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Wednesday 20th September 2017

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1 Wednesday 20th September 2017
KS1 meeting Wednesday 20th September 2017

2 To share expectations for each year group in KS1 (year 1 and year 2).
The aim: To share expectations for each year group in KS1 (year 1 and year 2).

3 Learning to read Phonics in year 1(building on sounds from Reception)
Learn to recognise different sounds e.g. ai, ay, ee, ea, oy, er, ur, ew, ue (Phase 3, 4 and 5 sounds) Read words with these sounds by sounding out and blending: e.g. s-t-r-ea-m (must say sound correctly: th-v, th-f) End of year 1 (June) – phonics screening: Children read 40 words (real and nonsense). Pass is 32 words. If not passed, children get another chance in year 2.

4 Learning to read Spelling in year 2 (building on sounds from year 1)
Learn other ways of spelling sounds: e.g. j – jump, hedge, cage Read words with these sounds by sounding out and blending: e.g. h-e-dge (must say sound correctly) Look at spelling patterns: e.g. sky, shy, fly, dry, try, July

5 Learning to read Learn to use prefixes and suffixes
(un-, -s/es, -er, -est, -ing, -ed, -ful, -less, -ment, -ness, -ly: e.g. helper=help+er; untie= un+tie Common exception words – the words we cannot read by sounding out. They have tricky parts. E.g. was, are, he, eye, could, should. Weekly spelling cycle- Monday-Friday: teach/practise - Monday-Thursday, spelling test – Friday Spelling homework – get on Monday,Friday-Y1

6 Learning to read books Reading in school is a mixture of whole class, group and individual. Home: – Listen to your child reading few pages of their book, parent to sign in the reading record, record the number of the page the child read up to. - Books are changed as soon as the reading record is signed and child can tell a bit about what they have read. (Reading chart) - Read books to your children (library) because reading is fun.

7 Learning to read books Child holds the book and turns the pages.
Read the title, look at the picture on the front cover and predict what might happen in the story. Read sentences by sounding out unfamiliar words. Say familiar words without sounding out such as: the, we, he, I, was, can, mam, dad To build fluency- reread a sentence from the beginning once they sounded out a word in a sentence. e.g. I went to the beach with my dad.

8 Learning to read books Check understanding- comprehension:
Ask questions about the text (story or fact book) –Questions are at the back of the book. Retell the story or tell you some facts they found out/remembered if it is non-fiction/fact book. Don’t know the meaning of the word – reread the sentence again and have a guess what it might mean. If not just tell then. e.g. “I don’t like cold soup!” raged the king. How does the character feel? Why?/How do you know?

9 Learning to read books Year 2 (May)- Reading test
Read a text, read questions and write quite detailed answers. Most answers are in the text but children need to find them. Some answers they need to work out – infer. e.g. “I don’t like cold soup!” raged the king. How does the king feel? Find a word that tells you that the king was angry.

10 r, o, v, w – horizontal joins.
Learning to write Handwriting Year 1 - Learn to form the letters in families starting from the line and ending with a flick (cursive): e.g. i, l, t, u, y, j Year 2 – learn to join letters (diagonal and horizontal joins): e.g. l, i, t, m, b – diagonal joins, r, o, v, w – horizontal joins.

11 Learning to write Write words with the sounds they learnt by sounding out: e.g. s-t-r-ea-m Write common exception words: e.g. was, he, she, eye, could, should, would Write sentences with the words: (Think it, Say it, Remember it, Write it, Read it to check) Sentences must make sense (miss a word or write a word twice) A capital letter to start each sentence. End the sentence with a . or ? or !

12 Learning to write Write to entertain – stories,
to inform – instructions, recounts 1.Plan their story (draw a story map and write key words) 2.Tell their story in order. 3. Write their story sentence by sentence. 4. Proofread their story for grammar, spelling and punctuation.

13 Mathematics year 1 Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards
Count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in multiples of twos, fives and tens Given a number, identify one more and one less Represent numbers using objects and pictures, including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least Read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words Read and write number sentences using addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero recognise and name common 2-D (rectangle, square, circle, triangle) and 3-D shapes (cuboid, cube, pyramid, sphere).

14 Mathematics year 2 Count on in 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s to 100
Find 10 more and 10 less than a given number to 100 Use the <> and = signs correctly Order a set of 3 numbers in increasing and decreasing value Know all addition and subtraction bonds to 20 Know addition and subtraction bonds to 100 Add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number to 100 Add 2, 2-digit numbers Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number Subtract 2, 2-digit numbers Know all odd and even numbers to 100 Know the 2x, 5x and 10x tables including division facts Know the fractions: ½ ¼ 2/4 ¾ 1/3 Tell time to 5 minute intervals

15 Homework Topic – at least three from the homework grid.
Spelling – given on Monday (Y2), Friday – (Y1) Practise letter formation/handwriting at the same time as spelling Read the book every day (few pages) – parents to sign in the reading record and record the number of the page the child read up to. Maths Year1 – practise counting forward and back Practise recognising a small number of objects without counting: e.g. spots on dice. Say the numbers correctly: thirteen, thirty. Year 2 – count in 1s past 100 forward and back, in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. Games on Abacus. Written homework.

16 PE PE – on Tuesdays and Fridays PE kit:
indoor (blue/navy shorts, white t-shirt and plimsolls, socks for girls) outdoor (Tracksuit bottoms (black or grey) and trainers) Cybercoach

17 Useful websites
Children have a login. No login required.

18 Information Pack Phase 3 and 5 sounds Common exception words
Letter formation page Questions for reading Mathematics for year 1 Mathematics for year 2 Useful websites

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