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SEA Regional Health Update

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1 SEA Regional Health Update

2 Recommendation from 2012 Clarification to be made with NSs leadership as it appears that there is some misunderstanding about Integration. Head of health of all National societies will attend upcoming RDMC to observe. NSs (PMI, CRC, etc.) suggested Formation of Regional Health Management Committee by next RDMC. Disaster Management focal person should attend Regional health meetings. ART network should function as a part of regional health network since HIV is mainstreamed. HIV becomes sub-group. The proposed integration does not refers to structural integration but to integrated cross-sectoral risk reduction planning As health & Care working group chair, VNRC Health Director will make a presentation at RDMC.

3 Recommendation from 2012 Master Trainer for CBHFA should be organized including NCD module IFRC needs to place more emphasis upon the standardisation and harmonisation of PMER tools and CBHFA PMER tools needs to be revised Many National Societies (PMI, LRC, MRCS, TRC, CRC, etc...) showed keen interest developing PSS capacities.

4 Regional Health programme

5 CBHFA 7 NSs implement CBHFA approach
Healthy lifestyle module will be ready by December 2013 PMI is piloting the module. CRC has also added NCD prevention focusing on youth in the 2014 plan. MRCS and CRC have done evaluation of their programming based on CBHFA approach CVTL - Institutional videos (one for each project?) capturing the essence of the CBHFA approach, with focus on the main innovations that can be applied by National Societies to other “communities”

6 HIV/AIDS Lao Red Cross PLHIV support and Care programme
World AIDS Day (LRC, VNRC) ART network-chaired by Cambodian RC ART meeting ICAAP 2013 Abstract Symposium - ‘From science to community - Asia Pacific Red Cross Red Crescent HIV/AIDS response’ Booth Case Studies Lao – PLHIV support and Care CRC - Mobilizing Community Support for Orphan Vulnerable Children 5,000 CHF is available for implementing NCD for 10 NSs across globe. Interested NSs are encouraged to develop concept note for this.

7 Emergency Health/ First Aid/ WatSan
Epidemic Control for Volunteers Adaptation and translation in CRC, LRC, MRCS and PMI ECV training in CRC, LRC, VNRC, PMI and MRCS Outbreak response HFMD – Viet Nam, Dengue – Lao, Philippines, Leptospirosis - Philippines etc… Contingency Plan and SoPs MRCS, PMI, VNRC, PRCS, etc. Mobile first aid app launched - TRC, PRCS, PMI WFAD (FA + Road safety) Commercial FA: Lao, CVTL WatSan project enhanced by Thai RC, with SEARD support, following Thai floods operation. A further defined and elaborated health sector role and responsibilities for disaster response (health in emergencies) as part of the existing ‘2012 VNRC standard operating protocol (SOP) for disaster response’.

8 Psychosocial Support ToT on Community Based Psychosocial Support was conducted for CRC in June 2013, followed by a refresher workshop in October 2013. A workshop on Psychological First Aid (PFA) was conducted in coordination with the Thailand Red Cross First Aid Training Centre. In November 2013, a workshop on CBPSS with a focus on HIV will be conducted for Lao Red Cross. This training was conducted because the CBHD programme intends to integrate community-based psychosocial support components and conduct activities orientated to strengthening community resilience and raising awareness on mental health and psychosocial well-being.

9 Psychosocial Support In December (16-20, 2013), a SEA training on Community Based Psychosocial Support will be conducted in Bangkok for PSS focal persons/health staff. Myanmar Red Cross Pilot Project 2013 : Psychosocial Support is integrated into RFL services. Outcomes: MRCS staff and volunteers are equipped to provide PSS to families using RFL services MRCS staff and volunteers are well supported to face traumatic situations and are equipped with coping strategies when delivering RFL services in time of emergency Child Protection is considered in MRCS emergency operations MRCS RFL staff and volunteers are able to adequately respond to child protection concerns in emergency response

10 Malaria program– Mekong Region
LRC, VNRC and CRC implementing NSs mainly focuses on enhancing capacity at community level Social Media and Resilience workshop in June Facebook page of CRC Case Study Social media reach and Malaria prevention

11 VNRBD Currently 7 NSs in BDR Many NSs have stable blood programme
Club 25 activity expanded – MRCS NO VNRBD workshop this year Blood symposium – Q1 of 2014 in 2014. WBDD – LRC More than 2,000 people, aged 16-60, attend WBDD 2013 in Lao ITEC Vientiane city 913 unit of blood collected; advocacy; mass media, appreciate blood donors..

12 Operationalization of Resilience Approach
DRR field session/Multisectoral assessment field session – 4 NSs Thematic seminar on integration -4 NSs Integrated programming – PMI, CVTL, MRCS, PRCS, etc. Birth of Regional CSR forum (leadership endorsement awaited) Integrated Regional Roadmap Operationalization of resilience approach in SEA has initiated with DRR field sessions and Thematic seminars. · Myanmar, Lao, Timor- Leste and Thai Red Cross health colleagues involved in DRR field session to strengthen multi-sectoral assessment and integrated planning · Timor-Leste, Myanmar and Cambodia hosted Thematic seminar on’ integration’ to improve integrated planning and coordinated implementation by reviewing the existing community based plans. Lao red Cross will host similar seminar in April, 2013. · DRR and OD component integrated into CBHFA in PMI Myanmar, etc · Further integration of DRR approach building on the strength of existing grass root health networks. (country integration seminars)

13 Leadership meeting 2013 – Leaders’ Response
RDMC and RHWG needs to focus on tangible ways of better cooperation. The Working Group on Health should also consider how the SEA RCRC can be better prepared to play a valuable role in the event of a health crisis in the region, e.g. SARS, Bird flu, etc. Review and finalize the Terms of Reference of working group. SEA NSs should further enhance cooperation with ASEAN and the need to continue to pursue the goal of concluding a Cooperation Framework (CF) with ASEAN. Come up with a clearer, more specific recommendation on support needed

14 Way Forward -Recommendations
RHWG Cohesively define health priority and Capacity building for SEA NSs. Mapping of Regional health resources Information and resources sharing: SEA NSs actively discuss and contribute in mutually relevant health issues RHWG members finalize RHWG ToR Contribute in SEA regional integrated roadmap Enhancing partnership Towards Resilience Joint planning and coordination among RHWG and RDMWG Enhanced cooperation and collaboration at country level to reach common goal Advocacy plan to ensure health a well understood subject

15 Thank You


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