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Accreditation & Special Awards

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1 Accreditation & Special Awards
Rose Hitchens-Todd FXU Societies Manager Hayley Curtis FXU Sports Manager

2 What is the Accreditation Scheme?
A chance for us to recognise your hard work A quality assurance badge for your members A way to encourage a minimum standard of expectation from clubs and societies A way for staff to be able to focus attention on clubs and societies who need the most support A reassurance to committee members that they are doing well!

3 Who gives you your mark? Hayley Curtis (Sports Manager) & Rosie Lea (Societies Administrator) & Kristy Wallace (Volunteering & RAD Manager) - review accreditation and award marks. Jamal Clarke (President Student Experience) reviews accreditation marks and ‘signs off’ Hanna Brixton (Activities Director) over-sees. Observations – All Activities staff & Exec Officers

4 BRONZE YES NO Comments Complete and return all required affiliation documentation including a Constitution, Budget, Risk Assessments and Inventory. Signed and returned the ‘Committee Member Code of Practice’ and other relevant policies eg. ‘FXU Student Media Policy’ At least one committee members must attend the compulsory ‘Introduction to running an FXU affiliated club/soc’ session. At least one committee members must attend the FXU Committee Training Conference held in September or arranged a one-to-one meeting with their relevant Manager. Have at least 10 members signed up through the FXU Website. Maintained communication with FXU regarding all events and club/soc activities & submitted events/trip packs and risk assessments for all activities. Meet minimum observation requirements Club/Soc review needed? SILVER & GOLD SCORE Comments/Rationale Fresher’s (Consider: Fresher’s programme activities, Fresher’s Fayre) 0 = Poor 1 = Satisfactory 2 = Good 3 = Excellent Attendance at the Sports & Societies Forum: 0 = Did not attend any during academic year 1 = attended Term One 2 = Attended Term Two 3 = Attended Term Three

Attendance at additional/complementary training sessions: (Consider: RA, First Aid, MIDAS) 0 = Did not attend any 1 = 1 course attended by representative 2 = 2 courses attended by representative Membership figures: 0 = Poor (under 10) 1 = Satisfactory (10+) 2 = Good (35+) 3 = Excellent(80+) Level of activity & events: (Consider: regular activities, social events, additional events) 0 = Poor 1 = Satisfactory (meets basic expectation as set out in constitution) 2 = Good (Provides more for members) 3 = Excellent (Exceeds expectations) Observation findings: 1 = Satisfactory 2 = good 3 = excellent (see feedback on observation form) Value for money: 0 = poor 1= Satisfactory 2 = Good 3 = Excellent Self-generated funds (not memberships)/charity fundraising: 0 = none, 1 = some, 2 = considerable amount Working relationship with FXU: (Communication, budgeting, risk assessments, meetings, updates) TOTAL SCORES SILVER = 13-19 GOLD = 20+

6 Number of Participants: Number of Session Leaders:
Date: Time: Venue: Number of Participants: Number of Session Leaders: HEALTH & SAFETY If after 5pm, did the group sign in at the start of the session to register found at venue? Has the group taken a register or head count? Is the venue suitable for the activity and number of participants? Equipment suitable? Has the venue been suitably prepared and arranged to ensure safety at the session? Does the group have a first aid kit if the session is off campus? (check condition of kit) Was the venue found and left in a clean and tidy condition? Did the leader maintain control of the group and ensure safety at all times? Are the leaders demonstrating their understanding of Risk Assessment? Is the group’s RA relevant to their session? Can you identify any health and safety issues? Does the group’s session meet expectation? No- Needs improvement Yes-Minimum expectations met. Yes- Exceeds expectations Comments SESSION QUALITY Is the time slot, location and style of the session suitable? Does the session meet the aims and objectives of the group (as detailed in their constitution)? Were all participants involved & included & interacting? Were the session goals outlined to members? Did the session provide variety, challenge and a ‘feel goof factor’ for all? Did the session leaders ensure they communicated clearly, confidently and with good pace? Were the session leaders organised? On time? Prepared? Does the leader ask for feedback from members about the sessions and how they are lead? DEVELOPMENT What areas could be improved to develop this group’s session? Is there any training available for session leaders to help develop their leadership? Are there any areas the group leaders have raised as areas for development that FXU can assist them with? Have members asked for changes/improvements? Session Standard: Working Towards Bronze – Needs Improvement to meet minimum in all areas Bronze- Most minimum expectations met Silver- Minimum expectations met & sometimes exceeded. Gold- Always exceeding expectations

7 What could Activity Groups do to achieve more?
GOLD STANDARD CLUBS/SOC: Large memberships/Impact on Student Body Large committees- representative of membership Attend training opportunities & forums Run varied events/activities regularly that appeal to all members Complete paperwork & plan well in advance Involve members in decisions about the society/club Good communication with FXU & their members!

8 What are Special Awards
This award scheme complements the already successful FXU Accreditation Scheme by providing additional recognition for clubs and societies that are showing outstanding practice in specific fields. We understand that some activity groups may not be achieving the highest level of accreditation but should be recognised for their outstanding contribution and work in one of the following areas: Inclusion Sustainability Development Community

9 Inclusion “This club or society has taken positive steps to increase membership and be as inclusive as possible. The club or society may have made specific efforts to include students that don’t traditionally engage, without ignoring or neglecting their current membership or other student groups. These students may include but are not limited to: disabled, international, post graduate, parent or carer, mature, non‐campus and across campus (Falmouth, Penryn, Truro). In regards to societies or clubs who target a specific demographic, they have worked on expanding their membership and raising awareness of the issues that affect them to the wider student body.”

