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Political Parties 101 Quick overview.

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1 Political Parties 101 Quick overview

2 Democrat Party Identify with liberal values
Party symbol is the donkey, color blue Support some of the following ideas: *Loose interpretation of the Constitution *Support graduated income tax (rich people pay more than poor people) *healthcare reform (universal healthcare) *Pro-choice on abortion issues *More stem cell research to cure sickness *Time-table for taking troops out of Iraq *Uses government to help weak groups such as children, senior citizens, the poor and minority groups

3 Republican Party Conservative beliefs
Party symbol is the elephant, red is the color Republicans support some of the following ideas: *Strict interpretation of the Constitution *Emphasize the role of corporate and personal decision making *Individuals should be responsible for their actions *Less government involvement in the people’s lives, the better *There should be a safety net to assist the less fortunate, however, they tend to believe the private sector (businesses/charity organizations) would be more effective in helping the poor than the government. *Opposes universal healthcare (one size fits all) *Generally opposed to unions *Strict environmental standards hurt businesses, and tend to be skeptical of the global warming theories. *Advocate for a strong national defense and military *Pro-life on abortion issues *School choice (Vouchers) *Provide the basics for people like roads education, and a strong military.

4 Independent Party Families are the building blocks of a moral society.
Christian Faith plays a large role in their decision making. Patriotism, civic duty, and good character are essential to personal liberty and responsibility in America. Function of government is to protect the rights of the people. Protection of the environment should be a state responsibility. The Constitution was prepared and adopted by men under inspiration from Almighty God. Government protects life, liberty and property. Strong defense/military is necessary to preserve our country. Withdraw from all international agreements that diminish our sovereignty (freedom and choice) A free America is necessary for us to maintain our freedom and way of life. Resist all efforts to draw us into a global government.

5 Green Party Grassroots democracy: Every human being deserves a say in the decisions that affect their lives and not be subject to the will of another. All persons should have the rights and opportunity to benefit equally from the resources afforded to us by society and the environment. Environmental issues are key foundation for this party!! Confront barriers such as racism, class oppression, sexism, and homophobia. Fair treatment for all under the law. Human societies must operate with the understanding that we are part of nature, not separate from nature. Must maintain ecological balance. Must develop effective alternatives to society’s current patterns of violence. Community based economics, one that creates jobs and maintains a balanced environment.

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