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Political Parties Political Parties:

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Presentation on theme: "Political Parties Political Parties:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Parties Political Parties:
Political Organization that seeks to control offices and policies of government. Goal of political parties: WIN elections

2 Stability of the Party system
Why only two parties?

3 Stability of the Party system
Why only two parties? Duverger’s Law Single member districts with plurality elections = Two party system Proportional System? Each party gets seats in Congress equal to its proportion of the popular vote Ex. 10% of pop. Vote = 43 seats in Congress

4 Stability of the Party system
Problems with a proportional system? Coalition government Instability Voter confusion

5 Stability of the Party system
Only four major parties in US History Democrats 1789-present Federalist ended in 1815 Whigs Republican 1860-present

6 Stability of the Party system
Types of Third parties Ideological Socialists, Libertarian Single Issue Free soil, Know Nothing Economic Protest Populist Splinter Bull Moose

7 Party in the electorate
Political Parties Party in the electorate Party in Organization Party in Government

8 Political Parties Party in Government
Majority party gets to set the agenda in Congress All leadership positions and committee chairs go to the majority party Parties as “ready made coalitions” Party in Government

9 The Power of the Party How does the party control its members in Congress?

10 The Power of the Party How does the party control its members in Congress? Leadership positions Credit claiming Campaign money

11 Political Parties Party in Organization Decentralized
National and State parties have little to do with each other Recruits candidates for office Organizing and running elections Presenting alternative policies to the electorate Party in Organization

12 Political Parties Party in Organization
State and local party organizations conduct the mobilization efforts during elections Education Facilitation make it easier for members to vote Party in Organization

13 Party in the electorate
Political Parties Party in the Electorate Party label provides a “brand name” for voters Provides an access point to allow people to participate in their own governance Party in the electorate

14 Party in the electorate
Political Parties Party in the electorate Party in Organization Party in Government Parties, today, are weaker at all three levels Party leadership in Congress “John Boehner: Cat Herder” Ban on soft money weakens the party organization Rise of the independent voter

15 Political Parties

16 Election Trends Party Identification Decline in Party Identification
Used by voters as a cognitive shortcut Decline in Party Identification People identifying as independent 18% to 40% ( ) Democrat 50% to 33% Republican 33% to 30%

17 Public Opinion Demographic Factors on Party Identification Race
Education level Income Ideology

18 Party Realignment Sharp changes in patterns of party loyalty brought about by a critical election, which yields parties consisting of significantly different coalitions than existed before the election. -- V.O. Key

19 Party Realignment Requirements: Increased electoral participation
New issue acts as a catalyst Issue must persist for several elections

20 Party Realignment Election of 1928 1860-1932
Era of Republican dominance

21 Party Realignment Election of 1932 New Deal coalition

22 Party Realignment Election of 1952 America likes Ike!

23 Party Realignment Election of 1968 R = Blue D = Red

24 Party Realignment Election of 1980

25 The Power of the Party How do you want your member of Congress to vote? Delegate? Trustee? Politico?

26 The Power of the Party How do you want your member of Congress to vote? Delegate – reflect the will of his constituents Trustee? Politico?

27 The Power of the Party How do you want your member of Congress to vote? Delegate? Trustee – use his best judgment Politico?

28 The Power of the Party How do you want your member of Congress to vote? Delegate? Trustee? Politico – Follow own ambitions for higher office – or serve the party

29 The Power of the Party Factors in Jeff’s decision making:
1) Will of his constituents 2) Importance of issue to NE 3) His own conscience 4) Party line

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