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Virginia’s CyberCamps

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1 Virginia’s CyberCamps
Yvonne Thayer Consultant for Workforce Development & CTE, VA Todd Cassell Career Development Coordinator & CTE Administrator, Martinsville, VA Ways of Learning Cybersecurity Virginia’s CyberCamps CODING CAREERS CERTIFICATIONS 2016 All Rights Reserved

2 1 Raise awareness of VA Dept of Education’s emphasis on cybersecurity careers and pathways to certifications 2 Share profile of Virginia’s 2016 Cybercamps Goals for Today

3 What warrants another career pathway?
In 2014, 19.3% of VA’s payroll came from tech companies. VA is 5th highest state in tech payrolls. Cyber jobs pay very well and will be needed – sustainable career!!!

4 What warrants another career pathway?
Every day there are 200,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs in the US – several thousand of which are in VA. VA has 300 cybersecurity companies (2014) and 22 startups ( NOVA Accelerator Program).

5 By 2020, 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet.
TRENDS Workplace is hi tech. Life is smart devices. Hacking continues. WORKFORCE NEEDS No end to job growth. Jobs currently unfilled. VA in cyber corridor.

6 As technology increases there are increased
Growth Opportunities Cyber Threats Cyber-related Jobs Available Cyber-related Jobs Unfilled

7 Career, technical & ADULT education DEVELOPING CTE PATHWAY
– Cybersecurity Infusion Units Initiated -2015 – Cybersecurity Report Published – Pathway Workgroups Meet 2016 – CyberCamps across state – Curriculum Framework Developed for implementation of cyber courses

8 Why Cybercamps? For whom? For what purpose?

9 State funded 32 camps serving 38 challenged school divisions
Funds supplied Professional training for teacher teams Instructional materials Certification testing Field trips Transportation & meals Salaries

10 STRUCTURE Representation across state 743 students – grades 10-12
Enrollment ranged from 12 to 42 per camp 70 hrs of instruction – most 3 weeks Instructional team: CTE, math, science, English, technology, guidance

11 National Integrated Cyber Education Research Center
curriculum National Integrated Cyber Education Research Center NICERC cybersecurity units taught in a project-driven learning format On-line career exploration of current and emerging opportunities Cyber events to research and ethical issues to debate Info from cyber experts Info gained visiting businesses & agencies with strong cyber interests Info from museums, universities & colleges that have cyber programs 2016 Yvonne Vest Thayer

12 activities IC3 Digital Certification!

13 FIELD TRIPS & SPEAKERS Google Microsoft Data Center Philpott Dam
Virginia Tech Lord Fairfax CC Lockheed Martin Symantec Capital One NCIS Spy Museum

14 What was first step? Teacher Training
NICERC trained 296 teachers, counselors and school leaders in 2-day sessions. School teams planned camps. School teams solicited student participants through application process.

15 Methodology emphasized workplace skills!
Collaboration & teamwork Writing and speaking Problem solving Creativity

16 STUDENT PERFORMANCE IC3 CERTIFICATION Internet Computing Fundamentals
1142 single exams attempted 308 single exams passed 43 certifications earned

17 OUTCOMES Curriculum left room for personalization & creativity.
Students were in charge of own learning. Students loved being there – asked for more. Students introduced to careers. Teachers experienced successfully working in a team. Teachers were only facilitators. Strong training provided enough content and skills for teachers to successfully facilitate camp. Content teachers made connection to regular curriculum.

18 More info? Yvonne Thayer 804.310.7845 Todd Cassell

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