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“Blessed with faithful Abraham”

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1 “Blessed with faithful Abraham”
Study 5 – “The parable of Genesis 21 to 26” Blessed with faithful Abraham

2 Gal. 4:22-31 – Paul uses Gen. 16 and 17 as the basis of an allegory.
The Divine Allegory Gal. 4:22-31 – Paul uses Gen. 16 and 17 as the basis of an allegory. Hagar = Mosaic Covenant Ishmael = Israel under Law (circumcised in flesh but not in heart – Gen. 17:25) Sarah = Abrahamic Covenant Isaac = Spiritual Israel under grace (circumcised in heart – Jews inwardly – Rom. 2:29) The banishment of Hagar and Ishmael from Abraham’s house is typical of the eviction of the Jews from the Land Blessed with faithful Abraham

3 The parable of Gen. 21 V – Natural Israel banished to the wilderness and wanders aimlessly. V – Scattered Israel preserved from destruction by angelic intervention. V – Willing Gentiles converted and brought into the Abrahamic Covenant. V.22,32 – Phicol mentioned twice in chapter. His name means “the mouth of all.” V.23 – Alluded to in Isa. 59:21. “Beersheba” named here. Shaba/sheba – 7 times in chapter. Cp. 7 ewe lambs. Blessed with faithful Abraham

4 The parable of Gen. 22 Gen. 21:33 – Abraham left for Moriah from Beersheba – “well of the seven.” Gen. 22:19 – After the ‘sacrifice’ of Isaac he returned to Beersheba. V.3 – Two servants and the ass (chamor) = Jew and Gentile related to Israel. V.4 – Isaac ‘dead’ for three day journey to a hill in Moriah = death of Christ. V.12 – Isaac’s release likened to a resurrection – Heb. 11:19. V – Abraham’s ‘family’ outside Land – 12 = Israel of God. Blessed with faithful Abraham

5 The parable of Gen. 23 Records the death and burial of Sarah in the cave of Machpelah = “folded together”. V.2 – “and Abraham came to mourn for Sarah” – RSV – “Abraham went in” (Roth.; LITV); i.e. into her tent. Sarah is a type of Zion – Isa. 51:2-3. In AD 70 Zion ‘fell asleep’ and was hid. Must be brought back – Isa. 52:8. Isaac is not mentioned in the chapter but was obviously present at the funeral. Why? In AD 70 Christ was in heaven. Blessed with faithful Abraham

6 The parable of Gen. 24 Gen. 24:1-9 – Abraham seeks a bride for Isaac in Gentile lands as God sought a bride for Christ among the Gentiles. V.2 – “hand under my thigh” – Sign that the mission related to the promised seed. The story retold several times = The Gospel message has been repeated many times since the Apostle’s work. V.15, 26, 52 – The actions of the servant convinces Rebekah of the character of his master – Cp. Gal. 3:1; 1 Pet. 1:8. Blessed with faithful Abraham

7 The parable of Gen. 24 V.58 – “I will go” – Rebekah’s faith is exhibited in leaving behind her family – see Ps. 45:10-11. V.60 – “thousands of millions” – The purpose of the marriage to fulfill the Abrahamic promises – Gen. 22:17-18. V.63 – Isaac’s mourning for his mother 3 years after her death = Christ mourning for Zion. V.67 – Isaac comforted in Sarah’s tent = Christ and bride rejoicing in Zion. Blessed with faithful Abraham

8 The parable of Gen. 25 V.1-6 – Keturah’s sons create ecclesias outside the Land = Spread of ecclesias to many lands. V.5 – Abraham gives all to Isaac = God put all authority in Christ’s hands. V.11 – Isaac dwells by the well Lahai-roi. Cp. allegory of Gen. 16:10-15. V – Generations and death of Ishmael not in chronological sequence = end of Judah’s Commonwealth in AD 70. Cp. V.16 – 12 princes and Matt. 23:5. Blessed with faithful Abraham

9 The parable of Gen. 25 V – Rebekah’s troubled pregnancy brought about by Divine intervention - type of the struggle between flesh and spirit in the bride of Christ. God has started a violent struggle between two totally different ways. Struggle will continue until ‘birth’ when flesh and spirit will be parted for good. Ultimately, the ‘elder’ = flesh, will serve the ‘younger’ = spirit. Blessed with faithful Abraham

10 The parable of Gen. 26 Isaac’s sojourn at Gerar among the Philistines a type of Christ’s community in the lands of probation. V.2-5 – The Abrahamic promises repeated to Isaac with conditions attached. V.6-11 – An uncertain start produces mixed results and embarrassment. V – Truthfulness produces a full crop and obvious progress. V – Continual struggle with the flesh ultimately produces rest. Blessed with faithful Abraham

11 The parable of Gen. 26 V.23 – Return to the “well of the seven” means a new start = Kingdom period. V.24 – The promise made unconditional. V – Covenant with submissive Gentiles brings peace and harmony. V – A new well of living water confirms Beersheba as the place of life and peace. Blessed with faithful Abraham

12 Final study…God willing
Blessed with faithful Abraham Final study…God willing Study 6 – “They went both of them together” Blessed with faithful Abraham

13 ... Blessed with faithful Abraham

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