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Interventions to Address Migration in Areas of High Biodiversity

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Presentation on theme: "Interventions to Address Migration in Areas of High Biodiversity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interventions to Address Migration in Areas of High Biodiversity
A Preliminary Assessment

2 Outline Types of interventions Examples of interventions Key questions

3 Types of Interventions
Influencing migration Reducing impacts on natural resources

4 Types of Interventions
Influencing migration Policy level Field level Reducing impacts on natural resources

5 Types of Interventions
To address immediate situation To affect future state or conditions

6 Maya Biosphere Reserve
Relocation of communities Land titling Agreements of permanence Communication about the Reserve and use restrictions Reproductive health and family planning

7 Dzanga-Sangha Reserve
Zoning in combination with patrolling Revenue sharing Population monitoring system

8 Terai Arc Forests Strengthen tenure of indigenous forest user groups to protect land and resources from outsiders Zoning Development of off-farm income generation Creation of development magnets in non-sensitive areas

9 Western China Ecological migration: policy-induced movement of poor people from geographically disadvantageous, but ecologically significant and fragile, areas to places where there is a better chance for poverty reduction.

10 Key Questions How should we define migrant?
Where we want to do policy interventions, how can we work to ensure good enforcement as well? Are there migrations that can actually benefit conservation?

11 Key Questions How effective is the link between poverty alleviation and conservation? What are the lessons learned, both successes and failures, about reducing migration? What type of guidelines would be useful for conservation practitioners in addressing migration?

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