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The Three Main Jewish Feasts and their Christian equivalents

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1 The Three Main Jewish Feasts and their Christian equivalents

2 Three Main Jewish Feasts
Pesach (Passover) Celebrating freedom from Egypt, the Exodus Shavuot (Pentecost) Celebrating God giving the 10 Commandments to Moses and the first harvest Sukkot (Festival of Shelters/Booths) Celebrating God’s care for his people in the desert Holy Thursday Jesus celebrated Passover & gave Himself as the Lamb of God Pentecost Holy Spirit came upon the apostles – the birth of the church Some bible scholars believe Jesus was probably born at this time of the year. Others say He may come again at Sukkot

3 Pesach Known in English as Passover
Remembers when the Angel of Death ‘passed over’ the houses of the Israelites in Egypt on the night that all the first-born Egyptians died Eat the passover lamb Blood of the lamb on their door posts 8 days eating unleavened (flat) bread Seder meal including bitter herbs and haroseth (a mixture of apple and walnuts)

4 Seder Meal

5 Lamb of God For Christians Jesus is their passover lamb
John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God Jesus died so that death would ‘pass over’ Christians Jesus died on the cross and rose again during the 8 day Passover festival.

6 Shavuot Known as Pentecost in English
It has many different names including: ‘Festival of Giving of the 10 Commandments/Law’ ‘Festival of the First Fruits’ ‘Harvest Festival’ Celebrated by decorating synagogues and homes with flowers and fruit Eat Dairy foods (Land of Milk & Honey) Adults study the law all night

7 Shavuot Celebrations

8 Pentecost – Come Holy Spirit
Means 50 Days Pentecost is celebrated 7 weeks after Easter Sunday Apostles were gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem They heard rushing wind and saw flames of fire landing on them They went outside and preached to all who were in Jerusalem for Pesach 3000 people joined the church that first day

9 Sukkot – Festival of Shelters
Joyful 7 day feast held in September/October The Jewish calendar is different to ours Celebrates God’s protection and provision for the 40 years the Israelites spent in the desert The miracle of the pillar of cloud and fire. The parting of the Red Sea and God's victory over the Egyptian army. The sweetening of the bitter water at Marah. The miracle of the quails and manna from heaven. The miracle of the life-giving water from the rock. The defeat of the Amalekites at Rephidim. Families eat and sometimes live in a shelter/tent for 7 nights Autumn festival harvests are waved at God in thanks

10 Celebrating Sukkot

11 Other Jewish Feasts & Festivals
Rosh Hashanah – New Year Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement Hanukkah – Festival of Lights Purim – Festival of Lots (Esther) ________________________ All images used ‘labelled for non-commercial use with modification’ on Google Images

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