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School Health Component

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1 School Health Component

2 Promoting healthy and safe behaviors among students is an important part of the fundamental mission of schools, which is to provide young people with the knowledge and skills they need to become healthy and productive adults

3 school health The school health index (SHI) is based on CDC's research- based guidelines for school health programs, which identify the policies and practices most likely to be effective in reducing youth health risk behaviors. The SHI is structured around CDC’s model of coordinated school health (CSH). This model highlights the importance of involving and coordinating the efforts of all eight interactive components to maintain the well-being of young people.

4 Habits and practices related to health and safety are influenced by the entire school environment. That’s why the SHI has eight different modules (component) that correspond to the eight components of coordinated school health

5 School health component
School Health and Safety Policies and Environment Instructions Health Education Physical Education Nutrition Services School Health Services School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services Health Promotion for Staff Family and Community Involvement


7 School Health and Safety Policies and Environment Instructions

8 School Health and Safety Policies and Environment Instructions
school health committee or team that meets and oversees school health and safety policies and programs Written school health and safety policies Communicate health and safety policies to students, parents, staff members, and visitors Positive school climate Overcome barriers to learning

9 School Health and Safety Policies and Environment Instructions
Prevent harassment and bullying Active supervision Written crisis response plan Safe physical environment Maintain safe physical environment Access to free drinking water Prohibit tobacco use among students, school staff members, and visitors

10 Health Education

11 Health Education health education instruction in all grades
Sequential health education curriculum Active learning strategies Culturally-appropriate activities and examples   Assignments encourage student interaction with family and community Professional development of health education teacher in health education

12 Health Education Essential topics to be covered:
prevent unintentional injuries and violence Essential topics on physical activity Essential topics on healthy eating Essential topics on preventing tobacco use Essential topics on asthma awareness


14 Physical Education The total actual hour's is150 minutes of physical education per week Adequate teacher/student ratio Recourses such as written physical education curriculum, internet resources, and a plan for assessing student performance Students active at least 50% of the time during physical education class sessions

15 Physical Education Individualized physical activity and fitness plans
Health-related physical fitness Promote participation in the community physical activities Address special health care needs Playgrounds meet safety standards Professional development for teachers Promotion or support of walking and bicycling to school 


17   Nutrition Services School offer school meals (breakfast and lunch programs) that is fully accessible to all students Variety of offerings in school meals such as, fruits ,whole grain-rich food items and food that address the cultural practices Healthy food purchasing and preparation practices   Promote healthy food and beverage choices

18 Nutrition Services Adequate time to eat school meals (at least 20 minutes for lunch if no breakfast) school nutrition services staff be trained at food safety, nutrition standards updates in school meals, food sensitivities and allergies Clean, safe, pleasant cafeteria Preparedness for food emergencies such as severe food allergy reactions and choking Farm to School activities

19 School Health Services

20 School Health Services
Health services provided by a full-time school nurse Health and safety promotion for students and families Collaborate with other school staff members to develop plans to address student health problems Identify and track students with chronic health conditions collecting student health information prior to school entry

21 School Health Services
Consulting school health physician Collection of information on unintentional injuries and violence Emergency response plans Case management for students with asthma Food allergy management plan

22 School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services

23 School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services
These services provided by a full-time counselor , social worker, and psychologist Health and safety promotion and treatment to promote the emotional, behavioral, and mental health Identify and track students with emotional, behavioral, and mental health needs Establish referral system  Identify and refer students involved in violence

24 Health Promotion for Staff
Health education for staff members Health assessments for staff members (provide accessible and free or low-cost health assessments at least once a year) Promote staff member participation in health promotion programs Stress management programs for staff Breastfeeding policy  Training for staff members on conflict resolution

25 Health Promotion for Staff
Training for staff members on first aid and CPR Programs for staff members on physical activity/fitness Programs for staff members on healthy eating/weight management Modeling healthy eating and physical activity behaviors Programs for staff members on tobacco-use cessation Programs for staff members on asthma management

26 Family and Community Involvement

27 Family and Community Involvement
Communication with families to participate in school health programs Effective parenting strategies such as Praising and rewarding desirable behavior Family and community involvement in school decision making Family and community volunteers to enrich school health and safety programs

28 Family and Community Involvement
Family involvement and reinforcement in learning at home Family and community access to school facilities outside school hours to participate in or conduct health promotion and education programs Student and family involvement in the school meal programs and other foods and beverages sold, served and offered on school campus.

29 Writ your Recommendation
What are the strengths and the weaknesses of each school’s health component? For each of the weaknesses identified, list several recommended actions to improve this component.

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