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SOUTH CAROLINA The SCPCSD: LEA and Charter Authorizer Hunter Schimpff & Bobby Rykard

2 Objectives for this presentation
Explain our dual role as an LEA and as a charter school authorizer. Clarify what we do and don’t do. Understand how we hold schools accountable. Hear your questions about autonomy and accountability.

3 LEA Charter Authorizer
The SCPCSD is both: LEA Charter Authorizer

4 Dual Responsibility LEA Charter School Authorizer
The SCPCSD at a basic level as a Local Education Agency (LEA) is a legal custodian of state and federal funds, and is tasked with ensuring those funds are put towards educating all students at a high level. The District is legally obligated to ensure school-level compliance with school functions. Examples include: Student Information Systems and Records (responsible to the state) Special Education service and delivery (responsible to the state who is responsible to the US Department of Education) Federal funds programs (Title I, Title III, IDEA) Teacher certification records (responsible to the state) Charter School Authorizer Our role is to establish and maintain a system of high-quality, autonomous schools which provide excellent educational options for students and families. We have high standards for school performance. We protect student and family rights and guard the public interest. We believe that school leaders and teachers are best positioned to improve educational outcomes for students.

5 Charter authorizing simplified…
Maintain high standards Protect student and public interests Improve Educational outcomes Leverage school autonomy

6 Charter authorizers & charter schools…
Public charter schools retain more control over a greater percentage of dollars and more autonomy over how to spend those dollars at the school level to ensure student success. Some key tenets of the authorizer/charter school relationship: As public charter schools, schools must be open to all students. The SCPCSD exists to ensure access and equity for all students and hold schools accountable for being non-discriminatory in admissions and educational service delivery. Public charter schools receive public funds. The SCPCSD exists to ensure those funds are being spent responsibly through monthly and annual financial monitoring and reporting requirements. With autonomy over most funds and control over many school level decisions, the SCPCSD does not exist in the same vein as a traditional school district central office. The District’s role is not to make many of the decisions that would impact the educational program at the school level. The SCPCSD maintains high standards and expects public charter schools in its District to provide excellent and equitable educational opportunities to students. A term limited performance contract is the basis for the school’s existence. If the school is not performing according to this performance contract, the school can be non-renewed at the end of the term (10 years) or revoked before the term expires.

7 Our role/your role, examples:
SCPCSD Charter School Determine viability of the charter school applicant group to carry out a given model successfully in a South Carolina community. Monitor the school’s performance according to the performance goals for its particular model and the District’s School Performance Framework (SPF). Facilitate background checks and ensure teacher certification requirements. Provide and manage a student information system (SIS). Provide Special Education training and ensure quality special education service delivery in schools Receive state and federal funds and disburse to schools Establish the school model (ex: Montessori, STEM, blended learning) Personnel decisions Establish and conduct staff performance evaluations Plan and provide staff professional development Choose the curriculum Structure how the curriculum is taught Set the yearly and daily schedule Be non-selective in admissions Educate all students who enroll, including students with disabilities, English Language Learners, and at-risk students Establish a data-driven infrastructure to monitor student progress and manage finances and operations Procurement and purchasing decisions Find and procure school facility

8 Holding schools accountable:
Approve only high capacity applicant groups Monitor adherence to legal requirements and performance according to specific charter goals and District’s School Performance Framework Renew, approve expansion or replication, non-renew or revoke

9 Core Performance System
Holding schools accountable: Core Performance System Routine Year-Round Data Submissions Annual SPF Review and Ratings School Tours and Site Visit Protocols SPF and Accountability Timelines Throughout Charter Cycle Rewards and Sanctions Intervention Ladder

10 TRANSITION SLIDE TEXT Core Performance System Anticipated Lifecycle
Pre-Opening Pre-Opening Conditions/Pre-Open Site Visit Year 1 School Tour Years 2-3 Potential Site Visit Year 4-6 (Mid-Term Review) Site Visit Years 7-8 Years 9-10 Renewal Inspection Renewal Application SCPCSD Board Votes on Renewal SPF Review Every Year Core Performance System TRANSITION SLIDE TEXT

11 Intervention Ladder Good Standing Caution Breach Revocation Review
Less intensive monitoring Fewer site visits Automatic replication & expansion recommendation Caution Notice of Caution Corrective action request Failure to correct can escalate to Level 2 Breach Notice of Breach Increased monitoring and site visits Failure to correct can escalate to revocation review Revocation Review Notice of Revocation Review Charter Review & Increased monitoring and site visits Audits Can lead to revocation recommendation

12 Student and Family Rights
School Performance Framework Student Outcomes Academic Student and Family Rights Financial

13 Academic & Finance Components
SPF Indicators Academic & Finance Components Academics Finance Student Achievement Subgroup Performance Student Growth College & Career Readiness (HS) Comparative Performance State & Federal Accountability Optional School-Specific Goals Near-Term Indicators Cash on Hand Current Ratio Debt-Not Delinquent/Default Sustainability Indicators Three Year Margin Debt-to-Asset Ratio

14 Student & Family Rights Component
SPF Indicators Student & Family Rights Component Access & Equity Health & Safety Leadership Admission/Enrollment W/In 20% Racial Composition of Resident District Ensuring Rights of Students With Disabilities Ensure English Language Learners (ELL) Provided Appropriate Services Monitoring Enrollment/Attrition Safe/Secure Facilities School Safety Plan Certificate of Occupancy Safe/Secure Environment Background Checks, Employee TB Certificates, Student Immunizations Appropriate Licensure Administrator Certified or Experienced 75% Teachers Certified in Core Classes School Leader & EMO Evaluations Governance Board Meetings/Training, Open Meetings, By-Laws Financial Reporting Audit, Corrective Actions, etc. Fed/State Reporting

15 Questions? Autonomy Accountability

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