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Notebook #1 return 325 points

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1 Notebook #1 return 325 points
Calentamiento 1-9 vocab terms Act 6 & 8 p 202 with a partner turn in Act. 4, 5 & 7 p Handout activity due on Monday WB p. 79 Notebook 2 begins January 30th

2 Apuntes: verb estar WB p. 77 & 78 WB p. 80 and 81
Act 10 and 11 p 204 with a partner Tarea: act. 12 p. 205 Read act on the board answer 1-5 Act. 14 & 15 p Tarea: estudia para el examen Calentamiento A y B act. PDF file Examen verb jugar WB p. 84 Tarea: p. 207 Act. 16 & 18 p. 208 WB p. 87 Ir + a + infinitive PDF file Act. Tarea: Act. 22 p 211 Review HW Warm-up verb jugar WB p. 84 Mi ciudad drawing calentamiento: verb jugar Leer p venn diagram. Activities PDF file A-D Work on Mi Comunidad visual sketch Unit Review exam: activities A, B and C Verb jugar exam MI comunidad sketch is due today Copy vocab. P. 244 column 1 WB p. 85 Act. A & B Notebook 2 due today Vocab visuals Written draft : mi comunidad See file on website for more details Project is due on Wednesday. WB p. 86 and 87 complete sentences p. 86 Sketch family tree see example on the board: 3 generations, label people with names and relation to you. Notebook 2 due Wednesday February 12. NO school Holiday Calentamiento Wb p. 86 and 87 review answers Trabajo wb p. 88 Act. 4 y 5 p. 226 Mi ciudad proyecto se entrega Calentamiento 1-9 Act C vocab Act. 6 p. 226 turn in with a partner Homework act. 8 p. 227 Act 1 y 2 audio p. 223 Leer p. 225 act. 3 Apuntes verb tener Tarea: act. 10 p. 228 Calentamiento 2. Activites verb tener 3. act. 11 p. 229 Work with a partner / each person needs own act. In their binder Verb tener activity Act. 14 and 15 p. 230 with a partner turn in Vocab Quiz Tarea: Act 9 p. 228 Review tarea and act 15 Apuntes: possessives activities A, B and C Act. 20 p. 233 write out complete sentences Tarea: Act. 18 p. 232 Act D, E and F PDF file possessives WB p. 90 Act A & B WB p. 91 and 92 Tx p. 235 Act 23 chart Act 25 survey p. 237 Tarea: p answer 1-4 NB Due 3 Examen verb tener P. 268 WB p. 94 column # 1

3 Vocab p. 294 column #2 P. 253 Act 6 and 7 Leer p. 250 and 251 Act 3 Act 8 p. 254 w/a partner turn in 1-16


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