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2 Coaching Staff Judy Linville- 8th grade girls
Katie Spangler-7th- grade girls Steve Raska-8th grade boys Jerry Fehlker-7th grade boys Ed Burleson-Campus Athletic Coordinator

3 How Can You Get Information?
Phone Fax Coach’s web page KISD web page

4 Girls' Coaching Office 832-249-5952/5953 Coach Raska: 832-249-5950
Coach Fehlker: FAX

5 E-mail

6 REMIND App Text 81010@________ Boy’s Basketball Code: @16sisbball
Sign up to receive text messages from the coach Text Boy’s Basketball Girl’s Basketball Code:

7 Paperwork Requirements
Physical (on KISD form) Please keep all information current for your athlete’s file. Your athlete’s information card travels with us to and from the games. If there is an emergency we will need to notify you immediately.

8 Insurance Review insurance letter that went home or pick one up. (website) If insurance is desired, you may sign up online (Website-Links)) Costs-At school= $20/$13, 24 Hr.=$95/$62, extended dental= $9 (Costs depends on premier or economy coverage) DO NOT CHOOSE FB COVERAGE

9 To File a Claim Submit claim form within 90 days of accident
Begin treatment within 90 days of accident Submit 1 claim form per accident Submit charges to primary insurance carrier first

10 Injuries Report it to coach immediately
Klein Collins trainer is available Coach will fill out a first report of injury electronically. For a copy give us your address. Medications need to be brought by the parent to the Nurse’s office.

11 Sports Medicine KISD has an exclusive contract with the Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Willowbrook. For appointments call Exclusive provider for the Texans, Astros, Dynamo, & Rice. They are in network with our current insurance coverage.

12 Equipment The school will issue: Reversible jersey Shorts
Shooting shirt All equipment needs to be returned as it was issued. Check periodically your athlete’s equipment to make sure he/she is taking proper care of it.

13 Care of Uniforms Wash on gentle cycle Air dry only or hang out to dry
Do not dry uniforms in heated dryer School equipment is for school events only.

14 Extras related to dress:
A good pair of basketball shoes are recommended for the season. Try to avoid black soles as they mark up the gym floor. A pair of white socks Stay with Schindewolf colors: navy, silver, white, black We do not want a lot of extra add ons – such as multi color shoe laces, ribbons, feathers.

15 More… No jewelry of any kind is allowed in the sport of basketball- not a good time to get your ears pierced. Avoid getting fancy nails during season- makes it more difficult to shoot and catch the ball. No type of metal/plastic can be in your hair.

16 Calendar-Girls Please refer to the calendar for game times, sites, & practices. 7th grade practice-7:15-8:40 10:05-10:35 8th grade practice- 7:15-9:40 Friday practices begin at 7:45 for both 7th and 8th graders.

17 Boys Calendar Boys workout after school, with morning practices on Thursday and Friday. Pay close attention to the practice calendar

18 Tournaments Boy’s and Girls’ B Team Tourney- December 7 & 10 A Team Tourney- January We will count on our athletes to be at these tournaments. Please let us know far in advance of any conflicts. School activities take precedence over out of school sports/clubs.

19 IMPORTANT Pick-up and drop off your child by the tennis courts.
Athletes must enter the building through the back locker room doors.

20 Calendar-Boys Monday and some Wednesday games
Pickup for practice and games at tennis courts

21 Transportation to and from the Games
All athletes are expected to ride the bus to and from the games unless a parent signs them out at the game with the coach. Under no circumstances will athletes be allowed to leave without parental supervision.

22 Signing Out Your Athlete
At away games – sign your athlete out on the scorebook – Please wait until the coach has had a chance to get their next team started and wrapped up the game just played.

23 Practice and Game day pick up
Please be on time to pick up your child. We don’t leave until the last child is gone. Please make arrangements if you can not make it. Pick up at the tennis courts.

24 Discipline ISS – May not play or practice on day assigned.
Missed practices diminishes playing time. Unexcused absences requires additional work after practice. Continued discipline problems will result in removal from team. Parent will be called first.

25 A teams and B teams are subject to change throughout the season.
A Teams & B Teams A teams and B teams are subject to change throughout the season.

26 Playing Time Each athlete will be given an opportunity to play each game provided they have been successful in practice. Equal playing time is not a guarantee.

27 Running Up the Score Klein rules state:
Girls- do not press when 15 pts. ahead Boys- do not press when 20 pts. ahead In keeping with the spirit of developing young players, we will avoid running up the score just for the sake of doing so. Players will be encouraged to set up plays and run through offensive sets in situations where we might be dominating the game. This is a difficult task for all of us, but we will make every attempt to maintain both teams sense of dignity in a unbalanced game.


29 Sportsmanship (for the Old and the Young)
On and off the courts and in the bleachers. We should respect the efforts of all participants- both our own team members and the opponents. Refrain from making negative statements about players from our team and the opponents as well. Remember, these are young adolescents and they are someone’s child. What you say will be heard and can greatly impact a child.

30 Coaching from the bleachers:
Please refrain from speaking with your child while at a game. We want the athletes to focus on what is happening on the court.

31 Referees and Coaches Please also refrain from speaking to the referees before, during, or after the game. If you need to speak to the coach, please or call to set up a conference. After a game is not a good time.

32 Removal From Game If you are removed from a game, you will then have to meet with the principal and the coach to be able to return to another game. And as a general reminder all parents have signed a code of conduct form on the physical form.

33 Athletic Bench Expectations
Athletes are expected to sit behind the bench of the team playing and support them. No running back and forth to the concession stand/restroom during the game. The team playing will always huddle with their coach at the conclusion of a game for closing comments.

34 High School Games Athletes are encouraged to attend the high school games whenever possible. One of the best tools for learning the game is to watch the older teams in action.

35 YARD SIGNS Yard signs are available. $25.00 for the basic sign
$35.00 for the sign and 2 stickers Order forms are available tonight. Money is due by Thursday, November 17th.

36 Game Day Food Orders Parents need to contact Jimmy Johns
and place the order for the season.

37 Girls Game Day Shirt White T-shirt- $12.00 Names on back- $3.50
Orders due by Thursday, November 17th

38 Boys Game Day Shirts Shirt is $15
Orders due by Thursday November 17th.

39 Philosophy No Pass-No Play Grades are number 1.
Academics and athletics… a winning team.” No Pass-No Play Grades are number 1. Character matters- integrity, responsibility, and respect

40 WE BELIEVE: Fundamentals are the key to success. Teamwork is critical.
Attitude is everything! Work HARD and Have fun!

41 Parent volunteers We need your help…
Scorebook Keeper Clock Keeper

42 In Closing Monitor your child’s grades. Check schedule
Call or ANYTIME with concerns you may have regarding your child during the season. Pick up any forms needed. Sign up to work a home game. Order your shirts and yard signs asap. Come out and support our Timberwolves!

43 Thank you for your support
of our basketball program.

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