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Welcome to Year 3!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3!

2 Thank you for coming We hope this meeting will a useful introduction to Year 3 and that it will answer a few of your questions. Please speak to your class teacher first if you have any queries following this meeting and throughout the year.

3 Meet the team… Who’s who?
Anna Loustalan - Jenner Jess Aldous - Jenner Juliet Harvey –Curie Claire Smith Jack Dease – TA Jenner/Curie Pam Coventry – Jenner Class Emma Peck – Year 3/4 Phase Leader

4 Timetable

5 Timetable

6 Our topic this HALF term:
From Stone Age to Iron Age Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. This topic explores two major historical concepts, change and continuity. It also allow us to pose the question; how can we possibly know what it was like so many years ago before man recorded his thoughts in writing? What was the spiritual side of life like, when man was not simply hunting, gathering and farming for survival? We look at case studies of Skara Brae and Stonehenge to bring this period alive!

7 FROM stone age to iron age
Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.


9 Why do we need light and how are shadows made?
Science - Light Why do we need light and how are shadows made?

10 PSHCE Road Safety Friendship E-Safety

11 We are going swimming on Fridays!
Physical education We are going swimming on Fridays!

12 We are continuing to learn about British Values
The main areas are… DEMOCRACY THE RULE OF LAW INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY MUTUAL RESPECT TOLERANCE OF THOSE WITH DIFFERENT FAITH AND BELIEFS They will be taught mainly through assemblies, circle times and through topic lessons.

13 The Canonbury Curriculum
We follow our own ‘Canonbury Curriculum’ that covers the National Curriculum 2014. The topics are both cross-curricular and creative. The handout shows a brief outline of some of the areas of the curriculum. Topics can last for half a term or a whole term.

14 The Canonbury Curriculum
The curriculum includes: English and Maths Science History and Geography Art and Design Design and Technology Music Computing Physical Education Spanish Religious Education



17 Assemblies and parent workshops
Assemblies and Parents Workshops will now be on Thursday mornings at They will just be for parents and carers as the rest of the school will be doing Guided Reading. 3 Curie on Thursday 13th October 3 Jenner on Thursday 10th November

18 Trips Watch this space …….. We have many exciting trips planned for the coming year!

19 Website The website is now one of our most important ways of communicating with parents and carers. There will be key dates on the calendar: Meetings, Trips, Assemblies etc. Teachers will update the website with photos of your child’s learning at least twice a term.

20 Routines – The Start of the Day
The school gates open at 8.30 for children and parents. Parents are responsible for and should stay with their children until 8.50. At 8.50 the designated School Leader rings the first bell. At 8.55 the second bell is rung and teachers lead classes into school.

21 Wet Mornings The system for wet mornings is as follows:
The children in Year 3 enter the building from the side entrance by the office. They will congregate in the middle hall, seated in designated areas and will be supervised by the Leadership Team.

22 Guided Reading All classes will begin Guided Reading at 9.00am.
Please ensure your children are on time so that they can benefit fully from this important lesson. Children will be completing follow-up activities, topic book activities and first news comprehensions.

23 Reading at Home Book bags/rucksacks to be brought every day.
To include Home Reading Records and current school reading book. Please aim to hear your child read for 15 minutes every night. Adults are asked to acknowledge children’s reading, as advised in the Reading Record cover. Staff, in turn, will comment on children’s reading every week.

24 Homework Homework will be given out every Thursday and must be returned by Wednesday the following week. If not returned on time, it will not be marked. Homework will include: Maths Spelling Writing Speaking and Listening

25 Instruments Recorder lessons every Monday
Children have been given their own recorder which must be in school every Monday and taken home to practise. It is essential that the children remember their recorders in order to participate fully in the lessons.

26 Healthy Packed Lunches
Please ensure your child has a balanced lunch e.g. a sandwich, water, piece of fruit or vegetable, yoghurt, oat cakes etc. Chocolate of any sort is not considered a healthy option for lunch. It is suggested that crisps are reserved for Friday lunches when school dinners will be having chips as a treat.

27 Snacks Children in KS2 no longer receive fruit from school therefore we advise that they bring in a piece of fruit to help them through the morning. Children are only allowed to bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable to eat at playtime. Please no snacks that include wrappers. Birthdays We are very happy to hand out individual cupcakes as birthday treats. No Nuts!

28 The End of the Day If you would like someone else to collect your child, the office must be informed before the end of the day. We can not let any child go home with another adult if we have not been informed beforehand.

29 School Uniform Uniform
School uniform is compulsory and can be purchased from Rough Cut Casuals Ltd at 16 Chapel Market, Islington N1 9EZ, or online at

30 School Uniform Expected Uniform Alternatives Unacceptable Upper body Compulsory: Canonbury T-shirt Canonbury Sweatshirt/cardigan Optional: Canonbury Fleece Canonbury polo shirt Blue Checked Summer Dress (April-September) Navy Blue/Dark Grey Tunic Dress ‘Hoody’ Baseball Caps Lower Body Navy Blue / Black Trousers Navy Blue / Black skirt Plain Navy Blue Tracksuit Bottoms (no logo/stripes) Leggings (with a skirt) Navy Blue knee-length shorts (April-September) Jeans ‘Short’ shorts Short skirts Frayed/faded/torn items Footwear Plain Black or Navy shoes/trainers (suitable for active play) High Heels Sandals Flip Flops

31 Hair and Jewellery Where possible long hair should be tied back during school time. Head bands and head scarves should be navy blue. No jewellery other than a watch and/or stud earrings can be worn.

32 PE Kit School PE Kit Expected PE Kit Upper body Plain white T-shirt
Lower Body Plain Navy Blue / Black Shorts (Inside) Plain Navy Blue / Black tracksuit bottoms (Outside) Footwear Plain Black or Navy plimsolls/trainers

33 How can you help your child?
Label all items of uniform. Teach children to dress independently. Ensure your child can manage footwear independently – if they wear lace-up shoes to school, it is important that they are able to tie laces themselves This is especially important as we go swimming in Year Three.

34 Thank you for coming here to meet the team this morning.

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