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2015-16 Parent/Carer Meeting Year 4.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-16 Parent/Carer Meeting Year 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-16 Parent/Carer Meeting
Year 4


3 Lead Practitioner (Year 6)
Leadership Team Mr Arnold Lead Practitioner (Year 6)

4 Vision Statement .


6 Behaviour

7 Rewards Rewards can include the following:
Written praise e.g. a positive comment on work, report Verbal praise e.g. to the child, parent/carer, another adult in school Peer group praise e.g. a clap, name read out in class assembly House points, super stars, certificates for academic and non-academic achievement Green Slip on Behaviourwatch Head Teacher award on work or as a sticker Trophies and Special Awards e.g. Citizenship Placing value on achievements e.g. work shown in Merit Assembly Special responsibilities e.g. being a monitor/house captain Child, group or class, singled out as a role model Weekly award of merit band Reward Systems Classes are divided into 4 houses - mixed ability and behaviour Weekly merit band winner will be displayed in classes Children will be awarded house points (KS2), superstars (Foundation and KS1) or green slips (Whole school) for achievement. When house points or green slips have been awarded they cannot be taken away Children may mark up their own individual points, under supervision. The teachers or Year 6 monitors will total up the points on a weekly basis Children will receive an achievement certificate, Bronze, Silver or Gold, to show the number of house points achieved Children can be awarded the behaviour band in assembly or a separate behavior award at the class teachers discretion

8 Sanctions The following sanctions can be imposed by the Class Teacher:
Withdrawal of privilege relative to misbehaviour, not withdrawal of a reward previously given BehaviourWatch slip filled in – yellow/amber/red as appropriate Pupil involved in their behaviour in pupil mentoring sessions Parents/Carers informed and involved in the behaviour management process at parents/carers evenings as a minimum Time out e.g. outside area under supervision, another group, another class, Year team leader informed Reasoned explanation of why the behaviour is unacceptable followed by an appropriate sanction e.g. a verbal or written apology, repetition of an unsatisfactory task Child to assist in rectifying the problem they have caused A verbal reprimand appropriate to the child and misbehaviour e.g. within the group, individually Developmental written comment on work Work to be completed in the child's own time or at home Playtime detention may be given at the teacher’s discretion Child sent to another appropriate adult to explain their misbehaviour Child may be put on report, with daily analysis of behaviour individually Referral to Senior Leader Referral to Head Teacher

9 Uniform GIRLS Winter/Summer Grey skirt, pinafore or tailored trousers
White polo shirt or blouse Hayes Park School sweatshirt or cardigan White, grey or black socks ,tights or full length leggings Hayes Park School Fleece (outdoor wear only) Suitable black footwear (flat black shoes or black trainers only) All in one Hijab in block black, white or burgundy Summer Blue and white check dress Flat black, white or navy blue sandals PE White T-shirt Black shorts or black leotard Change of socks Plimsolls or trainers Tracksuit (in cold weather) Footless full length leggings in black (religious/parent request)

10 Uniform BOYS Winter/Summer Grey trousers or shorts
White polo shirt or shirt Hayes Park School sweatshirt White, grey or black socks Hayes Park School Fleece (outdoor wear only) Suitable black footwear (flat black shoes or black trainers only) Ghutti or turban in block black, white or burgundy Summer Flat black, white or navy blue sandals PE White T-shirt Black shorts Change of socks Plimsolls or trainers Tracksuit (in cold weather)

11 Uniform

12 Timings of the Day

13 Overview of a Typical Week

14 Curriculum PPA: This is a morning of lessons consisting of P.E (taught by a qualified coach)., music and Spanish (qualified Spanish teacher). These lessons last an hour. In the meantime the class teacher and teacher assistants are planning and preparing for the next week ahead. Discussion of the year group. Music: Miss Phillips teaches music across the school as part of the PPA system. She also runs music clubs, such as choir. Should you be interested in you child having peripatetic instrumental lessons, please see the office who will contact Miss Phillips. Years 2 & 6 make clear to parents that the SATs test format and marking and reporting has completely changed (e.g. year 2 children will sit a grammar test!) – more detail to follow.


16 English Reading Writing Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling
Speaking and Listening

17 Target Cards Please insert a new slide with the inside of your year group’s target card for writing (found in SF/Others/Deputy and assistant heads/curriculum and assessment/target cards/writing). Pick up salient targets of note for the year group. Talk about how the TC will be used to set targets and shared at PE. They will have a copy and it will be available on the class blog. Any help at home towards the targets would be great!

18 Target Card Detail - Writing


20 Maths

21 Target Card Detail - Maths


23 Educational Visits This term Year 4 will be visiting the Verulamium Museum in St Albans. This will be Thursday 15th October 2015

24 Only one planner for year – please be careful with it!

25 Inside the Planner

26 Progress and Assessment
Formal feedback three times a year via parents/carers’ evenings and end of year reports New curriculum does not have ‘old’ levels (2a/4b etc.) Attainment will be reported against age related expectations (‘below’, ‘at’, ‘above’) Include new assessment info e.g. ‘below’ ‘at’ and ‘above’, parents evenings, reports. IEP process – parents in in first few weeks to meet with teacher to set targets.

27 Class Blogs
Please get the school blog site up prior to the start of the meeting so that you can show ‘live’ content as you talk through this section. Please emphasise to parents that we have received and listened to their feedback on knowing what the children are learning etc. and that this is their first port of call in terms of class communication. Show them how to get to the site (and draw their attention to the flyer about the blog site and twitter that they have been given as part of the meeting). The blog will have two main uses for them: 1) it will contain information about the curriculum and notices relevant to the class etc (communication tab), as well as specific subject information and user guides (this is a big part of the sip – teachers/students creating user guides to exemplify methods/explain homework etc.) It would be AMAZING if prior to the parent meeting you could have one on there – maybe ‘what the addition method looks like in your year group’ for e.g. Although the new class blogs will all look pretty much the same at the moment, they will grow over the year. Feel free to share the school journey page or the sports page as examples. 2) The blog is for the children. There may be tasks set or questions posed by teachers, but any of the children can write about something they are interested in – it may be the topic they are studying. This is their opportunity to write to a wider audience. They may have a question that could be answered by someone on the other side of the world (we will be liking with a global audience!). It is safe – no writing is authorised to be seen publically unless the teacher has viewed it first. The children all have a log in (this will be in their planner books). Please encourage your child to go to the ‘reading blog’ and post a book review to help other children make choices (as well as practise their writing skills!).

28 Other Useful ICT Class Blogs
Whole school blogs (e.g. sports/music/reading etc.) Twitter Bug Club RmEasi maths MyMaths Education City School website Fronter

29 Safeguarding Hayes Park School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and expects its staff and volunteers to share in this commitment. We have a school Child Protection Policy and procedures in place to support this. Parents and carers are welcome to read this policy on request or via the policy section of our school website. Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns regarding a child’s welfare. We will ensure that wherever possible our concerns are discussed with a child’s parents or carers unless we believe this may compromise a child’s safety or welfare. Our designated Child Protection Staff are:  Janna Murphy, Assistant Head Rachel Bates, Assistant Head Penny Woodman, Deputy Head teacher Sarah Blakey, EYFS Co-coordinator If you have any concerns regarding a child’s welfare please report this in confidence to a member of the Child Protection Team as soon as possible.

30 Other Services Pupil Premium Attendance Family Support Acorns

31 Mobile Phones

32 Communication and Feedback

33 Thank You

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