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JCOMM-5 October 2017 Info and Context Johan Stander Co-President JCOMM

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Presentation on theme: "JCOMM-5 October 2017 Info and Context Johan Stander Co-President JCOMM"— Presentation transcript:

1 JCOMM-5 October 2017 Info and Context Johan Stander Co-President JCOMM
Excellencies, Dear Colleagues and Guests, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure to welcome you to WMO on the occasion of World Meteorological Day, which we celebrate every year to commemorate the coming into force of the WMO Convention on 23 March 1950. The theme of WMD 2016, “Hotter, Drier, Wetter. Face the Future”, could not be more topical to describe the challenges that lie for us in the future and the solutions we need to implement for addressing them.

2 JCOMM Joint WMO-Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC) Technical Commission for Oceanography & Marine Meteorology (since 1999) Responding to inter-disciplinary requirements for met-ocean observations, data management and service products. Also responding to WMO and IOC priorities and programmes including DRR, Service Delivery, Capacity Development, GOOS, GCOS, WCRP, GFCS, and other research and observation priorities.

3 JCOMM WMO and IOC share the secretariat support to JCOMM
JCOMM is unique in the UN system: constituent body of 2 Organisations JCOMM has two Co-Presidents (one for WMO, and one for IOC) JCOMM is guided by a MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE, which meets annually.

4 JCOMM Strategy 3 Programme Areas: 4 Cross-Cutting Areas:
Observations Data Management Services 4 Cross-Cutting Areas: Capacity Development Satellites for Marine Met and Ocean and Services Integration of Marine Met and Ocean Services within WIS (MOWIS) Climate and Fisheries Members will be aware that aviation meteorological services is one of the eight key priorities of WMO during this financial period, 2016 to 2019, as detailed in the Strategic Plan and Operating Plan. In addition, Members will recall that the ICAO Meteorology Divisional Meeting held conjointly with the fifteenth session of the CAeM in 2014 provided directives for the future of aeronautical meteorological service provision aligned with ICAO’s evolving Global Air Navigation Plan and its aviation system block upgrades (or ASBU) methodology. As a consequence, Doc 4.4(2) presents guidelines for the conducting of regional activities in aeronautical meteorology. //Next slide Expert and Task Teams provide technical support to the activities 4

5 JCOMM The overall workplan for JCOMM is approved at the JCOMM Session, held traditionally every 4 years, with alternating responsibility and cost between WMO and IOC. Exceptional inter-sessional period of 5 years this time. JCOMM-4 was in Korea (2012), led by IOC, preceded by a 2 day Marine Technical Conference; JCOMM-5 will be in Bali, Indonesia, preceded by 2 day Marine Technical Conference and 2 day Women in Leadership Workshop Hosted by Indonesia’s BMKG, and held back to back with WMO Technical Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (CAS)

6 Anticipated Outcomes JCOMM-5
Highlights and Achievements of the JCOMM-4 Intersessional Actions planned with clear expected deliverables for each Programme & Cross-Cutting Areas Confirmed Governance arrangements (including restructure of JCOMM) Identified outputs where Members benefit (from PRA identifing marine as Priority) Climate impacts on ocean and the reverse Formation of new Teams to benefit Members/Member States Contribution of the ocean aspects within the GFCS Future Vision for JCOMM

7 JCOMM-5 Logistics Marine Leadership Workshop: October 21-22 (Sat/Sun)
Marine Technical Conference: October 23 – 24 (Mon/Tues) JCOMM-5 Session: October 25 – 29 (Wed to Sunday) 14th JCOMM Management Committee: October 30 (Monday) Venue: Patra Bali Hotel

8 JCOMM-5 Co-ordination Lead Responsibility:
D/WDS (X.Tang, Z.Rosa) and Marine Meteorology and Ocean Affairs Division (E. Cabrera, S. Grimes, A. Oskarsson) Support from: Conference Services (E. Gouaini, E. Annoni) D/OBS (F. Belda) and Observation Division (E. Charpentier, C. Gallage) IOC (A. Fischer, D. Seng-Chang, F. Collins)

9 Women’s Marine Leadership Workshop
WMO Gender Team is hosting – first time for JCOMM, based on the Workshops’ success at the WMO Commission for Hydrology (Nov 2016). Designed for female delegates to JCOMM-5 and female marine meteorologists and oceanographers (mid-career professionals & researchers) Members will nominate female participants (especially from developing countries) Curriculum: oriented towards building a set of practical leadership skills, with a focus on communications, negotiations and consensus-building WMO seeks extra-budgetary funds to support these delegates.

10 Marine Technical Conference (TECO)
Shares advances in marine meteorological and oceanographic (met-ocean) observing systems, data management and services developed and continued since JCOMM-4. Brings together JCOMM Management and Experts with the IOC-WMO Members, and broader stakeholders. Developing country delegates encouraged to participate, with funding. WMO seeks extra-budgetary funds to support these delegates. Recommendations from the TECO will be provided to JCOMM-5. 6 Sessions, one Poster Event, and Round Table Discussions

11 Marine Technical Conference (TECO)
Sessions include: The multi-disciplinary, global and regional met-ocean observing systems in support of WMO and IOC Applications and Services Met-ocean data management strategy to better address the needs of WMO and IOC Applications and Services Metocean predictions, uncertainties, and gaps Integrated Meteo-hydro-marine-ocean services Global Framework for Climate Services and Ocean Health Indonesian Region metocean services on safety and socio-economic benefits with focus on improvement of prediction accuracy

12 JCOMM-5 Opening by Indonesian dignatories, WMO, IOC, Co-Presidents
Exhibition by National and Global Enterprises Parallel Meetings: Credentials and Election Committees Opportunities for WMO and IOC Press Releases Side Events: Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project (CIFDP) Contribution and role of Met-Ocean in National Data Centres JCOMMOPS (and Argo) Marine Climate Data System National Research and Innovation Marine related matters Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS) 2020 IOC Western Pacific Regional Sub-Commission (WESTPAC)

13 Deadlines Letters of invitation – co-ordinated with IOC – have been sent Early June: Agenda and Exploratory Memo to go to Members/Member States (120 days before session). This Memo includes Call for Nominations to Expert Teams and Co-Presidents. Nominations encouraged by September, but possible up til Session commences. 15 June: All reports needed - for translation 1 Sept: All documents posted (in all languages) on JCOMM website

14 WMO SECRETARIAT Merci Questions ?

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