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Montserrat Morera Presidenta

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1 Montserrat Morera Presidenta @associacionsbcn
“Associate yourself and you will be strong, educate yourself and you'll be free, love you and you will be happy” Anselm Clavé Montserrat Morera Presidenta @associacionsbcn

2 The Council of Associations is the platform of associations of the city that represents more than 1,900 non-profit organizations 40% of the associations of the city linked to the CAB We represent, coordinate and promote the association in Barcelona

3 3. Will offer services and resources for nonprofits:
What we do? 1. We promote the quality of democracy with the Code of Ethics of the Association of Barcelona 2. Generate research and knowing the reality of non-profit organizations: 3. Will offer services and resources for nonprofits:

A tool for self-regulation of non-profit organizations Quality democratic Participation of the social Absence of profit transparency

5 A wide research to known and improve the non-profit sector in Barcelona and Catalonia

6 unes 700.000 4,600 700,000 people 631 million euros
Number of associations 4,600 unes 700,000 people Social base 631 million euros

7 Size by number of associate persons
More than 250 people associated Between people associated Between people associated Between 3-30 people associated

8 The commitment of the members
Occasional participation Support meetings Support meetings Fee payment Occasional participation Continued participation Fee payment Fee payment

9 Men and Women Associated persons Volunteers Paid workers
Participants in general meetings Members of the boards

10 Enough use of technology?
In the process Yes Active use of social networks Other telematics apart from Implicar persones del segle XXI que viuen al segle XXI amb eines del segle XXI

11 Main challenges Funding
Communication and dissemination Local areas Social based expansion: relief and involvement Internal management projects, planning, technical structure Strength, survival and growth Recognition, advocacy and relations with the AAPP Funding Networking and collaboration Responding to the needs of the population

12 Association Services Centre Barcelona
@tjussana Masia de 1804 d’estil neoclàssic (La Clota – Horta-Guinardó)

13 Since 1995 Torre Jussana is the service centre for associations of Barcelona, ​​a city committed to improving the welfare and democratic quality of citizenship. Since late 2008, is a facility jointly managed by the City council and the institutions themselves, through the Council of Associations of Barcelona (CAB).

14 We work for: Help the development of associations with services and resources according to the needs of the sector, working for the promotion, revitalization and strengthening to extend their influence and public policy.

15 confidence sustainability corresponsability quality nearness
Our shares: confidence sustainability corresponsability quality nearness networking innovation

16 With a wide range of services:
Information Specialized on everything that affects everyday life Training For boards, technical teams and people with responsibilities Advice Personalized on legal, economic and work questions Document collection With literature on the management and associative life Support to To improve and strengthening associations Publications Ideas, thoughts and good practices for managing Use of give up rooms We offer spaces for different uses

(Why do we exist) INTENTION Goal Aims Values Strategic lines Code of Ethics (What we do) ACTION Methods Projects Evaluation and innovation RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (How we do it) Legal and tax documents Economy and funding Infrastructure Communication (Who we do it with) PARTICIPATION Associate members, volunteers and professionals Areas of participation Relational network

18 Tel. 932 564 118
FIND US ON: Av. Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 30 Barcelona Tel

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