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Profiles and the Six Basic Shapes

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1 Profiles and the Six Basic Shapes

2 Shape: The 6 Basic Shapes
I participate I sell I plan The 6 Basic Shapes Lets look at the Shape of Profile II Shapes of the profiles can create recognisable patterns, behavioural attributes and indicate job ‘fit’. There are many Profile II Styles that can help us identify the individuals personality style and their innate talents at a glance. I create I follow I explain Six Basic Types: I Sell = DI I Follow = SC I Particpate = IS I Create = CD I Plan = DS I Explain = CI (the teacher!) 2

3 Shape: Examples of the 6 Basic Shapes
Examples of The Six Basic Shapes as Profiles I sell I create I plan opposite opposite opposite I follow I participate I explain

4 Shape: I SELL Emotion: An inspirational driver, an optimist.
Motivators: Fears being ‘used’, fears being ‘controlled’, fears failure. Occupational ‘Best Fit’ Areas: Direct Sales (The Hunter) General Manager (Sales) Sales and Marketing Manager Education: Campus Manager or Head of School Artist Leading own company

5 Shape: I FOLLOW Emotion: An accommodating follower. Expressions are calculated and moderate. Likes others to take the lead. Motivators: Fears disorganisation or confusion, change and unpredictability and therefore works to prevent these states. Occupational ‘Best Fit’ Areas: Technical roles I.T. networking, support or software design Scientific research Engineering Plumbing

6 Shape: I PARTCIPATE Emotion: The affectionate, understanding humanitarian counselor. Motivators: Fears being ‘used’, fears losing social support as they pursue personal relationships, fears closure. Occupational ‘Best Fit’ Areas: Counselor HR Consultant Telephone sales Sales: Long term account management Middle Mgt. support coordinators Chiropractors Bartenders 6

7 Shape: I CREATE Emotion: Emotionally restrained, calculatingly controlled. Motivators: Fears loss of influence, and therefore may come on ‘too strong’. High standards for self and others. Occupational ‘Best Fit’ Areas: Project or Production Manager Quality Manager Analyst Finance Director Large-firm Company Secretary Doctor Chef Usually involved in company creation. 7

8 Shape: I PLAN Emotion: Dispassionate, especially under pressure or stress. May become blunt and stubborn. Deliberate, persistent and competitive. Highly industrious. Motivators: Involvement with people – especially selling. Achieves through methodical planning. Occupational ‘Best Fit’ Areas: Civil engineer Government/Bureaucratic institutions Managing teams of counselors/health professionals i.e. District Health Boards

9 Shape: I EXPLAIN Emotion: Open, confident and enthusiastic in relaxed circumstances. Formal, detailed and reticent in structured circumstances. Motivators: Interested in attention from others and also in complying to doing things ‘right’. Occupational ‘Best Fit’ Areas: Long-term Client Account Managers Academic Coordinators Positions that involve factual communication Area Surveyors for supply companies Factual ‘selling’ where products need explanation

10 Basic Shapes – On the Diamond
I create IC CI SD C I S D I explain I plan I follow I sell I participate

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