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Major Ecosystems of the World Part 1

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1 Major Ecosystems of the World Part 1
Chapter 6 Major Ecosystems of the World Part 1

2 Earth’s Major Biomes

3 Earth’s Major Biomes Type of biome controlled by temperature and precipitation

4 Earth’s Major Biomes Tundra

5 Earth’s Major Biomes Tundra Characterized by:
Very short growing season Little precipitation (10-25 cm / yr) Permafrost Low species diversity

6 Earth’s Major Biomes Boreal Forest (Tiaga)

7 Earth’s Major Biomes Boreal Forest (Tiaga) Characterized by:
Short growing season Low precipitation (~50 cm / yr) Dominated by conifers (spruce, fir), but also has aspen, birch

8 Earth’s Major Biomes Temperate Rain Forest

9 Earth’s Major Biomes Temperate Rain Forest Characterized by:
Cool; high precipitation (~127 cm / yr) Dominated by evergreens (hemlock, spruce, cedar) Heavily logged

10 Earth’s Major Biomes Temperate Deciduous Forest

11 Earth’s Major Biomes Temperate Deciduous Forest Characterized by:
Hot summers, cold winters Moderate precipitation ( cm / yr) Dominated by oaks, hickory, maple Commonly converted to agriculture

12 Earth’s Major Biomes Grasslands

13 Earth’s Major Biomes Grasslands Characterized by:
Hot summers, cold winters Low to moderate precipitation (25-75 cm / yr) Dominated tallgrass or shortgrass prairies Heavily converted to agriculture

14 Earth’s Major Biomes Chaparral

15 Earth’s Major Biomes Chaparral Characterized by:
Dry summers, mild winters Frequent fires Dominated by short pines, evergreen shrubs, scrub oak (but varies worldwide)

16 Earth’s Major Biomes Deserts

17 Earth’s Major Biomes Deserts Characterized by:
Wide daily variations in temperature Very dry (<25 cm precipitation / yr) Sparse plant coverage

18 Earth’s Major Biomes Savanna

19 Earth’s Major Biomes Savanna Characterized by:
Precipitation cm / yr, but very seasonal with extended dry periods Dominated by grasses, with occasional trees African most famous for herds of wildebeest, antelope, zebra

20 Earth’s Major Biomes Tropical Rain Forests

21 Earth’s Major Biomes Tropical Rain Forests Characterized by:
Very high precipitation cm / yr Very nutrient-poor soil Extremely high primary productivity Extremely high species richness

22 Earth’s Major Biomes Vertical Zonation: The Distribution of Vegetation on Mountains

23 Aquatic Ecosystems Fundamental division: Freshwater vs. Saltwater
But, both contain 3 ecological category of organisms: Free floating plankton Strongly swimming nekton Bottom-dwelling benthos

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