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Vocabulary Chapter 2: Lesson 3

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1 Vocabulary Chapter 2: Lesson 3
Biome Climate Desert Rain forest Emergent layer Canopy Understory Grassland Savanna Deciduous tree Boreal forest Coniferous tree Tundra Permafrost

2 biome Group of ecosystems with similar climates and organisms
Example:6 major biomes are desert, forest, boreal forest, and tundra

3 climate The average annual temperature and amount of precipitation

4 desert An area that receives less than 25 cm. of rain per year
Ex. Gobi: Cold; New Mexico and Nevada; Namib in Africa;

5 Rain forest Forests with lots of rain fall all year round
Ex.: Amazon rainforest; Pacific North West USA

6 Emergent Layer Tallest layer of the rain forest (70 meters)

7 canopy Leafy roof under the emergent layer(50 meters)

8 understory Under the canopy (15 meters) Plants grow well in the shade.

9 Grassland Prairies found in the mid latitudes that has mainly grasses and other plants and get a little more rain than deserts.

10 savanna Grasslands that are located closer to the equator than prairies that receive more rain.

11 Deciduous Trees Trees that shed their leaves and grow new ones each year.

12 Boreal forests Dense forests found in the upper regions of the Northern Hemisphere

13 Coniferous Trees Trees that produce their seeds in cones and have needle leaves

14 Tundra Extremely cold and dry climate

15 permafrost Frozen soil all year

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