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Understanding and Improving Teacher Preparation

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1 Understanding and Improving Teacher Preparation
Jason Mellema Superintendent, Ionia County ISD

2 Just the Facts….


4 Teacher Shortage Q: How many certified/permitted teachers are currently reported as employed in Michigan public schools? A: 99,127 Q: How many people in Michigan have a valid certificate , that are approx. 50 years old or younger, and are currently not teaching in Michigan public schools? A: 45,000 65,000 85,000 105,000

5 So, where is the disconnect???
Teacher Surplus??? Answer: 105,000 So, where is the disconnect???

6 MI Teacher Preparation Programs
39 Teacher Prep programs Traditional Alternative, IHE Based Alternative, not IHE Based

7 Trend in Teacher Preparation Program Enrollment
Academic Year Enrollment: 14,372 Traditional 14,189 Alternative, IHE-based 183 Alternative, not IHE-based 0 Academic Year Enrollment: 11,287 Traditional 11,127 Alternative, IHE-based 160 Academic Year Enrollment: 11,099 Traditional 10,984 Alternative, IHE-based 100 Alternative, not IHE-based 15

8 Enrollment Trend (Teacher Prep) - Michigan

9 Enrollment Trend (Teacher Prep) - Michigan

10 Enrollment Trend (Teacher Prep) - Michigan
From until , 53% reduction in Enrollment From until , 38% reduction in Completers During the same time, Michigan’s population decreased from million to million (.2%) Data retrieved from U.S. Dept of Ed, Title II Data retrieved from U.S. Cencus Bureau

11 Is this just a Michigan Problem?

12 Enrollment Trend (Teacher Prep) – U.S.

13 Enrollment Trend (Teacher Prep) – U.S.

14 Enrollment Trend (Teacher Prep)– U.S.
From until , 40% reduction in Enrollment From until , 21% reduction in Completers During the same time, U.S. population grew from 310 to 322 Million (.3%) Data retrieved from U.S. Dept of Ed, Title II Data retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau

15 What do you expect in your next candidate pool?

16 MI Enrollment by Gender

17 MI Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity

18 What do you expect in your next candidate pool?
75% females 83% white

19 What are the top 4 reasons teachers leave the profession?
Compensation Preparation (lack of) Mentoring/Induction (lack of) Teaching Conditions (type of school, PD support, resources…)

20 Other Issues to Consider
Teacher Preparation Tests (Basic Skills to PRE to SAT/ACT to ???) Public perception of education Retirement – significant change from defined benefits to 401k for new hires Legislators “believe” this meets the interests of millennials

21 Other Issues to Consider
Geographical Where you are located in the state compared to a teacher prep programs Are you in a “desirable” area within the state? STEM and Special Ed vs other subject areas ISD Programs

22 Where is the research to guide our conversation?

23 Michigan Alliance to Improve Teacher Preparation (MAITP)
Partnership with multiple perspectives Representatives from: MDE K-12 Higher Ed Charter Schools MEA REL Midwest Facilitated by Regional Education Laboratory (REL) Midwest

24 MAITP Goals Leverage data to:
Increase capacity to access, conduct, interpret teacher prep research Support teacher prep research in decision making at state and local levels

25 MAITP Overall goal is to: 5 Year Plan*** ***Proposed***
Explore teacher prep models Examine relationships between existing models and teacher and student outcomes Examine the implementation of changes in MDE policy 5 Year Plan*** ***Proposed***






31 REL Midwest Regional Education Laboratory (REL) Midwest is one of 10 national educational laboratories Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), a branch of the U.S. Dept. of Education REL Midwest is operated by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) Goal is to produce high quality research, provide technical assistance related to the application and use of data and scientifically valid research to solve practical problems

32 REL Midwest 54.8 million people (18% of the US population)
8.6 million students 552,000 teachers 20,000 schools Includes states of: Illinois Ohio Michigan Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa

33 REL Midwest Committing a team of full-time, high-quality researchers to look into these topics Funding is outside of MDE – no cost to our state MAITP is one of four research alliances being operated by REL Midwest Learn more about REL Midwest at

34 Questions?

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