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QCA Hacks..

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Presentation on theme: "QCA Hacks.."— Presentation transcript:

1 QCA Hacks.

2 In this session we will cover..
Your first year staff duo Things you need Hit the ground running 7 ‘Hacks’ for success Student Feedback Strange uni terms Highschool v’s uni Assessments Common Time The Parlour

3 Your First Year Staff Student Success Advisor. JULIE FLYNN
Assistance with transition. Academic recovery. If you’re struggling with uni life or courses. Study support and tips. Feeling like you’re falling behind or in fear of dropping out. Links to other support and resources. First Year Coordinator RAE COOPER Questions about your first year courses. Selecting your major. Support and assist communication with other staff. Links to other support and resources. Any issues you have with courses or your first year QCA experience.

4 Things you need to prepare for your first semester.

5 Basic Equipment These items are the basics recommended for each semester. Speak to your Course Convenors regarding specific items needed for each course. Pens and pencils (bring to every course). Notebook or visual diary for each course. 1TB hard drive and a 16GB USB. Headphones. Bacterial wipes (for use in computer labs). Padlock for your locker if you need one.

6 Major Equipment What kind of computer should I buy? Each major has unique recommended software and hardware. Mac or PC? Camera? Software? Drawing equipment? You won’t need to select your major until the end of semester one, at the earliest. We recommend that you wait until then! Students often think they know their major, but their thoughts change as they experience their core courses.

7 Hit the ground running…
Download the Griffith University academic calendar. Make note of your student ID number (s number) and password. Check your student account. (Do this every day!) Create an signature on your student account. Include your full name, s number and program details. Collect your Student ID card from the Student Administration Centre. Enrol in your courses for this semester. Access and see the links for each course. Check if you need to buy any resources or books for each course.

8 Hit the ground running…
Make note of the names and contact details for your: Student Success Advisor. First Year Coordinator. Course Convenors. Make a plan for parking OR familiarise yourself with the trams. Enquire about your Tertiary Transport Card and your Go Card. Read the Course Profiles. Complete all Health and Safety tutorials on the Griffith Website. Download the Griffith App. Visit your lecture or studio rooms early.

9 Hit the ground running…
Complete at least three library workshops Develop a personal timetable that incorporates your study time, employment, family, friends, health and social activities. Awareness of who you can contact for support. Enquire about access to the Adobe Creative Cloud and the software you require on your home computer.

10 7 Predictors of Success at University

11 Group Activity What actions, or behaviours a student’s success at university?

12 7 Predictors of Success At University
Invest Time on Task: Every course requires at least 10 hours per week. Attend all Classes (lectures and small classes): Students who attend in person have a much higher chance of success and generally enjoy their study more. Focus on your Goals: Determine where you want your degree to take you and keep focused on that goal. Develop your Self-Confidence: Understanding what is expected at University builds confidence

13 7 Predictors of Success At University
Build Peer Relationships: Having a social network at University helps you feel supported. The groups you’re with today will be your same group for Common Time during the semester. Engage online with Checking course content via and check your student daily = essential Balance work-life-study commitments: Balance study, social/family and work commitments

14 End of Semester Student Evaluations.

15 SET/SEC For every course, at the end of every semester.
The feedback goes to your course convenor. Your chance to provide your thoughts on the course: Positive How much you are challenged by the assessment. The structure of the course. Teaching style of the lecturer and tutor Critical Aspects that made it difficult for you to engage. Improved resources or facilities needed. Inclusion of planning that meets diversity. What it isn’t: Your chance to vent about how you don’t get along with a staff member. Revenge comments for feedback you don’t agree with.

16 Common Terms, HS vs Uni & Assessment info.

17 Common Terms Program Convenor / Major Convenor / Course Convenor
Lecturer / Tutor / Sessional Staff Lecture / Tute / Tutorial / Workshop Course / Major / Program Marks / Grades / Rubrics Credit Points Echo Centre / Lecture Capture / Lecture Record Subject / Course / Program / Degree You’ve got 5 minutes! Write definitions for as many as you can!

