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Presentation on theme: "THE SECOND LETTER OF PETER"— Presentation transcript:

The Second Epistle of Peter THE SECOND LETTER OF PETER

2 Introduction

3 Introduction (continuation)

4 Outline of 2 Peter I. Greetings, 1:1-2
A. Greetings from Peter

5 Faith & Spiritual Growth

6 II. The Development of Faith, 1:3-21
 The Growth of Faith, 1:3-11 1. Growing in faith a. Fruitful growth in the faith (…)

7 Growing in Faith Fruitful Growth in the Faith
2 Peter 1:5-7 New King James Version Fruitful Growth in the Faith 5 But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, 6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, 7 to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love.

8 II. The Development of Faith, 1:3-21 (continuation)
(...) The Ground of Faith, 1:12-21 1. Paying attention to Scripture a. Peter’s approaching death,

9 II. The Development of Faith, 1:3-21 (continuation)
(...) The Ground of Faith, 1:12-21 1. Paying attention to Scripture (…) b. The trust worthy prophetic Word, (...)

10 II. The Development of Faith, 1:3-21 (continuation)
The Ground of Faith, 1:12-21 1. Paying attention to Scripture (NLT) (…) b’ Eyewitnesses of Christ’s Glory, Matthew ; Mark 9.2-8; Luke with 2 Peter 1:16-18

11 Beware about False Teachers 2:1-22

12 III. The Denouncing of False Teachers, 2:1-22
A. The Rise and Fall of the False Teachers 1. Their Conduct, 2:1-3 a. Destructive doctrines, 1-3 (...)

13 III. The Denouncing of False Teachers, 2:1-22 (continuation)
A. The Rise and Fall of the False Teachers (...) 2. Their Condemnation, 2:4- 10a a. Doom of false teachers, (…)

14 III. The Denouncing of False Teachers, 2:1-22 (continuation)
A. The Rise and Fall of the False Teachers (…)  3. Their Characteristics, 2:10b-22 a. Depravity of false teachers b. Deception of false teachers

15 FUTURE Be Ready for the Day of Lord (3:1-18)

16 IV. The Design of the Future, 3:1-18
A. The Coming Day of the Lord: God’s Promise is not Slack, 1-9 1. Derision, 3:1-7 a. The Causes of the Flood, Genesis 6:1-13 (…)

17 Delay

18 IV. The Design of the Future, 3:1-18 (continuation)
A. The Coming Day of the Lord: God’s Promise is not Slack, 1-9 (…) 2. Delay, 3:8-9

19 A. The Coming Day of the Lord: God’s Promise is not Slack, 1- 9
(…) 2. Delay, 3:8-9 a. Repent, v 9 Repent – (3:9)

20 IV. The Design of the Future, 3:1-18 (continuation)
(…) B. A New Heaven and Earth, 10-18 1. Dissolution, 3:10- 13 (...)

21 IV. The Design of the Future, 3:1-18 (continuation)
(…) B. A New Heaven and Earth, 10-18 1. Dissolution, 3:10- 13 a. New Heaven and New Earth (v 13) (...)

22 IV. The Design of the Future, 3:1-18

23 IV. The Design of the Future, 3:1-18 (continuation)
C. Final Exhortations and Conclusion, 1. Diligence: Be Steadfast a. Grow in the grace and Knowledge, 3:18 2 Peter 3:18 New King James Version (NKJV) 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

24 IV. The Design of the Future, 3:1-18 (The End)


26 Source Outline Source: The RYRIE Study Bible – New International Version by Charles Caldwell Ryrie, Th.D., Ph.D., New King James Version – (NKJV), Holman Christian Standard Bible – (HCSB), New Living Translation – (NLT); New American Standard Bible – (NASB), English Standard Version – (ESV), Lexham English Bible – (LEB); New Century Version – (NCV) and GOD’S WORD Translation – (GW) with adaptations

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