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Investigating influential factors of the provision of Bed Side Care at the Medical Ward, Paediatric Unit & Orthopaedic ward – National Referral Hospital,

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Presentation on theme: "Investigating influential factors of the provision of Bed Side Care at the Medical Ward, Paediatric Unit & Orthopaedic ward – National Referral Hospital,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigating influential factors of the provision of Bed Side Care at the Medical Ward, Paediatric Unit & Orthopaedic ward – National Referral Hospital, Honiara, Solomon Islands 18th South pacific nurses forum 31st oct to 4th Nov 2018 Towards Nursing excellence for universal (pacific)Health. Sanneth Talo, Sandra Rolland, Vaelyn Ehamana, Oliver Sokana, Harriet Salokeni, Nester Rathamana,Lylita Maeohu, Hellen Orihao, Dora Gonu, Florence Rocky, Maria Noela.

2 LITERATURES Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC: The Development of Professional Nursing: History, the Profession, and the Nursing Education Experience. Michael Larui: The development of Nursing Regulation in Solomon Islands; Inaugural Commonwealth Nurses Conference Our health: our common wealth; March 2012, London UK One statement we have all heard from mom is, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." That moniker definitely applies to bedside nursing. We all have time to show compassion to our patients. If you think you don't, perhaps you need to re-evaluate your job description or work location. Sue Heacock on Wed, Jan 30, 2013

3 LITERATURES Bedside care is a term that can be used to describe any type of nursing and care that goes on at the bedside of a bedbound or limited mobility patient. However, most often bedside care is given to seniors who are suffering from serious health problems or reaching the end of their life. Bedside care for the elderly generally encompasses everything that the patient needs from taking care of feeding to dealing with incontinence, to managing any other health issues. This can be a difficult but highly rewarding type of care that can be performed for your loved one Malkowski. D, Dec 2012

4 Definition Bedside care is any type of care given to patients confined to Bed and/or with limited Mobility Malkowski D This may include Old age and young children that are not able to support themselves

5 AIM The aim of this study is to assess and understand the level of nursing practice of bedside care and to investigate influential factors of bedside care in the 3 units at the national referral hospital in Honiara.

6 QUESTION Is bedside care, part of the Nursing care plan and is practiced by Nurses of these selected wards?

7 - Convenience sampling - Nurses working in the selected wards
STUDY DESIGN Observational study/Interview Study Sites: Medical ward Children’s Ward Nursery ward Orthopaedics ward Ethics approval obtained Sampling process - Convenience sampling - Nurses working in the selected wards - Patients/relatives

8 STUDY DESIGN Data collection process Variables Personal Interview:
Blinding observational approach with nurse while on practice Personal Interview with Patient/relative Variables Observational Data On Admission of the patient Security/Privacy Comfortable environment Communication with patient Nursing care plan & handing over report Personal Interview: Patients Knowledge of the nurse Patient’s feeling of the care given Types of assistant provided Patient overall satisfaction

9 frequency/distribution) Cross tabulation
DATA ANALYSIS Excel SPSS Descriptive Analysis frequency/distribution) Cross tabulation


11 Observed Practice of nurses during admission (n= 20)
Variables Number of nurses observed Performance category Not at all Sometimes Always Receive pt. with self Introduction 20 (80%) 2 (10%) Address pt. by name (5%) 17 (85%) Receive full report of pt. 1 (5%) 8 (40%) 11 (55%) Orientation done 0 (0%) 17 (85%) 3 (15%)

12 Observed Practice of nurses on Security/Privacy of patient (n= 20)
Variables Number of nurses observed Performance category Not at all Sometimes Always Patient’s safety is Considered 20 2 (10%) 10 (50%) 8 (40%) Patient’s Privacy is considered 0 (0%) 9 (45%) 11 (55%)

13 Observed Practice of nurses for comfortable Environment (n= 20)
Variables Number of nurses observed Performance category Not at all Sometimes Always Assist with bathing 20 4 (20%) 15 (75%) 1 (5%) Urinal/Bedpans are removed soon after use (25%) 12 (60%) 3 (15%) Linens changed as appropriate. 0 (0%) 7 (35%) 13 (65%) IV Fluids Managed 2 (10%) 16 (80%) 2 (10%) Feeding tubes managed 6 (30%) 12 (60%)

14 Observed Practice of nurses for Communication with patients/relatives (n= 20)
Variables Number of nurses observed Performance category Not at all Sometimes Always Address pt. by name 20 0 (0%) 5 (25%) 15 (75%) Appropriate time limit with pt. 9 (45%) 11 (55%) 0 (0%) Always pay attention to Pt. calling. 10 (50%) 10 (50%) Procedures are always explained 1 (5%) 8 (40%) 11 (55%)

15 Observed Performances
Observed Practices/Performance of Nursing care plan/Report hand over Variables Observed Performances Yes Yes but not all No Not applied Nursing care plan template exist/used (0%) 10 (50%) 5 (25%) Bedside care activity specified in the NCP template 0 (0%) 7 (35%) 8 (40%) Recordings appropriate/accurate 13 (65%) 2 ( 10%) Report hand over conducted within appropriate timing 15 (75%) Bedside Introduction conducted 0 (0%) 5 (5%)

16 PATIENT INTERVIEW Variables Patient Response Yes Yes but not all No
If patient know the nurses by names (20%) 0 (0%) 16 (80%) Satisfied with level of care given 3 (15%) 1 (5%) 16 (80%) Satisfied with orientations and explanation of procedures 9 (45%) 11 ( 55%)




20 DISCUSSION Overall, our study identified that the level of bedside care in these study sites needs improvement. We discovered inconsistency in the use of nursing care plan template. No standard template exist. There is a need to strengthen and maintain level of nursing process to encourage the provision of quality of care. In conclusion , our finding suggests that a guideline and standard to guide the implementation of the nursing practice in bedside care is required.

21 WAY FORWARD Further research studies to establish accurate information of bedside care is recommended for development of guidelines and standard of nursing practice in Solomon Islands

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