAT testing Risk Assessments/method statements

8 On campus logistics Risk activities Large electrical Current
Own PA, lighting ,AV equipment Live animals Large water containers BBQ or Gas bottles Leisure /keep fit equipment Marquees or temporary structures Digging/staking/pegging into the ground Working above height Naked flames Use of substances hazardous to health Seating or staging Inflatables Access equipment/trucks/large deliveries Recorded or Live music All have event checklists

9 On campus logistics Key contacts
Conference and Events, any catering requirements, commercial space, banquets, check dates, use of outside space, General help and advice -Kathryn Cannell and Emma Woodcock Security - Nigel Manning Grounds - Jane Barker Estates – Estates Helpdesk Sports centre – Mike Huss and Angela Dale

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