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Mergers & Acquisitions: What Happens to All of the Information

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Presentation on theme: "Mergers & Acquisitions: What Happens to All of the Information"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mergers & Acquisitions: What Happens to All of the Information
Association of Corporate Counsel Washington Mini-MBA Business Summit - September 8th, 2017 Panelists: Kate Spelman, Lane Powell PC Liz Lee, Rightside Rich Lauwers, SME Information Governance, MicroFocus

2 Mergers and acquisitions
A simple checklist can help ©2017 Lane Powell PC

3 Organizational reputation?
The value What is this for? Are the valuable assets known Where What Who Organizational reputation? The people? Expertise in a process? The data about … ©2017 Lane Powell PC

4 Technology Assets Knowing what you have and where you have it is an important part of the valuation process and post event transition. ©2017 Lane Powell PC

5 Technology Assets | Is the Organizational information known
Where it is Databases SharePoint Is there consistent classification and categorization? Data Privacy, PHI, PII Regulatory retention Existing legal holds ©2017 Lane Powell PC

6 Sometimes the value is indirect
Amazon and Whole Foods More about you? Access to brick and mortar? Access to distribution network for perishables? Access to new suppliers History of purchase habits and price elasticity? There is much more value in data than there is in oranges ©2017 Lane Powell PC

7 Access to people with experience and educational background
People can be the value Access to people with experience and educational background Research & Development teams Skunkworks Access to specialized knowledge and training How to build a self driving car? Buy a company that makes maps in high detail? But a company that makes AI software for games? ©2017 Lane Powell PC

8 A Checklist of things to remember
The team you put together should include diverse skillsets The valuation review should consider more than the ledger Have a plan for protecting people, processes and technology Red vs Yellow priorities should be understood You can never do everything, the calendar is always too short Valuation of IP supports both the sprint and the marathon perspective ©2017 Lane Powell PC

9 Thank you! Questions?

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