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The development, change, and transformation of MIS A content analysis of articles published in business and marketing journals Suphan Nasir International.

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Presentation on theme: "The development, change, and transformation of MIS A content analysis of articles published in business and marketing journals Suphan Nasir International."— Presentation transcript:

1 The development, change, and transformation of MIS A content analysis of articles published in business and marketing journals Suphan Nasir International Journal of Information Management 2005 Presented by lemon Hsu, 2005/10/27

2 Agenda Introduction Research methodology Research findings
Discussion and conclusion

3 Introduction Business and marketing world beginning revolutionary changes Need to take advantage of the IT and IS Marketing information system (MkIS) Data gathering Data analysis Marketing planning Marketing decision making Implementation of marketing activities control

4 Research methodology Content analysis
Uses a set of procedures to make valid inferences from the text Time interval is a crucial decision in any longitudinal content analysis This study: 33 years (1970~2002), 136 articles

5 Research methodology (cont.)
The content analysis process

6 Research methodology (cont.)
Step1: Selecting sample Used marketing and business journals European Journal of Marketing (1971~) Journal of Marketing (1936~) Journal of Marketing Research (1964~) Journal of the Academy of the Marketing Science (1973~) Industrial Marketing Management (1971~) McKinsey Quarterly (1965~) Harvard Business Review (1922~) Sloan Management Review (1965~) 136 articles that contained “information system”

7 Research methodology (cont.)
Step2: Specifying the unit of analysis Six unit commonly used: Word, word sense, sentence, theme, paragraph, whole text Sorter (primary research) read the abstract and title to determine the theme, in order to: Identify trend and change in MIS concepts and themes Detect predominantly used research types Compare the publishing productivity of journals

8 Research methodology (cont.)
Step3: Determining the category scheme Identification of the categories into which units are to be placed A category structure that was developed specifically for this study 2 coders trained and actual coding 1st coder generated 13 categories 2nd coder generated 12 categories

9 Research methodology (cont.)
Step4: Selection of final categories Researcher evaluated 25 category and developed a final list of categories 2 judges assigned the theme code (which represented the primary research) of each article Theme categories 1 Design of Information Systems 2 Evolution of Information Systems 3 Forms and Concepts of Information Systems 4 Implementation and Integration Scope of Information Systems 5 Organizational Structure and Information System 6 Role of Staff and Mangers in Information System

10 Research methodology (cont.)
Step5: Reliability assessment Reliability analysis determine the themes of articles Percentage match: 91% (recommend 85%) Conservative reliability measure (Cohen’s kappa (κ)): 0.9 (closer 1 indicate higher agreement) Perreault and Leigh’s reliability index (Ir): 0.95

11 Theme analysis of 136 articles over the past three decades
Research findings Theme analysis of 136 articles over the past three decades

12 Research findings (cont.)
Theme analysis of 136 articles over the past three decades Theme categories N % Design of IS 23 16.9 7 5.1 6 4.4 36 26.4 Evolution of IS 3 2.2 2 1.5 1 0.7 Forms and Concepts of IS 5 3.7 4 2.9 11 8.1 Implementation and Integration Scope of IS 16 11.8 8 5.9 35 25.7 Organizational Structure and IS 17 12.5 24 17.7 Role of Staff and Mangers in IS Total 53 39 33 24.3 50 36.7 136 100

13 Research findings (cont.)
Change and trend analysis of themes over the past three decades

14 Research findings (cont.)
Theme analysis of the first decade (1970~1979)

15 Research findings (cont.)
Theme analysis of the second decade (1980~1989)

16 Research findings (cont.)
Theme analysis of the third decade (1990~2002)

17 Research findings (cont.)
Publication-type analysis Popularity of IS implementations in general Number of IS-related articles in marketing journal after 1980s Total Business journals 24 (45.3%) 26 (78.8%) 38 (76) 88 (64.7%) Marketing journals 29 (54.7%) 7 (21.2%) 12 (24%) 48 (35.3%) 53 33 50 136

18 Research findings (cont.)
Research type analysis Total Conceptual study 37 (69.8%) 28 (84.9%) 33 (66%) 98 (72.1%) Case study 10 (18.9%) 4 (12.1%) 15 (30%) 29 (21.3%) Empirical study 6 (11.3%) 1 (3%) 2 (4%) 9 (6.6%) 53 33 50 136

19 Discussion and conclusion
1970~1979 Most of articles have concentrated on the development of IS design Achieving successful and effective IS design Support the managers in decision making Implementation of IS in the sale management has been popular

20 Discussion and conclusion (cont.)
1980~1989 IS implementations have disseminated into different domains User involvement in the management process of IS has increased Decentralization of IS departments has become a dominant issue

21 Discussion and conclusion (cont.)
1990~2002 Collaboration, interaction continued to be mention Changing role of CIO has been discussed Outsource IS or in-house IS Relationship marketing Customer relationship management Customer IS Inter-organizational IS

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