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Good B.I..

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1 Good B.I.

2 Evolution

3 Designing Library

4 Instruction Programs

5 for the 21st Century

6 Good BI Evolution: Designing Library Instruction Programs for the 21st Century
Christopher Sean Cordes, Assistant Professor Instruction Services Coordinator, Western Illinois University 6

7 What is BI—Bib and Biz Bibliographic Instruction - Library instruction that focuses on practical application of concepts, tools, technology, and techniques for solving problems with information. Business Information - Technologies, applications, and practices for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of business information to support better business decision making.

8 ACRL Standards for Coordinators
Standards for Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians and Coordinators 1.6. Represents the instructional program in the strategic planning process. 1.7. Documents the activities, effectiveness, and needs of the instruction program through statistical analysis, formal reports, presentations, and data analysis. 1.8. Helps create teaching environments that support the needs of the instruction program. 4.3. Identifies and communicates regularly with those responsible for curriculum decisions at the institution, college, or department level. 6.8 Identifies, encourages, and supports training opportunities for librarians in instructional design and incorporating technology to support pedagogy.

9 ACRL Standards for Coordinators
8.3. Anticipates growth and change when planning instructional services, and adapts plans to these changes. 8.4. Links instructional services to the mission of the institution and other campus planning documents and relevant off-campus documents (e.g., national standards, key publications, and reports). 9.6. Encourages librarians to experiment and take risks, to try new approaches and technologies, and to share experiences and materials. 10.4. Identifies relevant existing events, lobbies to be included in those events, and creates new special events promoting the library instruction program.

10 Applications Planning-Excel Spreadsheets, Google Docs, Needs assessment surveys, Online Student Evaluations Management-Zimbra Collaboration Suite, NetSupport Classroom Control, Meebo Chat Support- SpringShare Libguides, iLife, Adobe

11 Planning Participate in development of University and Library strategic plan Participate in the Council of General Education Participate in the Campus Mobile Computing Task Force Participate in Library Technology Advisory Board Develop for credit courses in information and digital literacy


13 Digital Studio


15 Evals

16 Class Stats

17 Management Develop and manage classroom technology
Coordinate instruction program using ongoing assessments of current and projected workload Maintain data files of all instructional courses and activities Develop and manage special projects-virtual reference, digital production studios, and gaming program

18 Sorting and Straightening







25 The Task of Multitasking


27 Heavy Traffic

28 Managing Change Strategies for Education & Communication Participation & Involvement Negotiation & Agreement Manipulation & Co-optation Explicit & Implicit Coercion Monitor environment to keep with impact of change + Digital communication, PDA, cell phones, makes it easier to keep track of change impact and provide prompt feedback - Increases the work pace, rduce time for reflective analysis, increase amount of information to process

29 It takes all kinds


31 Support Deliver training and workshops in library technology
Develop support processes for library instruction sessions, courses, programs Create guides and tutorials to provide faculty and user support

32 Digital Studio Web Page

33 Classroom control system


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