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Major Historical Figures – Sec 3

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1 Major Historical Figures – Sec 3
Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 MYP Title: The Road from King to Republic Unit Question: How Far can an Idea Travel? Significant Concepts: Ideas can change over time Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution Major Historical Figures – Sec 3 Ben Franklin – Printer, Scientist, Inventor, Politician who proposed the Albany Plan of Union James Otis – Boston Lawyer, Son of Liberty, first man to claim that England had no right to tax colonist until they were allowed to be in or vote for England’s Government Sam Adams – Boston Brewer, Leader of the Sons of Liberty Crispus Attucks – African American, Boston Worker, killed at Boston Massacre

2 Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution Section Question: If you were a colonist would you have wanted to go to war with England? (F1.1 – F1.2) New Taxes 1765 French & Indian War Proclamation of 1763 Violence & Protests 1773

3 Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution How did the French And Indian War change how the Colonist felt about England? (F1.1) From 1754 – 1763 England, the Colonist, and their Indian Allies (Delaware) fought the French and their Indian Allies (Algonquin) for control of the Ohio River Valley England started the war by demanding France give them the Ohio River Valley All the English Colonies fought together and began to feel like one nation Ben Franklin proposed the Albany Plan of Union – A central government to keep the colonies together – It didn’t work, but showed the colonies were beginning to Unite

4 Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution What was the Proclamation of 1763? (F1.1) While England gained all of France’s land in North America – The War left England deep in debt – The dept forced England to raise taxes on the Colonist and write the new law “The Proclamation of 1763” Both caused the Colonist to become angry with England A law that kept colonist out of the Ohio River Valley This stopped colonist from starting another war with Algonquin Indians that England couldn’t afford

5 Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution What were the new Taxes & how did the Colonist react to them?(F1.1 – F1.2 – F1.3) England put new taxes on the Colonies to pay their debts from the French & Indian Wars These new taxes included the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Act Colonist protested these taxes and Boycotted English trade goods James Otis (Boston Lawyer) voiced the beliefs of the Colonist when he said Colonist should not pay any taxes until they were allowed to be in or vote for England’s government (Parliament) “No Taxation without Representation” became the slogan of the Colonist

6 Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution Sam Adams (Boston Brewer) led a secret group (The Sons of Liberty) that stirred up Anti-England feelings with Boycotts Anti-English News Paper Articles Violence & Protests

7 Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution What were some of the Examples of Protest by Colonist?(F1.2) Boston Massacre – March 5th 1770, five colonist are killed while protesting against English soldiers for taking their jobs Crispus Attucks is one of the five (First African America to die in American Revolution events) Paul Revere – Silver Smith, Son of Liberty – draws a picture and writes news article to make English bad (Propaganda) - Makes colonist very angry with England

8 Paul Revere’s Boston Massacre; Propaganda
Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution Paul Revere’s Boston Massacre; Propaganda

9 Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution How did England respond to Colonist protesting? Boston Tea Party - Sons of Liberty dumped three ship loads of tea into Boston Harbor to protest England's control of the Tea Trade (Tea Act) in America At first King George and England tried to avoid fighting with the colonist and ended many of the taxes The Boston Tea Party angered England and Parliament created the Intolerable Acts to punish Boston Close Boston Harbor Get rid of Massachusetts’ elected government – and put English Army in charge

10 Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution Quartered (Living in) English soldiers into colonist homes These laws were to stay in place until Boston paid for the tea

11 Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution

12 Unit 1 – Political and Intellectual Transformation F1 Section 3: The events that led to the American Revolution How did the Colonist react to the Intolerable Acts? (F1.1 – F1.2) The Intolerable Acts angered and united all the colonies – except Georgia They formed Americas first central government – The First Continental Congress – that agreed on three things All colonies would work together through elected legislative government Boycott all business with England Form colonial Militias (Minutemen) and stock pile weapons

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