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List as many rules from the bible as you can

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Presentation on theme: "List as many rules from the bible as you can"— Presentation transcript:

1 On a new page, miss out the top two lines and answer the question below.
List as many rules from the bible as you can Silent task to be done on arrival. Please reiterate that they must start the task on the third line down on a new page. Complete the register during the task. 1 merit for the student with the longest list.

2 1.6 The Tenants Describe how the costs of discipleship are shown in the parable of the tenants Give your opinion about what Jesus meant in this story Explain how important this parable is for Christians today An allegory is a story in which characters and events in a make believe world represent people. Can you think of an example? Students to copy the title onto the top line with the date and CW. Copy the objectives underneath their starter list. Tick question is an extension question for those who have finished copying. Once they have all finsihed please explain that an allegory is a story which has a moral and where things/ animals/people in the story represent things/animals/people in reality. Click the hyperlink to watch an allegorical advert. Please explain the allegory. Mole represents bank, Donkey represents customer, carrot represents money.

3 The Tenants Read “Cracking the code” Page 15
Tell the story twice, once using the allegory characters and once using the historical characters. (use the next slide to help you) brick testament hyperlink

4 The owner of a vineyard appointed tenants
Allegory History The owner of a vineyard appointed tenants God had an agreement with the Jewish leaders that if they obey him then he will bless them The tenants refused to pay up The Jewish leaders stopped keeping the rules. The vineyard owner sent servants to remind the tenants to pay. God sent prophets to remind the people to keep the rules. The tenants beat up or killed the servants The Jewish people rejected (sometimes killed) the prophets. The owner sent his son to ask for the rent God sent Jesus to tell them to remember the agreement and the rules. They recognised his son and killed him so that they could have the vineyard. They recognised his son and killed him so that they could keep their power. The vineyard owner got rid of the tenants and appointed more. God rejected the Jewish leaders and started an agreement with loyal Jews and Gentiles. Students to us the grid to summarise the story (allegory) and to summarise the meaning of the story (Jewish History) Please write in full in own words. Avoid copying.

5 The Tenants Look at your two versions of the story and list the different things that Jesus is teaching through this story. Describe how the costs of discipleship are shown in the parable of the tenants (8) Explain how important this parable is for Christians today (8) Complete Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Please use the book to answer the questions. Answers on the next slide for guidance. Please ask students to do their best to answer the questions but if they are struggling on 3 or 4 then they can leave a space and go onto the next one. You can show them the answers just before the end of the lesson so that they can fill in extra ideas in the space they have left.


7 Answers to question 3 Question 3 Question 4 Disciples risk death
Disciples may be badly treated You could fail Iyour task, like the prophets. This may not be pleasant. We need to keep the rules and this could require us to sacrifice things eg money. Question 4 It teaches us that Jesus came to show us how to live properly (pay the rent) It teaches us that as Christians we have to be prepared to lose our lives It teaches us that it is possible to get thrown out of the kingdom (like the tenants) It shows us how important it is to keep the rules. Please give these answers to students 5 minutes before the end so that they can check and improve their answers


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