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Organization and Goals for the Workshop

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1 Organization and Goals for the Workshop
Sessions Monday morning: full parallelism among subsystems afternoon: MDI, Electronics/Geometry group Tuesday morning: plenary afternoon: Computing, Physics Wednesday morning: organization, plenary afternoon: Proto Tech Board

2 TDR planning Intermediate document (Technical Proposal) foreseen end of 2009 Sufficient detail for approval Definition of as many options as possible Preliminary budget and schedule Technical Design Report foreseen in second half of 2010. Full technical detail (blueprint for constrution) Baseline budget and schedule No (or very very few) options open Good for a full technical review

3 Detector organization
NOTE: This is only from now to the TDR, it will change for construction. Construction responsibility will have to be defined when the collaboration is fully formed We have the subsystem conveners and a technical coordinator Need to define chief mechanical and electrical engineer Start to define tasks and structure at a finer level Formal structure in the subsystems Identify institutions/people responsible for certain tasks Identify system engineers Identify explicitly activities that need to be carried through for the TDR preparation Budget Schedule WBS - Project

4 Project management Need to move into a serious project management structure Plan the work to be performed Define required manpower and M&S (material and services) funds List available manpower (from institution or lab). Try to recruit the missing manpower Enthusiastic support from new institutions / people Hiring Fix a schedule, milestones Setup a reporting structure It doesn’t happen overnight, we need all to collaborate It has to be a useful tool, not a bureaucratic complication Properly account for the work done by institutions/people Allow justification of requests for funding manpower

5 The carrot The SuperB project has funds
For the detector this funds will help mainly through: Technical contracts Specific expertise and specific tasks. Typically engineers at high level. Postdoc program Possibility of funding and/or cofunding postdoc positions at italian institutions if associated with specific tasks recognized by the subsystems Focused R&D co-funding program Possibility of co-funding essential R&D required to arrive at the TDR. It could be R&D happening not in Italy if proper co-funding programs are setup with other agencies Need to prepare a detailed plan. Approximate time scale: end of March.

6 Workshop goals Clarify and document what is needed to arrive at the TDR Geometry decisions (help from geometry task force): forward PID, backward calorimeter, … Architectural decisions: electronics, trigger, DAQ. Detector technology decisions Make a plan on how to move forward Make a plan on how to involve more institutions and people

7 Detector Organization II
The time is ripe for a Proto Technical Board to start operating Technical coordinator (chair) System conveners Computing coordinator + other computing essential persons, to be defined First meeting on wed afternoon Regular phone meetings in the future (monthly ?) Probably will also define a detector management group

8 Tools We have/need a number of collaborative tools
Web, mailing lists, wiki, document repository, meeting manager, code repository Some are OK, some are less OK Need to bring them rapidly into production mode In collaboration with computing people Important recent manpower addition Phone / video conferences We currently use two systems: Aethra, INFN Mixed experience. Aethra is also very expensive Need to evolve into more flexible and complete system (EVO?) We will also need to adopt modern project managent tools As they become useful / necessary For now MS excel/project are probably adequate

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