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1 Supported by Warwick Printing
afPE Awards 2012 Supported by Warwick Printing

2 Leadership and Influence award
Martin Radmore Nominated by Peter Whitlam Seconded by Helen Plimmer Martin has been responsible for significant development in physical education and has been responsible for a good deal of innovation and development in the teaching and support of PE e.g. the NPETCS programme; the PE Awards; County Certificates and other requirements to ensure that quality of provision remains high, and all staff are engaged with quality-assured training and development. Martin has significantly and consistently raised the profile of physical education engaging the interest of senior members of the Council and an extended PE workforce in the development of PE in Norfolk. Martin has contributed significantly to development of the profession through the provision of high-quality CPD including resources. He has made a significant contribution to the profile of the Advisory Services as a provider of high-quality training and support. He has created Web, video and print resources to support the work, built up a successful network and a regular ‘following’ of enthusiastic advocates for PE, including a large number of teaching assistants. His work is characterised by single-mindedness, drive and innovation; and a determination to endure that Norfolk children and young people have access to provision of the highest quality.

3 Honoured Member Award Judith Davies Nominated by Sharon Mason Seconded by Sheila Steer
Judith was head of physical education in a welsh medium comprehensive school from and head of lower school from , before taking up her present post of Advisor for Physical Education and Senior adviser at ESIS ( Education and Support and Improvement Service) in She fulfills two roles in her current employment. Judith’s work focuses on providing advice and support to 5 Local Authorities (Rhondda Cynon Taf, Caerphilly, Merthyr Tydfil, Bridgend and the Vale of Glamorgan) in Wales in physical education and school as well as her senior adviser duties. In the present climate where the trend has been to cut back on subject specific Advisers Judith is one of only two Physical Education Advisers left in post in Wales. This has been achieved through the Local Authorities’ acknowledgement of the contribution Judith has made to improving standards in Physical Education in each of the Authorities. Judith has shown continued enthusiasm and passion for the subject which Local Authorities’ have found difficult to ignore.

4 Honoured Member Award Judith Davies Nominated by Sharon Mason Seconded by Sheila Steer
She is a national trainer and consultant and strategic lead for the PESS and also, involved in developing and implementing the ‘Code of Practice’ for CPD – PE which is an important tool in developing high standards associated with CPD provision in Wales. She continues to maintain and further develops a high level of professional expertise within physical education and across the other key areas. Judith has written several publications of which are highly received by physical education specialists in our schools today. They are 'Keep learning on track' -Assessment for learning and pupil profiles: Collaborative learning in Physical Education; A toolkit for Well being; Learn to Play - Play to Learn.

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