10 Taken steps to help new members or fresher’s settle into their society/club. Including having a committee member dedicated to the role of ‘buddy’ or ‘new member mentor’ or ‘friendly face.’ As a committee, have actively participated in training opportunities to enhance understanding of inclusion, equality and diversity. Shown evidence of attempting to include minority groups in club/society events or demonstrated collaborative projects with societies or clubs that represent minority groups. Made an effort to encourage new members throughout the year and worked hard to retain the students recruited over the year. Taken steps to encourage minority groups to join the society or club without isolating the society’s/club’s traditional membership groups. Worked to raise awareness of what the society does to different groups of people across all campuses. Made changes to the club/society activities to open them up to a wider membership (for example adding representatives to the committee to represent both Universities) Worked with the FXU Liberation Committee to produce and project or campaign. Taken any other steps that they feel have helped to make them more inclusive. (Please provide additional details on form.)

11 Development “The club or society has taken active steps to develop themselves and built on successes of previous years or worked to maintain the high standards of previous years in differing circumstances. They may have dramatically increased membership, developed new ideas or different events and activities or made necessary changes to the operational side of the society.”

12 Put in place new events, activities or projects that enhance the membership experience based on the constitutional aims of the society or club. Reviewed previous events and activities and as a result of this process made improvements to an activity or event. Created, edited or re‐wrote aspects of the club or society’s constitution. Actively participated in FXU’s democratic process. Shown evidence of increased membership through new campaigns or marketing changes. Increased awareness of the society aims and objectives to the student population. Shown evidence of collaborations with other societies or clubs. Won an FXU award or regional/national/international award in recognition of quality of membership experience. The club or society has been recognised with at least one other SPECIAL AWARD and has achieved GOLD Accreditation Status. Ensured that all committee members have participated in all compulsory and complementary training sessions. Achieved accreditation with National Governing Body (NGB), secured NGB funding or participated in a NGB scheme or campaign. Budgets and manages accounts to promote financial longevity and a secure income for the club and society. Applied for and awarded grants and funding from external organisations or academic departments within the university. Has a club or society representative on external committees. Acted on feedback from members to improve membership experience. Created clear methods in which members can feedback to the committee: verbal, comment boxes, surveys etc. Taken any other steps that they feel have developed the society. (Please provide additional details on form)

13 Sustainability “The Club or Society has actively tried to operate in a sustainable manner in regards to resources and activities and in doing so (or through separate campaigns) have increased environmental awareness to their members and the wider student population.”

14 Actively got involved with FXU’s Green Living Project or been involved in one of FXU Sustainability Campaigns. Made an effort to reduce environmental impact as a club/society. This could include printing less, reducing mileage and recycling more or using more sustainable facilities & venues. Created their own environmental campaign to inform fellow students of the importance of acting sustainably. Created awareness of how society/club members can reduce their environmental impact. Have publicised the sustainability work that they have engaged with as a society/club. Encouraged members to participate in the FXU volunteering scheme or external community or organisation which has a focus on sustainability. Taken any other steps that they feel have helped to make them more sustainable. (Please provide additional details on form)

15 Community “The club or society has taken active steps to make a positive impact in the community. This can be through involvement with activities and events at the University, but they will also have made an impact on the wider community by engaging with activities, campaigns and events at a local, national or international level. They may have engaged with community groups and have helped to promote FXU students as valued members of the community. Outstanding contributions to charitable work and charity fundraising would be recognised within this award.”

16 Fundraised for a community group or registered charity.
Made meaningful links with at least one organisation outside of FXU. Been involved with an event in the local community. Opened up their activities to the wider community on at least one occasion. The society/club has at least one associate member who is not a University staff member or student. The society/club has worked on an activity, event or campaign with other local institutions/organisations such as local schools, colleges or universities or charitable organisations or clubs. Been actively involved in a large scale event run by the University or FXU such as Tremough Community Games. The society/club actively encourages its members to register with the FXU Volunteering Scheme. The society/club actively encourages its members to be responsible and engaged members of the community. Got recognised by local or national media/press for community projects. The society/club runs a closely linked FXU Voluntary Project or community campaign. Taken any other steps that they feel have benefited the local community.

17 Special Awards First round opens January 2017.
A development to enhance to Accreditation Scheme. Specific, focused and a way of recognising particular strengths Run through the FXU website Awarded by a panel You only apply if and when you want to You don’t have to go for a Special Award They last for one year- Activity Groups that achieve all four & at least Silver accreditation will be entered into a prize draw with financial award.

18 Best club/soc, most outstanding committee member, most innovative project, fundraising, most improved. Self nominated (nominated by membership) Panel uses nomination forms to inform their decision so add as much information as possible. Panel sometimes comes to staff if they need a tie-breaker- COMMUNICATE with us! APRIL/MAY time & nominations are online!

National Society Awards Student Journalism Awards National RAG Awards Cornwall Sports Partnership NGB & BUCS Awards FXU NATIONAL TAKEOVER!


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