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Estonia: 45 339 km² Population 1 313 271 (29pax/km²) monuments: history archaeology architecture art - 12 conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Estonia: 45 339 km² Population 1 313 271 (29pax/km²) monuments: history archaeology architecture art - 12 conservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 EEA Grants Manor schools – preservation through use Riin Alatalu, Reet Tallo 22.11.2016

2 Estonia: 45 339 km² Population 1 313 271 (29pax/km²) monuments: history archaeology architecture art - 12 conservation areas - 50 technology - 2 UNESCO WH sites -80 listed rural schools; 66 listed manor schools

3 Why manors? manors

4 Why manor schools? 69 manor schools 1998 first associations
Association of E Manor Schools National and EEA grants Ca 100 empty manors 126 closed rural schools (

5 Ideal use for heritage protection:
- Open to the public Suitable room programme Under surveillance Important for local people Promotes the values of heritage School as an economic basement of a manor

6 Challenges To keep the function as school Sustainability Reputation
Rural/regional development New jobs and services SELF-CONFIDENCE! Heritage protection

7 Restoration Vääna Hiiu- Suuremõisa Koeru Illuka
€ 4, ,23 total budget € 3,099,529 grants Restoration

8 Development projects € 871 643,93 total budget € 670 000,00 grant

9 Park and garden developments Nature trails
Honey house Equine therapy centre Park and garden developments Nature trails Visitor/ local community centres Tourism products Museums/ learning environments Catering facilities New events Conservation workshop Handicraft workshops Trainings (language, guiding etc) Results

10 Museum of Architecture
Predefined project Series of trainings Book Web Travel routes Visual identity Conference Learning/teaching material Exhibition Museum of Architecture

11 Bilateral fund Partnership seminars Study tours for various groups
Exhibition Bilateraal

12 Added value Extra Regional politics New jobs/opportunities Networking
manor schools/manors/Baltic network Awareness raising Additional investments Extra

13 Thank You!

14 Koeru Aruküla

15 Illuka

16 Suuremõisa

17 Vääna

18 Koigi Manor park and garden, new concept and products

19 Pikavere – nature trail, new services

20 Palupera – manor park, guides, new services

21 Rogosi – community services

22 Vodja Equine therapy

23 Olustvere – honey house

24 Tõstamaa – community services, handicraft tourism

25 Pürksi – handicraft workshop

26 Tammistu – interiors, useage concept

27 Ruila – community services, nature trails

28 Kõpu – Little Italy

29 Kiltsi –cartography

30 Puurmani: Julius Kuperjanov

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