18 HS vs UNI Use first names unless staff tell you otherwise.
Don’t need to ask to leave the room. Don’t need to tell us if you can’t make it to class. Ask for help when you need it. Parents don’t usually come to uni or your academic staff. Some lecturers want you to raise your hand, others don’t. If you need to leave early, just tell your lecturer/tutor before class starts. If you arrive late, just sneak in quietly and catch up as much as you can. If you need to use your phone to text or call, go outside. If you usually use it to translate or assist with your study, tell your teacher first.

19 Assessment Information
If you need an extension for a due date, the course convenor. Extensions are usually granted for sickness (medical certificate) and other major unavoidable issues. Evidence is always required. Let your teaching staff know if you are registered with Disability Services. This helps us to support you. You can also apply for Special Consideration. Once your assessment is marked, the mark will not change. You can not negotiate marks with your teaching staff. Their mark is final. Each day late is a deduction of 10% of your mark. Marks usually take about 2 weeks to be returned. 50% or below is a fail grade.

20 Assessment Information
If you feel your teaching team has marked you incorrectly, you can appeal your grade (grade is the culmination of marks) at the end of the semester. This is done online via the Griffith website. Student complaints are different from ‘appeal of grade’. If you feel your teaching team has treated you poorly or there is an issue with the course, view the ‘student complaints’ via the Griffith website. Academic Integrity is very important at Griffith. It refers to ensuring that your ideas, images, words and work is your own. If you submit ideas that aren’t your own, it is likely you will fail.

21 Common Time & The Parlour

22 Common Time One hour per week. Compulsory attendance.
Common uni skills, information and workshops. All students who enroll into 1604QCA (Digital Graphic Design) and designed for first year students. An extension of orientation/ Pre Semester Workshops. Designed to support your success at university. Often followed by QCA BBQ, a great time to catch up socially with new students and our staff.

23 The Parlour G14 Student Common Area / Lounge / Work Area for QCA students only. Kitchenette with fridge and storage. Feel free to store your lunch here and use the kitchen facilities. It is available for you to use 24/7 with your swipe card. Wifi speakers, play your own music. (No Abba please) This is your space to take care of. Help it stay a beautiful and useful space by respecting the furniture, picking up after yourself and keeping the space clean (cleaners don’t tidy the space for us). If you see anyone doing the wrong thing, tell them to stop. Or tell a staff member.

24 Things to remember...

25 Take all of your courses and assessments seriously.
Ask for help when you need it. Ask questions. Never sit quietly and worry by yourself. If you’re not sure, ask Rae or Julie. Everyone can fail a course. International, local, mature… but if you follow the predictors of success - you will likely succeed. Take all of your courses and assessments seriously. Check your student everyday. Each course needs at least 10 hours per week of your time. 4 courses = 40 hours. Like a full time job. Sometimes uni will feel stressful, you might feel not good enough, or like you have made the wrong decision. This is really common. Make your goal the end of the semester, and then assess your situation. Overview

26 Remember that you’re never on your own
Remember that you’re never on your own. If you have the opportunity, say hi to other students, sit next to someone new, ask someone in your class if they’d like a coffee. They will really appreciate it. This helps us create a great QCA culture. You’ve chosen this adventure, give it your best! Remember why you decided to come. Take ownership of your success. Keep in touch with your Peer Mentors, they will be around campus just like you and will likely be happy to meet up with you after orientation. Overview

27 Questions?

28 Wrap up

29 Ice Breaker Circle ABC

30 You’ve seen some important places around campus.
You’ve received more information some of your courses starting next week and throughout the semester. You’ve had the opportunity to ask questions, meet some staff and your future peers. QCA Culture has been introduced and everyone feels more comfortable and less anxious about being in a new place. You’ve seen some important places around campus. You’ve had a chance to be creative and have fun. Overview

31 Remember that you’re never on your own
Remember that you’re never on your own. If you have the opportunity, say hi to other students, sit next to someone new, ask someone in your class if they’d like a coffee. They will really appreciate it. This helps us create a great QCA culture. You’ve chosen this adventure, give it your best! Remember why you decided to come. Take ownership of your success. Keep in touch with your Peer Mentors, they will be around campus just like you and will likely be happy to meet up with you after orientation. Overview

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