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Welcome to a Great Year in Chemistry!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to a Great Year in Chemistry!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to a Great Year in Chemistry!

2 Featuring Mr. CANOVA

3 Are you in the right class?
This is Chemistry

4 Who am I? 3 Truths and 1 Lie I coach Bowling and Golf here at JPS.
I work in the attendance office signing in late students. I have bowled 5 perfect games in my career. I have scored a hole-in-one on the golf course.

5 THE LIE! Still waiting for the hole-in-one Been close—not there yet

6 Never say I can’t, always say I will try!
Class Motto Never say I can’t, always say I will try!

7 The Do’s and Don’ts

8 The Do’s Kind words Respect Best manners always Be prepared
Follow all procedures Do your very best to be a good friend, student, classmate, and person. Do your best work each and everyday.

9 Break our school/classroom rules Disrespect yourself or others
The Don’ts Doubt yourself Break our school/classroom rules Disrespect yourself or others Stop trying your best!

10 Student Behaviors Be on time Be prepared Be polite and positive
Do Now Be prepared Binder All work is ON TIME Be polite and positive Video Be safe

11 Show Respect Value yourself Respect everyone – we all are different
Offer help – you may need it one day

12 Notes Most Notes will be given by PowerPoint – posted on website
Notes worksheet – Keep in your folder or notebook

13 How are you being graded?
Every assignment will be worth a specific amount of points Divide the amount of points earned by the total possible points Homework—current events Classwork----DO NOWs

14 Grading Policy Grades are based on total points earned divided by total possible points Homework is EXPECTED to be done Points are earned for effort and completion

15 Resubmissions Do your best or you do it again Complete Sentences
Correct Spelling

16 Cheating Don’t do it You only cheat yourself

17 Cellphones We may use it – other classes do not
Don’t abuse the privilege When Macbook is not available: Internet access and calculators

18 Bathroom You need to sign out on the sign out sheet and take the pass!
One student may be out at a time Don’t make it a regular habit

19 Everyday Classroom Routines
Materials Pencil/Pen Binder Class folder Communication Raise hand Listen Respect each other’s opinions

20 Remember labs are privileges!
Act 6: Labs Remember labs are privileges! Follow directions that are given by an instructor ALWAYS wear goggles No horseplay! Do NOT do experiments that are not authorized NO FOOD OR DRINK! Enjoy them!

21 Absent? Make-Up Work ASK WHAT YOU MISSED!

22 Director’s Notes: Communicating with the teacher
During Class- Raise your hand You will get a chance to speak  Extra- Conferences, extra help etc. During lunch, before or after school

23 What will our final production be?
Great year Wonderful learning experiences New knowledge of Chemistry Terrific Memories

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