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Technology Integration for Administrators

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Integration for Administrators"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Integration for Administrators
Meeting the needs of the digital native 1

2 Janice Butler, Assistant Professor University of Texas at Brownsville
Wiki: Twitter username & almost everything else: docbee54 Marie Evans, Director of Technology Donna ISD South Texas College, adjunct instructor 2 2

3 I need my teachers to learn
Why integrate? Other good videos for educators and administrators: – A vision of K-12 students today – Pay Attention – Did you know? I need my teachers to learn 3

4 It’s the law. . . 4

5 To assist every student in crossing the digital divide by ensuring that every student is technology literate by the time the student finishes the eighth grade, regardless of the student's race, ethnicity, gender, family income, geographic location, or disability. -- No Child Left Behind, Title II, Part D 5

6 Not the job of one person!
Discussion: Look at technology TEKS for kindergarten students. How many of you can met those requirements? How many of you are more tech savvy than a first grader? 6

7 Title II Part D (NCLB) TEKS – all subject areas should include technology integration 1. While there are references to the use of digital technology in all required curriculum, the Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are to be used to effectively integrate technology across the curriculum. 7

8 What the heck is it? So – what is technology integration?

9 We are going to journey back in time to and the superintendent announced (with pride) that the entire district was pencil integrated. What would that look like? What would full pencil integration be? Think, pair share. Then move onto to next slide to discuss pencil integration.

10 Pencil Integration Students: Communicating ideas about learning
Collaborating with other students Assisting in learning content Making appropriate choices about the tool(s) to use based on preferences, comfort zone, purpose Being engaged in learning What, then is the difference between pencil integration and technology integration?

11 Pencil Integration Pencil usage Real-world; authentic
Driven by the curriculum Used for assessment Ubiquitous Meets needs of diverse learners Equally accessible to everyone Invisible/transparent Some sort of consensus on the prior examples. Ubiquitous – everywhere Invisible/transparent – not the focus, tool only

12 Learning FACILITATOR Technology Technology Technology Technology
Collaborate Communicate Technology Technology FACILITATOR Generate Content

13 What is effective TI? Engaging Authentic Collaborative Challenging
Performance-based -- Proficiency in 21st Century skills 13

14 Is this an example or non-example?
Teachers believe that this is technology integration; however, it is technology used as a tool for students to learn. Rapid feedback is provided – but skill acquisition (vocabulary) is the goal. Creating cell structure of alien life form would be better example. 14

15 Is this an example or non-example?
What do you notice about the students? How are they arranged in the classroom? Who is responsible for the learning topic? What tools are the students using? 15

16 Is this an example or non-example?
Yes or no? Give examples of when it would be yes and when it would be no. 16

17 And when the thrill is gone?
What do you notice about this slide – besides the fact that the writing is backward since the photo was flipped? Student is reaching to write on board – so probably not a student centered classroom. Also, is using a smart board ever going to be the ultimate in technology or just a novelty like annoying ppts – used to be cute, now awful And when the thrill is gone? 17

18 Technology Integration Is Not:
Taking students to the computer lab once a week for 40 minutes. Using the computer as an electronic worksheet. Using the computer as a reward station for students who are finished with their other assignments.

19 Technology Integration Is Not:
Accelerated Reader, Math Blaster, WebAchiever. Every student typing one PowerPoint a year, no matter what! What the teacher is doing with the technology.

20 What could it be? What could it be? Photo of uncle sam?

21 Glogster Google Apps Blogger PBworks Flickr Diigo Facebook ooVoo
Earth Discuss the cloud and interactivity Twitter YouTube/Edu 21

22 What is effective TI? Active engagement. Authentic.
Students writing the text book – insert your great examples here 22 22

23 What is effective TI? Active engagement. Authentic. Collaborative.
Insert some examples 23 23

24 What is effective TI? Active engagement. Authentic. Collaborative.
Challenging. Using a variety of technology tools, instructors can have long-term, highly interactive projects for students. 24 24

25 What is effective TI? Active engagement. Authentic. Collaborative.
Challenging. Integrative/interdisciplinary. -- Proficiency in 21st Century skills 25 25

26 Santa Anna – Villain or hero?
Discuss different perspectives of whether Santa Anna was a hero or a villain. Discuss the extension for searching Google by country only. Get them to see beyond the classroom and into the world for education. 26 26

27 Research based evidence…
Research suggests technology integration positively affects student achievement academic performance content area learning higher-order thinking problem solving skills, and prepares students for 21st century Retrieved from 27

28 We must prepare learners for their future, not for our past.
-- David Thornburg A vision of K-12 Students Photo of all the technologies…

29 21st Century Skills Personal and social responsibility
Planning, critical thinking, reasoning, and creativity Strong communication skills Cross-cultural understanding Visualizing and decision-making Knowing how & when to use technology Another reason for technology integration is the necessity for today’s students to learn 21st Century Skills. These 21st Century Skills include: Personal and social responsibility Planning, critical thinking, reasoning, and creativity Strong communication skills, both for interpersonal and presentation needs Cross-cultural understanding Visualizing and decision-making Knowing how and when to use technology and choosing the most appropriate tool for the task Many of the jobs our students will hold when they leave school do not exist today. Students need to learn the skills that will prepare them for the ‘possible’ work they will encounter.

30 Steps to Integration Begin with the end in mind. Model integration
How will learning be different? How will teaching be different? Model integration Encourage integration Challenge integration Encourage YOUR teachers to learn!! At this point, I hand out “assignments” in which teams of administrators must develop a technology integrated lesson, then share. Feel free to modify and share to meet your needs.

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