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Health Science Education Syllabus ______________________________

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Presentation on theme: "Health Science Education Syllabus ______________________________"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Science Education Syllabus ______________________________
Welcome to HSE. I am excited about having the opportunity to assist you in your educational experience. I will serve as your educator. In this course you will assume responsibility for your education, as well as your actions. Will you excel or fail? The choice is yours. HOE Supply List In order to be successful in your class you will need: A 5 subject spiral Mead or Exceed notebook with plastic cover and perforated pages (college ruled paper only), three ring 1 ½ binder. glue sticks, double sided, clear tape (needed daily). Colored pencils, Coloring pens, crayons or markers. Plastic or paper sticky subject tabs– not markers. #2 wooden pencils, not pump (state exam testing), black pen. Clear contact paper or wide clear packing tape. ABSENCES If you are absent, you are required to review the table of contents for the class and clarify assignments with me or a classmate. If you have any questions, please ask. Assignments missed are due as soon as possible. You will only be allowed 5 days maximum to make up work. This does not mean you have 5 days to ask for work. It is your responsibility to ask for make up work as soon as you return to school. If it is not received and completed within 5 days of return you will receive a zero. Late work: will results in a maximum grade of 70, or less. Testing: With test if you plan or making up a test or retaking a test it needs to be done before the next testing date. (For example: if a unit test is given on a Friday, and the next unit test is the following Friday, make up test need to be completed by that Thursday, before the next unit test) no exceptions unless approve by me. Failure to makeup test before next testing date will result in a 0, failure to retest before next unit test date grade will stand from first test . It is YOUR RESPONSIBLITIY to make up all missed work; notes, assignments, tests and quizzes ASAP (as soon as possible). No more than 5 days will be allowed for certain make up work. You must ask as soon as you return. .

2 Making the grade No cell phones or electronic devices
Classroom grading scale is as follows: Tests/Projects 40% Quizzes 35% Class Work/Homework 25% Total % All tests are cumulative. You should make at least 80% on each test. This shows that you understood the information covered. If you fail your test you need to attend learning center and retake the test. I will average the two test for your new grade. Grading Scale No cell phones or electronic devices allowed during class time unless approved by instructor. A – 100 B – 90 C D F and under Contact information Mrs. Vanessa Revels,RN School number I will not sign any field trip papers unless you have a C or better in this course!

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