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LTLRE June 30th 2017 Making sense of Mahayana Buddhism

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1 LTLRE June 30th 2017 Making sense of Mahayana Buddhism
Prof Denise Cush

2 Making sense of Mahayana Buddhism

3 Theravada v. Mahayana

4 Theravada v. Mahayana What are the main differences? (in 2s)
Burma, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Thailand, Vietnam

5 Theravada v. Mahayana: main differences
Scriptures Practices Cosmologies Monastic rules Philosophies Upaya applied to teachings and rules Concept of Buddha Role of laity (?) Buddhas Countries (today) Final goal bodhisattvas

6 How did Mahayana start? Various theories
Mahasanghikas in early councils Influence of ‘Hinduism’ Monastic meditation visions (Williams, Rawlinson) Lay stupa worship (Hirakawa) The use of writing (Gombrich)

7 Which came first? Western scholars presume Theravada
Mahayana practitioners claim just as old Extant textual sources near in date Both have long histories Both developed side by side in India Buddhist concept of time Awareness of issue in Mahayana – hidden texts, Lotus Sutra, so…

8 Why is it harder to grasp Mahayana?
Theravada is a) a line of ordination b) a school of philosophy Mahayana isn’t – a different vision of the meaning of Buddha and the Buddhist goal, a movement with roots in Indian monasteries. Southern/Northern/Eastern Buddhism

9 ‘Vajrayana’ and Tantra
Some sources claim a third wing of Buddhism ‘Vajrayana’, but Clearly within Mahayana, found in Tibetan Buddhism and Shingon Tantric ‘Advanced’ ritual practices which provide a quicker but more dangerous path to enlightenment

10 Some schools of Mahayana
Tibetan Gelugpa, Kargyupa, Sakyapa, Nyingmapa Chan/Zen – Rinzai, Soto T’ien Tai/Tendai Chen yen/Shingon Pure Land – Jodo, Jodo Shinshu Nichiren Many more including NRMs

11 Kukai (Shingon)

12 Mahayana philosophies
Madhyamaka Yogachara Hua yen

13 Nagarjuna at Samye Ling

14 Nagarjuna and Madhymaka
Prajnaparamita texts Shunyata ‘emptiness’ Empty of inherent existence Nothing is anything in or by itself Nothing has svabhava ‘own-being’, ‘aseity’ If it did, nothing could ever happen Everything is interdependent/relative Samsara and nirvana are not separate Experiential as well as intellectual Levels of truth

15 Yogachara Asanga and Vasubandhu
Everything as mental construct ‘mind-only’ The delusion of real separate objects/selves The flow of perceptions misinterpreted Alayavijnana or ‘store consciousness’ Universal Mind?

16 Hua yen Avatamsaka Sutra Indra’s jeweled net Interpenetration
Each individual thing reflects all things Influential in China and Japan Gives a more positive value to material world Vairochana Buddha ‘shining one’

17 Vairocana Buddha in Nara

18 Buddhas in Theravada Buddhas in Theravada
Historical Buddha, previous and future Buddhas eg Dipankara, Maitreya Rare Pass out of samsara at death Not in contact Maitreya as symbol of unity

19 Dipankara and Maitreya

20 Maitreya

21 Buddha(s) in Mahayana Other universes, other Buddhas
Vairochana, Amogasiddhi, Amitabha, Akshobya, Ratnasambhava ‘Cosmic’ Buddhas – Vajrasattva, Vajradhara ‘Our’ Buddha, Shakyamuni, is still with us All can be Buddhas All IS Buddha

22 Buddha(s) in Mahayana Trikaya ‘three body’ teaching
Nirmanakaya, Sambhogakaya, Dharmakaya Tathagatagarbha ‘embryo’ or ‘womb’ of the Buddha in all All can become Buddhas All already are

23 Amida Buddha

24 Vajrasattva

25 Bodhisattvas In Theravada, ‘Buddha to be’ - rare
In Mahayana, someone who aspires to buddhahood for sake of others Advanced bodhisattvas available to help Six/Ten perfections and stages Perfect wisdom and infinite compassion Aspects of Buddha nature?

26 Avalokitesvara/Chenrezi/Kwanyin

27 Manjusri and Tara

28 Some Mahayana practices
Temples Rituals Festivals Mandalas Mantras Meditation Funerals

29 Mount Hiei

30 Zen Garden, Kyoto

31 Hanamatsuri April 8th

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