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NASA BIOSPHERE and BIOMES © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA BIOSPHERE and BIOMES © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA BIOSPHERE and BIOMES © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

2 Biosphere Atmosphere © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

3 Biosphere The part of the Earth where life is found
The parts where there is interaction between the living organisms and their non-living environment. © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

4 Solar radiation © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

5 Climate zones © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

6 Climate and biomes Biomes are major (terrestrial) ecological zones within the biosphere The type of ecosystem that emerges in an areas can be predicted based upon the climate. © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

7 Biomes © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

8 Biomes Determined by climate Characterised by their vegetation type
Arranged broadly by latitude Can also be influenced by oceans, mountain ranges. © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

9 Tropical rainforest © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

10 Tropical rainforest © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

11 Desert © P Billiet © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

12 Desert © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

13 Grasslands Savannah Africa © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS Steppe Ukraine

14 Grasslands © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

15 Temperate forest © P Billiet © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

16 Temperate forest © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

17 Boreal forest (taiga) © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

18 Boreal forest (taiga) © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

19 Tundra © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

20 Tundra © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

21 Overview © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

22 Nutrient flow B Nutrients are recycled in a closed ecosystem
The rate of recycling between the different can be shown on Gersmehl diagrams Arrow thickness = flux Disc size = reservoir B = Biomass L = Litter S = Soil B Rainfall Leaf fall Root absorbance L S Decomposition Surface runoff Leaching Weathering © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

23 Taiga Key: L = litter S = soil B = Biomass B L Rainfall Leaf fall
Root absorbance L S Decomposition Surface runoff Leaching Weathering © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

24 Desert S Key: L = litter S = soil B = Biomass Rainfall B Leaf fall
Root absorbance L S Decomposition Surface runoff © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

25 Tropical rain forest B Key: L = litter S = soil B = Biomass Rainfall
Leaf fall Root absorbance L S Decomposition Surface runoff Leaching Weathering © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

26 Nutrient flow and climate
© 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS

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