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By: Cara Edenfield

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Presentation on theme: "By: Cara Edenfield"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Cara Edenfield
Happy Hanukkah! By: Cara Edenfield

2 Hanukkah is called the Festival of Lights.
It lasts for 8 days. Happy Hanukkah!

3 Happy Hanukkah! A Menorah is used to hold 9 candles.
The middle candle lights the other 8 candles. Happy Hanukkah!

4 Each side has a letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
We play with a dreidel. Each side has a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Happy Hanukkah!

5 We make doughnuts with red jelly
or custard inside. Happy Hanukkah!

6 We can also eat latkes, which are like
potato pancakes. Yum! Happy Hanukkah!

7 Chocolate gold coins are handed out
to enjoy as well. Happy Hanukkah!

8 The End

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