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Welcome to 10th Grade Language Arts
Instructor: Mrs. Sullivan
Introduction Seating Chart (Wed) Supplies
Classroom Guidelines (go to my blog to view PPT; print out Parent Letter, sign and return to class by Friday)
Brainstorm Turn to the person next to you and discuss the difference between: WILL vs. SKILL
Self Assessment Write your name and hour clearly on top of the index card. Write the sentence stem and complete the thought after assessing yourself. My biggest strength in Language Arts is: My biggest weakness in Language Arts is: My weakness is due to a lack of (WILL or SKILL) because :
Necessary Supplies One notebook/binder ( Bell work/DLP’s; notes)
One two-pocket folder with prongs; add loose-leaf paper (Writer’s “Notebook”) Ink pens, blue or black No pencils allowed, except for scantron exams Highlighters (yellow, pink, green) White-Out Glue stick/post it notes ****Please bring on first full day!
Classroom Guidelines All students will:
Bring necessary supplies to class. Be prompt, prepared, and polite. Please review the district’s tardy and audit policies as absenteeism may result in loss of credit! Skipping results in loss of credit for day’s activities including assignments and quizzes or tests. Leave all food and drink in their lockers. Turn cell phones to silent and place in the numbered pocket holder upon entering the classroom. Your number matches your seat number. Violations result in the item being taken and turned into the office at the teacher’s convenience. Items may not be retrieved for a period of 24 hours. In addition, a discipline referral will be written if student refuses to give up the item or argues with the teacher. The EFHS cell phone policy will be followed.
Guidelines cont. All students will:
Leave coats and hats in their lockers. No hoods or hats may be worn in class or hallways. Hats may NOT be carried to class in hand! Use passing time wisely! Three emergency passes may be used via the student planner. Requests may be denied upon discretion of the teacher. Assume responsibility of their own education by checking the assignment calendar, iBlog, or teacher for missing work due to absence. Get notes from a classmate immediately. If the absence occurs on a test day, the student should be prepared to make up the test upon return. Unit tests have only one scheduled make-up day for all students. These dates will be posted, and students must attend or receive a zero. If a student is on a school-related function, work must be submitted before the student leaves the building.
All students will: Complete all work NEATLY and in INK. No work is to be turned in in pencil! Essays must be typed using MLA standards. Exhibit HONESTY and INTEGRITY by doing their own work. The plagiarism policy is stated on a separate slide. Exhibit appropriate behavior, language, and respect for the teacher as well as other students.
Syllabus Vocabulary Weekly vocabulary from literature selections
Presented on Monday, due on Wednesday, Quiz generally on Friday Completed in English notebook (E.N.)
Writing 6+1 writing Analysis essays Argument Writer’s Notebook (W.N.)
A.O.W.’s (Article of the Week) *Posted on iBlog by Tuesday of each week, pre-writing due on Friday, writing prompts are done in class on the following Wednesday in W.N. in class.
Literature Unit 1 Heroism (Journey of the Hero)
Unit 2 Drama-Julius Caesar (Tragic hero) Unit 3 Argument-Social Issue in Film HONORS—add Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Unit 1 Overview Multi-cultural view of heroes Legends and Myths Parody
Non-fiction (movie reviews) Analysis using the Hero’s Journey (Campbell) and common archetypes
Unit 2 Overview Drama-- Julius Caesar by William
Shakespeare (Tragic Hero) Revenge and Retribution Structure of a Tragedy Personality types/ character study Paraphrasing Shakespearean language
HONORS Add Novel– Lord of the Flies (Hero and Anti-Hero) Power Struggle Group Dynamics Team Building
Grammar Daily D.L.P.’s (daily language practice)
Grammar Pre- and Post-test (Parts of speech, prepositional phrases, agreement, parallel structure) Focused Grammar Lessons/Practice
Speech Group Presentations Individual Presentations Formal Speech
Reading SSR on after quizzes (bring your novel)
Book Talks- Presentations on outside novels
Grading Policy 80% Summative; 20% Formative
Summative= Quizzes, Unit Tests, Final Exam, Formal Writing Formative= Vocabulary lessons, class work homework, notebook work ***Re-take requests must be submitted on time and only apply to tests, not quizzes. Final Exams are exempt from this policy. Honors students may NOT do re-takes nor turn in LATE formative work for credit (with the exception of pre-writing)!
Plagiarism Policy All forms of plagiarism/cheating result in a disciplinary referral to the student office. The incident is placed on the student’s permanent record. Consequences: zero on assignment, paper, quiz or test Multiple offenses may result in loss of credit ISS/OSS may be assigned by administration based upon student’s record.
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