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Smart Spending.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Spending."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Spending

2 Why I make the choices I do
Write down four purchases that reflect different values, activities, or interests in your life. They should all be something you would enjoy owning. Explain why you would choose each item, and the personal values each choice reflects Values- Values are those things that really matter to each of us ... the ideas and beliefs we hold as special. Caring for others, for example, is a value;

3 For large ticket items

4 Sales cycles-The best deals, month by month
Questions for handout: When is the best time to purchase the things that you buy the most often? What are some surprising sales and when? Why are chocolates and humidifiers on sale in March? Why are Elliptical machines on sale on June? When are snow blowers on sale?

5 http://www. consumerreports

Stick to a spending plan to keep your finances in check. Ask yourself if this purchase fits into your budget. RESEARCH PRODUCTS BEFORE YOU BUY Especially big ticket items. Compare prices, service and warranties.

Ask questions about anything that is unclear to you and don’t sign anything you don’t fully understand. You are responsible to hold up your end of the contract once it is signed, even if you didn't take the time to read and understand it before you signed. GET IT IN WRITING Get any verbal promises made by a dealer in writing. It is easier to prove what was said in case there is a dispute.

8 Before You Buy continued
ASK FOR REFERENCES Check them before you hire a contractor. It's also a good idea to check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints filed against the business. WALK AWAY Hang up, and report an offer that sounds too good to be true. NEGOTIATE THE PRICE OF AN ITEM WITH THE SELLER. You may have better luck if you are polite and reasonable.

9 Reviews

10 Before You Buy continued
CHECK THE RETURN POLICY. Unless stated in their policy, a seller does not have to give a refund or exchange a product if you change your mind about the purchase. Learn more about the 30-Day Myth.

If you don’t have the cash saved for a purchase, consider if you truly need it before paying with credit. Give yourself a cooling off period. Go home and consider the purchase. If you do choose to pay with credit, make sure you can afford the payments. Interest can quickly drive the price up if you don’t pay off your balance and all of a sudden that great sale can end up costing you a lot more in the long run.

12 After you Buy KEEP RECEIPTS
Keep warranties and service contracts. You may need these to make a claim. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR DEBTS If you can’t pay your bills, talk to your creditors or ask a budget counsellor for help. Visit Credit and Collections for more information on your rights when dealing with creditors and collection agencies. GIVE THE SELLER A CHANCE TO CORRECT ANY PROBLEMS FIRST If they can’t or won’t help, contact us.

13 Comparative shopping assignment

14 The Basics

15 How do you save? The Basics

16 How do you save? The Basics
Make a list of what you really need. Read the sale flyers Best deals advertised on the front and back pages of the stores flyer.

17 Shop According to Sales Cycles
At the beginning of the month, many stores put their name brand popular items on sale because they know that many people get paid on the first of the month or start a new budget. At the end of the month, look for store brand or off brand items to go on sale. People tend to have less cash then, so more generic items can be more attractive to them.

18 sale prices generally rotate and come back around every four to six weeks

19 Plan a menu Plan your menu based on what is on sale
If Walmart has chicken breasts on sale one week, eat chicken at least once that week.

20 Stock up on Sale Items When you see items that you use go on sale for very good prices, stock up! Give yourself $5-$10 per week (or more if you are able) and use that cash only for stocking up on great deals.

21 Get Rain Checks WHAT IS A RAIN CHECK?
A rain check is a slip of paper that describes the name and size of the item that is on sale, as well as the current sale price and the date. You can use this slip of paper the next time you are shopping to get that item for the sale price, even if the sale is over.

22 Stop Buying Convenience Items
Grated cheese, minced garlic and pre-cut fruits and veggies are all things you should avoid if you want to save money at the grocery store. Ex. Bricks of cheese often go on sale for around $5 (per 500g), whereas the bags of shredded cheese sell for around $8 (per 500g or so). For a little bit of work, you can get the same amount of cheese for $3 less.

23 Try the Store Brand Those big companies have to pay for advertising and branding, and that's why those items cost more than the store brand. They are not more expensive because they are of better quality, but because manufacturers have such a hefty advertising bill to pay.

24 Shop Around the Store Produce, meats, dairy and bread are all located around the store. The center aisles are filled with things like chips, pop, cereal, crackers, cookies, etc.—things that are often not necessary. Shop around the store for the freshest foods available.

25 Look High & Low Stores will always place expensive items at eye level because those are the items they want to sell the most of customers are more likely to buy them if they are at eye level because they are the first products that they see.

26 End caps are the display shelves that are at the end and beginning of each aisle in your grocery store. The cheapest items are often on the end caps, away from the flow of traffic

27 Shop with Cash It is so much easier to go over your monthly grocery budget if you are using a credit card.

28 COUPONS using them on items that your family always purchases is a good way to shave 20-30% off your grocery bill every week.

29 Food Fiction Your opinion Is this legal? Is it fair?

30 Shrinking products: Grocery Games


32 What Is Organic Food? Organic food is any food that is grown without any of the following: Fertilizer Fungicides Herbicides Hormones Insecticides Pesticides

33 Natural food preservatives
salt, sugar alcohol vinegar

34 Chemical Food Preservative
Benzoates (such as sodium benzoate, benzoic acid) Nitrites (such as sodium nitrite) Sulphites (such as sulphur dioxide) Sorbates (such as sodium sorbate, potassium sorbate

35 Certain harmful food preservatives are
Benzoates Don’t write this This group of chemical food preservative has been banned in Russia because of its role in triggering allergies, asthma and skin rashes. It is also considered to cause the brain damage. This food preservative is used in fruit juices, tea, coffee etc.

36 Parabens What are parabens?
Parabens are a group of chemicals that are used in preservatives in cosmetics. They are listed in the ingredients under names such as methylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben.

37 Assignment Smart and healthy shopping

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