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Testing power planT unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing power planT unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing power planT unit.
Comprehending conservancy of power plant.

2 Conservancy or often referred as maintenance is an technical action, and administration of financial addressed to maintain and or return to be something ( for example generating generator ) return at work action like at performance of test.

3 Elementary principle conservancy relied on :
Time based maintenance Condition base maintenance

4 Time base maintenance devided to become 2 (two) activity, that is :
1. Routine maintenance 2. Periodic maintenance

5 1. Routine maintenance Routine maintenance is conducted maintenance when or frequency less than 1 ( one year ) According to spanning its work scope and time, at the routine maintenance can be grouped to become 4 of kinds , that is: Daily Maintenance Weekly Maintenance Monthly Maintenance Quarterly Maintenance

6 Daily Maintenance Daily maintenance, for example :
Watching condition and parameter during operation Cleaning Conducting action light after checking the condition of operation. and others which conducted every day

7 Weekly Maintenance In the weekly maintenance, activity for example :
Repeating daily maintenance Inspection for Grease Lubrication Sweeping of and filter-filter of cooler according to requirement.

8 Monthly Maintenance At the conservancy of monthly represent activity repeating work of daily conservancy, weekly and conduct needed repair.

9 Quarterly Maintenance
At the Quarterly Maintenance represent activity repeating work of conservancy of monthly which must be conducted as according to instruction and manual book of maintenance.

10 2. Periodic Maintenance Periodic Maintenance or periodic which conducted pursuant to number of hours operate for machine. Periodic conservancy can be classified as follows : Anual Inspection (AI) General Inspection (GI) Mayor Overhaul (MO)

11 Anual Inspection (AI) Conducted conservancy once in one year, in general its operation number of hours machine reach hour up to hour ( calculated since appliance or machine operate newly or since overhaul).

12 General Inspection (GI)
Conservancy conducted if number of hours operate for have reached ( twenty thousand) hour commencing from machine operate newly or since overhaul.

13 Mayor Overhaul (MO) Conservancy conducted if number of hours operate for have reached ( fourty thousand) hour, commencing from machine operate newly or since machine of overhaul.

14 Electrical Power Plant
Created by Power Gen. Team SMK PGRI 3 Malang 2009 THE END

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